Lessons Learned with Karen Hale & Guest

Lessons Learned_ A podcast of many facets



Hosted by Karen KIKI Hale

  1. We discuss the various lessons our guests have learned- who influenced them and why and how they may have overcome adversity as well as diversity.

    • What I learned…
  2. Women’s Health Issues will be a topic where we will have an open and honest conversation of our medical issues, concerns, including the most important self-care.

  3. Women who may choose not to become a Mother or by no choice of their own become a NON-Mom, allowing us to become more aware and to stop asking the stupid question, “So when are you going to have a baby?”

  4. LBGTQ – inviting the community to share and teach us the language that is appropriate, understanding pronouns, and become more aware of our ignorance.  (We ALL ARE to SOME DEGREE!)