Coaching Exercises and Ideas!
#yesican Coaching with Karen – The Benefits of hiring me to coach U reach your goals.
I”ve been asked what does Coaching with #yesican Coaching with Karen look like!
So here it is:
All zoom one on one session $25 providing affordable Coaching for those in need!
1.To pivot you must turn and shift your weight and thoughts.
2.Change your focus, adapt to your surroundings or move to a new spot.
3.Change direction by choice or by need.
4.Reorganize your thoughts to find the path you need to follow.
5.Make a life choice change.
U 2 Can Create NEW Habits
You need 2 Choose and Commit to the PROCESS
According to documentation (google it) it can take 21 to 66 days to cultivate a habit. It is based on repetition and how consistent you practice the habit you want to change or create. The more complex the change the more difficult it will be to maintain consistency, however drinking more water can be easy by selecting one time a day where you will increase your intake. I personally found introducing a glass of water 16 – 32 ounces at my mid-morning point has decreased the calories I consume at lunch and the water revitalizes my system. I have created a habit of filling my water bottle every morning around 9 am and consuming it by noon at which time I refill it again and I sip on it slower through the rest of my workday. To create this habit, I began by setting a timer to remind me to fill my water bottle.
In order for this habit to become natural my motivation was based on two things; weight control and staying hydrated as my body has a natural tendency to dehydrate, increasing chronic pain.
This was an easy habit for me to create as I work from home (most days) and I formulated a plan to help me meet my personal goals.
Another habit I have incorporated but recently fell off the path is exercise. For the past year I have been riding my stationary bike 5-7 nights a week after dinner for 30 minutes. This is a bit more complex despite my motivation of improving my overall health. I allowed the holidays to derail me and when thinking about this blog I realized that I need to reinstate this healthy, enjoyable habit.
As humans we will slip and that’s OK because we have the ability to make changes that will make us the best versions of ourselves.
So how can U create a new habit?
I use this phrase a lot – take baby steps. Each step will provide you with the confidence you need to take the next step. Although we don’t remember our first baby steps, it’s important to remember that we didn’t take multiple steps the first time we walked. We most likely took one step and fell down, but we got back up and did it again, and again until we took two and three and more.
Carve time out of your day to practice the habit, if this is something you want to do you will find time for it. Don’t make excuses, just do it. If you need support think about working with a Coach. Coaches are available to help you reach your potential.
Provide yourself with personal motivation. Don’t create a habit to please someone else, unless you are not dedicated to it. If you can dedicate yourself you will celebrate yourself. Often journaling or following an app can provide you with a path for success.
Don’t try to change too much at once, change is difficult and if you overwhelm yourself with too much you will set yourself up for failure. Be true to yourself, beginning by understanding yourself, be mindful of the whys as you take this journey.
Patience is needed as life will throw you curves as face your challenges.
Support is essential!
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]
440 526 1530
Coaching Session 1 – Self-awareness
Objective: Understand the importance of self-awareness and the impact you have on both your personal and professional life.
Self-awareness is your opportunity to recognize and understand your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Being mindful of what you think, say, and do. Taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions.
Self-reflection will be used to understand how your experiences, thoughts, and feelings drive you to action.
Behavior awareness is understanding both the positive and negative impact you have on yourself and others.
Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses will provide a road map for change (if so desired).
Activities: Vulnerable conversation (does not go beyond our listening ears in this session) to identify and reflect on your core values and beliefs.
List your top 10 values and rank them in order of importance for you.
Reflect on this values and how you use them in your life.
(Homework assignment: review your 10 values – do you want to keep this list or change it. If changing it, provide a note as to why, what is different since listing this in session 1? Do you want your core values to enhance your current life and if so in what way?)
Coaching Session 2 – Mindfulness
Objective: Focus on mindfulness, become aware of your emotions and how they affect your actions and behavior.
Are you prone to anger? – Discussion
Are you prone to permissiveness? – Discussion
Are you prone to self-sabotage? – Discussion
Are you reactive or proactive? – Discussion
Activities: Keep a daily journal of your emotions, note the triggers and the tools you are using (positive or negative).
Review your journal each day and note any changes.
Begin to identify any patterns.
(Homework assignment: Use your journal in a truthful manner so you can observe the emotions that may need change. Be aware this is private for you to become the best version of yourself.)
Coaching Session 3 & 4 – Strengths and Weaknesses
Objective: Identify your strengths and weaknesses. We will work on your strengths as they are the key to improvement.
Identify your strengths. Explore your strengths.
Review your weaknesses. Be kind to yourself.
Define any opportunities available to you. Think I Can!
Understand your potential threats. These are the I Can’t thoughts!
Make an informed decision. Leverage your strengths to improve your weaknesses.
(Ensure you note this in your journal as you will begin to see your progress.)
Coaching Session 5 – Setting Personal Growth Goals
Objective: Set clear, obtainable, actionable tasks to reach your goals to enhance your self-awareness to change.
Creating SMART Goals:
Be Specific
Be able to Measure the change
Each task should be Achievable to reach
All goals should be Relevant to the need
Time needed to each, one moment at a Time.
Plan to be SMART
(Using your journal will provide you the road map to achieve your goals.)
Coaching Session 6 – Developing Mindful Practices
Objective: Mindfulness must become a daily routine, staying present and aware is the key to a fulfilled life.
Practice: Guided meditation.
Practice: Deep breathing.
Practice: Listening and hearing, including the sounds of your breath and mother nature.
Practice: Reduce the negative thoughts create a mantra to provide positivity.
Practice: Asking for help and accepting your imperfections.
Practice: Communication with others, reduce the social media and create one-on-interactions.
Practice: Self-care, learn when to say Yes and when to say No.
Practice: Self-awareness – what you are feeling physically as well as emotionally, and what this means intellectually.
(Using your journal will provide you the road map to achieve your goals.)
Coaching Session 7 – Developing Continuous Improvement
Objective: Commit to the changes and continue to create your evolving development plan.
Practice: Check in with yourself daily
Practice: Keep journaling to help you overcome any judgments including your own.
Practice: Creating new tools to assist you as you face new situations.
Practice: Celebrate your progress and identify new areas of growth.
Practice: Reach back out for additional coaching sessions as needed.
Practice: Communication with others, reduce the social media and create one-on-interactions. (AGAIN)
Practice: Continue to say NO when needed or YES when you choose.
(Using your journal will provide you the road map to achieve your goals.)
What does it mean to have your life planned and on track? How often has someone asked you what your life plan is? Even as children others (mom, dad, grandma and grandpa, teachers and religious leaders, etc.) have made assumptions as to who we will be when we grow up and they start prepping us for that day with their dialogue and the toys, games, and books they introduce us to. We too at a young age voice our thoughts that we may want to be a fireman, sanitation worker, teacher, parent, or just FAMOUS. However, as we evolve through the ages not only can our expectations change but we may find ourselves on a different track then the one others want us to take.
I have shared in the past that my parents thought my track should include getting a degree in educational teaching, getting married, having 3 children, living a short distance from them and sharing Friday night dinners and Sunday brunch with them. They also EXPECTED I would marry a ‘successful’ Jewish Boy/Man who they liked and would grow to love. I may have disappointed them initially because I did not get my degree in educational teaching.
Instead, I earned an associate’s degree in communication. My first marriage was to a “successful’ Jewish Boy/Man whom they did not like, and he did not like them. I did not live near them, in fact hundreds of miles away with my husband, who would eventually become my ex-husband. When that transition began my track, my plan changed again! However, I did not know which direction I was heading and instead I got stuck in the MAZE for a while.
Planning your life and selecting a track often means we have a sense of direction or purpose. Typically, as children our purpose is about having fun and often as we grow up the thought of setting goals and making decisions and staying focused is part of anti-establishment behaviors. Being adaptable and allowing ourselves the opportunity to adjust our plans (thoughts) takes work learning mindfulness.
If we can learn how to balance our thoughts and create a structure of flexibility, we can achieve personal success. We must feel as if we are making progress and not depending on the judgement of others identifying our success.
Success is subjective and our thoughts that define our version are the only ones that should matter. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Are you satisfied / content with your choices. Ensure these are your choices and not someone else’s.
- Are you reaching the goals you have set for yourself. Are you mindful of the steps you are taking.
- Are you growing and evolving into the person you want to know. Take the time to reintroduce yourself.
- Are you maintaining a healthy and positive life balance. Ambition is a positive attribute but only when your body, mind, and soul are connected.
- Are you in a positive relationship (this may or not be with a significant other, but with family, friends, and associates)?
- Are you aware of what you want?
It’s OK to rewrite your plan. Life is not stagnant, and you should not allow yourself to get caught up with the debris in the pond. Keep swimming forward, you will reach the shore, and you can shake off the water and the algae that may be clinging on you. Shed what does work for you, your plan will lead you to your next step.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]
440 526 1530
Have you ever notice that what you see in one mirror may appear differently in another? You may start off your day feeling beautiful inside and out, however as the day continues and you spot your reflection in a window or another mirror you wonder what the hell happened to the beautiful image I saw just this morning? Truthfully the image (you) hasn’t changed it is all about perspective.
Perspective is based on our attitude toward something (too often ourselves) and it can changed on a whim. Our thoughts can change our point of view from feeling beautiful inside and out to feeling less positive. It is important that we are mindful of these subtle changes that can change our mood in seconds. Shifting our perspective can transform opportunities into challenges; however, it is more important that we observe our challenges as opportunities. The first path is following those negative thoughts that seep into our brain. The best path is that of positive re-enforcement that allows us to see the beauty in our choices.
If we choose to be positive, our perspective on the world will be positive. We can learn to stop the internal negative talk that can cause us harm. Our personal viewpoints are shaped by life experiences and the value they bring into our life. If the value is minimal you can create tools to enhance your thoughts to work positively as you take steps forward. It is imperative that we stop making assumptions because assumptions have no value in a positive world.
How can you make the changes you may need?
Become self-aware of your negative thoughts. Where do they come from? How do they serve you? Once you become aware and take one step at a time to change those thoughts you will witness a transformation. Your confidence and happiness will be seen in your eyes and across your face.
Challenge your negative thoughts. Ask yourself why you are going in that direction and identify if it serves you well. If not, kick those thoughts out, create new thoughts to obliterate from your mind.
Practice gratitude every time you identify with positivity. Notice your smile, and how you look from the inside out. If you can control your mindset you will shine on the outside.
Learning to use positive affirmations is an excellent way to change your mindset from negative to positive. There is no need to judge yourself harshly, turn your mistakes into accomplishments.
Most important is to surround yourself with positivity. It is important not to allow others to judge you for your thoughts and needs. Sometimes it is difficult when those around you are negative thinkers, however you may be able to guide them along your new path.
To move forward it is important to create personal boundaries. It is important that others know what you will and will not tolerate. This is imperative for you to stay focused and true to your needs and beliefs. Often family and friends feel as if you are abandoning them when you change your journey, this does not mean you are eliminating them but there will be shifts in the expectations. When you know your worth no matter what your reflection looks like from mirror to, you will have the ability to see yourself in a positive light with opportunities that you seek out and accomplish.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]
440 526 1530
What does Change mean to you? For me it’s about moving into a positive direction achieving something that is important to me. Sometimes it can be as simple as getting my roots touched up to hide the pesky grey in my hair, or it could be experimenting with a new cut, or outrageous color (I’ve never done that). Simply changes often can be remedied if the outcome is not the desired results we were looking for. That is why Coaching to make changes for your trajectory in life should be dealt with one step at a time.
Before you begin your new journey ensure you are doing this for YOU. Others may be recommending you alter the way you are walking through life, but it is important to remember, this is your life, not theirs.
When selecting a coach, you want to look for someone who has similar experiences as you, someone who can guide you without judgement. Together you will identify the areas where you believe change is need, sometimes it is difficult for us to see what is right in front of us and having someone who will engage in a conversation can be beneficial.
If you are committing to change whether it be exercise, diet, work relate, personal relationships, or helping you reduce your anxiety or negative talk, coaching is often a positive path to follow. Initially you should be working with your coach on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule. Each session should be concluded with an exercise, often more mental than physical, that you will repeatedly use between sessions. When behavior changes are the focus of your new path, practice will turn them into new positive behaviors.
Together with your coach you will map out your journey and take the steps to reach each goal. This is not a race, it’s a new path that will come with some bumps, and detours and you will create tools along the way to assist you when the path is not as straightforward as you expected. It is important to remember, this is life.
You must learn to be accountable for your own actions. Coaching will remind you and re-enforce that you can only control yourself. Other people will try to cut you off and block your path and you will need to find your way around the issues that are not yours. Remember, as you change it will affect others in your life and they may not like the change or understand how to adapt to it. Again, you are only responsible for your own feelings and as long as you are not hurting someone along the way, you are OK!
As your coach I will help you learn how to review your progress with a positive lens. Your tools that we gather along the way will help you tweak the changes you have made or need to adjust.
Change is possible for all of us. It is the core of our personal growth. It takes being in the right mindset and dedicating yourself to be the person you want to be. It is not each but is possible.
What are you aiming to change?
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]
440 526 1530
Do you look in the mirror and check yourself out? Do you see yourself the same or differently when you are reflected off the bathroom mirror, the hall mirror, or the rearview mirror in your car? Have you ever looked at your reflection in a window and think, YUCK, is that really me?
I have also learned it is common to have moments of self-reflection that can change depending on the mirror we are reflecting off. It is all about perception and our perceptions are influenced by many factors including our mood and the lighting. The same goes for photos, it’s all a mind game and you and I have the ability to choose our response.
We are all traveling our personal journeys, and it is okay that if we choose different paths and methods to see our reflection providing us with a sense of self-acceptance. It begins being honest with our selves. Self-awareness and self -acceptance is the key to happiness.
Recognize and celebrate what makes you special/unique. Don’t change to please others, change to please yourself.
Accept you do not have flaws; you may have made mistakes and if you learn from them and turn them into strengths you will have taken a huge step forward in your journey experience.
Accept that you are not the only unique person in the world and learn to embrace and understand (you may not accept) the qualities of others.
Seek out mutuality. Do not limit yourself when surrounding yourself with supportive people, they may not be the individuals you thought you were attracted to.
Educate yourself on diversity – listen, learn and understand we are all different and that is what makes life and relationships interesting.
Practice self-kindness treat yourself with the respect you expect from others and treat others with the respect you want for yourself.
Remember, being different is what makes the world interesting and vibrant.
Although we are ALL different, we are also very similar.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]
440 526 1530
The Importance of Self-Care: Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Soul
Have you noticed that you are not feeling like yourself (not sure what that means but we often state that), if so you most likely are prioritizing yourself and that begins with self-care.
The quality of your sleep is fundamental to both physical and mental health. You may be sleeping for 7 -9 hours; however, if your sleep is obstructed in any way it may not provide you with the nutrients you need.
- Create a ritual calming routine before getting into bed.
- This may include reading something that does not produce excitement (no murder mysteries).
- Avoid caffeine, not just coffee, but tea, soda pop, chocolate and many other products including Tylenol and other pain relievers.
- Alcohol may provide a relaxing affect, but it should only be used in moderation and check with your medical team before introducing this into your plan.
- Melatonin is a natural sleep/calming supplement, but it should not be taken with certain medications, check with your medical team before introducing this into your plan.
- The blue light from electronics can disturb your sleep pattern so avoid all electronics including the use of your TV to lull you to sleep.
- Ensure your bed, pillows, blankets, and the room temperature are comfortable and free of distractions.
Eat Nutritious Foods
- We all know we should be eating a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, protein, and that natural nuts and grains are important.
- Drinking water 32- 64 ounces a day is essential, coffee, tea, soda pop, fruit juices, etc., are not a substitute for water. Adding a lemon slice may be helpful for your digestive system.
Exercise Regularly
- Physical activity can reduce stress and improve your mood. 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days is sufficient.
- Waking, Yoga, Dancing, Jogging and Bike riding will be beneficial
- When parking your car- take a space further from the store or building you are entering – this also gives you an extra few minutes to clear your thoughts.
- Dance as if no one is watching. Turn up your music and dance, movement is essential.
- Yoga need not be turning yourself into a pretzel check out chair yoga which is beneficial.
Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
- Teaching your brain to be aware also identified as mindfulness can have a calming effect on you.
- Take a moment and look around absorb the positivity in the air, look for it.
- Breath and release the negativity, reducing your stress.
- Meditate by giving yourself permission to think about calming thoughts, envision the calm.
- Begin journaling, your writing skills are personal, don’t journal to become a writer but to face your important thoughts.
Set Boundaries
- Saying “NO” does not mean you are an uncaring person.
- Saying “NO” provides you with the energy to do what is most important for you.
- Saying “NO” in addition to creating boundaries allows you to refuel your body, mind, and soul.
- Saying “NO” can prevent burnout.
- Saying “NO” prevents – “Faking it until you make it.”
Engage in Hobbies/Activities
- Find your purpose and interest.
- Allow yourself to pursue activities that bring you joy.
- Step out of your comfort zone to engage in activities and with people.
- Don’t wait for someone else to identify your wants and needs, discover this on your time.
Connect and be SOCIAL
- We are social beings and connections are vital for our emotional health.
- You may have to step out of your comfort zone to establish these connections, but it is imperative you do.
- Spend time with family and friends if the relationships are healthy.
- Do not engage with negative behaviors that will deplete you.
- Don’t hesitate to reach out for support when needed.
- Everyone has issues that may require assistance.
- Therapy, Counseling or Coaching may be a choice.
- Do not depend on friends and family.
Take Breaks
- Whether at work, home, or on vacation take breaks throughout the day.
- Disengage, step away, take a walk, take a power nap (20 minutes)
- Practice mindfulness, yoga, or meditation
Practice Gratitude
- Begin each day with gratitude – something as simple as “I made it to a new day”.
- Shift negative thoughts to positive ones.
- Mindfulness and meditation will provide you with clarity.
- “Lord, grant me the strengthto accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Information is a copulation of my thoughts and practices base on these articles:
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]
440 526 1530
- Together we will improve your Self-Confidence – when we choose to make a change(s) we often question our ability.
- Enhance your Performance – when we focus on change and improvement we will note these changes in various areas such as work, family, friends, as well as overall communication.
- As your coach I will provide an Objective Perspective – I will be unbiased, objectively we will review your strengths and will work through your comfort zone and temporarily lead you to discomfort.
- You will set your goals and together we will ensure that each one is achievable by breaking each one done into baby steps.
- As your coach I will guide you to a place of increased motivation. The first step was seeking out coaching, from there the path is yours I will come along and encourage you. #ucandoit
- You will face challenges and together we will develop tools that will provide you with new strengths to overcome them and keep moving forward.
- Over time you will have the skills to coach yourself through the obstacles that may have kept you from taking that first step.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]
440 526 1530

Feeling lonely in a crowd
Do you ever find yourself feeling all alone even when you are with other people? I know I have; and when I have I heard my inner voice say, “What’s Wrong with YOU?” I had (sometimes still do) a habit of turning it all on me and making assumptions that most often are not true. You know what the word assumes means; I made an ASS out of YOU and ME!
It took me a long time to realize I had the control to change my thinking and the assumptions I may create. If it was true and I was being left out and ignored by others in the room maybe I had to ask myself, “What is Wrong with Them?” Maybe I am in the wrong room! (Although I do believe we are always where we need to be, even if is for a learning experience.)
Here are some things you can do when you find yourself feeling LONELY!
- Accept the emotional feelings and move on – move away from the situation -mindfully gain control of your emotions.
“You cannot make yourself feel something you do not feel, but you can make yourself do right in spite of your feelings.” —Pearl S. Buck - Create a mantra or a touch (rubbing your fingertips together) that will help you ignore the assumptions and subdue to the harsh emotional thoughts. You have the choice to move away when you sense negativity.
“Probably the biggest insight … is that happiness is not just a place, but also a process. … Happiness is an ongoing process of fresh challenges, and… it takes the right attitudes and activities to continue to be happy.” Ed Diener - Do something special for yourself – think of something that will stop those negative words and produce positivity and personal self-care. (“Smile when your heart is breaking” …)
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”-Eleanor Roosevelt - Communication is necessary with yourself and those you suspect are hurting you emotionally. (It is possible they are unaware, or they think you are shunning them.) “Care for your psyche…know thyself, for once we know ourselves, we may learn how to care for ourselves.” –Socrates
- Be mindful of what you expect from the person(s) that takes you to your negative thoughts, are they worth the unhappiness you are experiencing? “Emotion can be the enemy, if you give into your emotion, you lose yourself. You must be at one with your emotions, because the body always follows the mind.”
–Bruce Lee - Remember not everyone is going to like you and include you; you are not going to like everyone, and you will exclude others as well. “We need to let go of the need for everyone to like us. There’s so much pressure in wanting everyone to like us. We have to be “on” at all times, in all crowds, and all situations.” – Author Unknown
- This moment will pass, don’t turn one issue into many issues. “Stay in the moment: When things are good, enjoy every great moment. When things are bad, remember that it won’t always be this way.” – Author Unknown
- Breathe in – and Breathe out. [Everything Changes, Nothing Stays the Same, Everything Happens for a Reason]
Life is not easy – we as a species need connection:
- We want acceptance
- We want unconditional friendship/love
- We want inclusion
- We want respect
- We want happiness
- We want, we want, and we want more…
We can only achieve our wants and needs if we have the courage to stay on the positive side of the spectrum of life. I use the word courage because as we move in the direction of our happiness/contentment/acceptance we must be mindful and understand that this is one segment of our journey. Take the time to accept that the feeling of being lonely provides you with the clues to move forward.
For additional assistance contact me at:
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]
440 526 1530
Now offering group coaching first Session begins August 8th contact Karen at [email protected]
On August 8th I am offering my first Group Coaching Session for women. Women tend to ignore their needs being the caregiver or caretaker for others. Too many believe they are ‘too’ busy, and yet are restless and losing sleep trying to be perfect for others.
Are you aware that self-neglect can lead to lack of self-esteem and cognitive issues? For many women whether it is their career, job, or family pulling at them 24/7, they forget that they must put their oxygen mask on before helping others. If YOU are depleted YOU cannot provide the support YOU want or feel YOU need to.
The group sessions are 6 weeks long meeting Thursday afternoons from 4 -5 pm weekly from August 8th – September 19th. The Group limit is 6, this will allow for all participants to share and learn with other like-minded women. Group sessions are designed to be POSITIVE; participants will leave negativity behind and learn to find the positive in what may seem negative. The purpose of this group session is to learn and understand there is no reason to neglect ourselves, we can find the missing pieces in our puzzle and become the best versions of ourselves
For additional information and the special pricing for this group session contact #yesican Coaching with Karen.
One-on-One Sessions Available as well
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
Do you know what the ACT Therapy method is? Although I am not a Therapist, I am a Coach I am using the concept of ACT in my Coaching.
The concept is Acceptance and Commitment.
When we are struggling and facing one obstacle after another it can be easy to pass the buck. An example might be I fell and hurt myself because someone left something on the floor that I tripped over. However, you need to ask yourself and acceptance the answer to the question, “Were you looking where you were going?” If you had been looking you would have seen the object in front of you before you tripped over it. If we don’t accept our actions for the reasons things happen, we are not being honest, and honesty is necessary if you want to stop struggling!
When you commit to Coaching you are willing to be honest and mindful of the obstacles you continue to fight like Don Quixote attempting to slay the Windmills. Coaching is not about fighting; it’s about being aware of the windmills before or as you approach them and using tools to move around and or through them as you succeed. You have choices on how to approach your life. Wouldn’t it be easier to stop tripping through life and blaming others for your mistakes?
[“Some people confuse acceptance with apathy, but there’s all the difference in the world. Apathy fails to distinguish between what can and what cannot be helped; acceptance makes that distinction. Apathy paralyzes the will-to-action; acceptance frees it by relieving it of impossible burdens.”]
– Arthur Gordon
(When I chose to free my thoughts and accept life – my burden got lighter!) – KH
[“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.”]
– Lao Tzu
(Until I saw that change was necessary for my mind, body, and soul I began receiving what I needed in life to fulfill my purpose.) – KH
[“Take all the time you need to heal emotionally. Moving on doesn’t take a day, it takes lots of little steps to be able to break free of your broken self.”]
-Tere Arigo
(I am not perfect, and healing continues but unlike Humpy-Dumpty, I’ve been able to piece myself together, again!) – KH
[“Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”]
– Harriet Tubman
(Each breath I take I am helping me be a better version of myself) – KH
With a final note:
[“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”]
– Wayne W. Dyer
Contact #YESICAN coaching with Karen (Special Coaching Price must sign up by June 30th.)
[email protected]
440 526 1530
Grief after a major disaster –
Grief is the process by which we adjust to the loss of a close relationship. Therefore, grief is an inevitable companion to love and attachment. The lives of those we love are interwoven with our own in thousands of small and large ways.
A natural disaster is often difficult to prepare for and yet it can destroy the physical objects that you believe make you, you.
Climate change has created some major natural disasters and each night on the news as they are reported I am grateful that I have not experienced this form of grief. I cannot even begin to imagine how I would respond to total destruction to my home, street, community, city, and beyond. Surviving among the debris that was once my security and tangible memories. However lucky I may be on my journey through life I need to be aware and mindful of the possibilities. I need not dwell on it, but being proactive and preparing when I have the opportunity is essential if I am ever impacted by this situation.
Some things to prepare for a major disaster:
- Plan for you and your family – ‘of this, then this…’
- Insurance is a necessity – despite the cost – it can make a difference
- Prepare your home – those who live in the path of hurricanes secure their windows and doors and stockpile water and non-perishable food, water, a flashlight, a portable, battery-operated radio or television, batteries, medicines, anti-bacterial hand wipes or gel, first aid kit, money, seasonal clothing, and sanitation supplies.
- Those who live in the path of tornados can create safe zones in their home and or create an underground facility.
- All homes/apartments should have a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit
- If affordable having a backup generator may provide you with the needed energy sources.
- Know the three R’s – readiness, response, and recovery.
Tips for coping with grief on Mother’s Day/Father’s Day or Any Expectation Day
- Put yourself first – but not in a selfish manner – You don’t need to fake until you make it!
Don’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do. Instead, spend the day doing things you enjoy. This could mean going for a long walk, spending the day watching your favorite films or taking yourself on a day trip.
- Put your feelings into words – Communication can reduce anxiety, sadness, and disillusions!
Letter writing is a really useful way to deal with grief. Writing a card to someone who has died is a great way to organize your thoughts and make sense of your feelings.
- Hold a memorial and make it as simple or elaborate as you may need.
You can do this by lighting a candle, planting a flower in your garden, or visiting a place which was special to them. Holding these kinds of memorials is a great way to maintain your bond with the person who’s died.
- Share their memory, your memories creating a warm secure feeling.
Getting together with friends and family and sharing memories about the person who died can be very special and a lovely way to honor their life. You could also leave a tribute or hold an event in their memory.
- Talk to someone – do not keep your emotions bottled up – let them flow in a positive and constructive manner.
Sometimes it can be helpful to talk to someone who is not a family member or friend. There are many hotlines open 24/7.
The complexity of grief is difficult to describe or understand, especially when it’s a family member one has been estranged from.
- We/you have every right to feel sad, angry, resentful, or even guilty, whether the estrangement was your choice or not.
- When we lose someone from who we are distanced, the pain is still there. Yet, many do not understand, so it can feel isolating.
Here are five steps to help you navigate the grief experience of losing a parent or loved one from whom you were estranged:
- Validate and honor your feelings. You have every right to feel sad, angry, resentful, or even guilty. You do not owe anyone an explanation for these feelings, nor do you need permission to feel them. Survivors of family estrangement are often blamed for the estrangement, whether it was your choice or not, and are often made to feel that their feelings aren’t valid with comments such as “Well, you didn’t talk anyway, so it can’t be that hard.”
- Negative feelings do not mean you need to act differently. Many survivors feel that negative feelings, specifically guilt, mean we were wrong, and that the estrangement was our “fault,” or that there was something we should have done differently. This is not only unfair, but it is also unrealistic. Allow yourself to acknowledge these feelings, but try not to let them gaslight you into thinking your experiences didn’t happen.
- Seek support from those who understand. During your grieving process, choose to spend time with those who validate you and your feelings. Whether they are friends, family, support groups, or others who understand, you need people in your corner who are not going to challenge your feelings or make you feel like you have to “prove” your grief, which can make you feel misunderstood and uncomfortable.
- Remember that grief is like riding a wave. You will have good days, or even good weeks, when you think you’re all done grieving, only to hear a familiar song or smell a nostalgic fragrance that brings you right back. Know that this is normal and that it is part of the process.
- Seek professional support if needed. Do not be afraid to seek professional support from a therapist or grief coach. Navigating grief is extremely difficult, especially if there was any sort of dysfunction in the family relationship. Most of my clients have histories of traumatic or dysfunctional families, and the death of a parent or family member does not take that dysfunction away. They still have the unhealthy messages and unhealed traumas to unpack and work through—even more with the addition of grief.
Kaytee Gillis, LCSW-BACS, is a psychotherapist and the author of three books, including Breaking the Cycle and It’s Not High Conflict, It’s Post-Separation Abuse.
Kaytee Gillis, LCSW-BACS, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
I have a ritual, I attempt to write/journal/blog/post everyday as thoughts swarm through my head and this I piece is for a specific reason, “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”— Abraham Lincoln
I can no longer wait to share that I am no longer waiting for you to come to me. You equal those who may need a coach.
Why might YOU need a coach?
Accountability | Rebuild Confidence |
Create Better Choices | Reduce Anxiety & Stress |
Learn and Apply Mindfulness | Increase Motivation |
Clarity and Focus | Enhance Daily Performance |
Personal Development |
Why you should consider #yesican Coaching with Karen
- I have experienced all these needs plus some
- I have experienced divorce & remarriage
- I have experienced Anxiety, Depression, and unclear thoughts
- I have experienced estrangement
- I have experienced job loss
- I have experienced caring for a loved one and watched them die with love and respect
- I have lost friends without explanation, and I have made new friends
- I have experienced being a parent of someone on the spectrum and I am married to someone on the spectrum
- I have experienced and learned how to live with a hearing loss
- I have developed tools through life experiences, education, and certification
- I have created a positive outlook on life because it is a choice
- I have created tools and I continue to create new ones as life evolves
How can I assist you as a Coach?
- I will listen and not judge
- I will listen and if I am not the preferred coach, I will refer you to others who may be qualified in other areas that meet your needs
- I will not abandon you on your journey, you get to choose the path, together we will experience it and create tools to support life
- I will not provide therapy or any medical expertise because I am not qualified to do such
- Once you have the tools you choose to continue walking with me or going off on your own
There is a Cost to Coaching
- It is proven that anything we get for free does not have a value
- I want your coaching experience to be valuable
- I will value you as a client
- I will personalize our coaching sessions
[Coaches often prompt meaningful dialogues and provide feedback that is both actionable and personalized. This guidance and self-reflection help individuals set and achieve their goals, enriching their well-being and fulfillment.]
Coaching will work if YOU are willing to be vulnerable and mindful
of what you want to accomplish.
When YOU participate fully you should gain a clearer understanding of yourself – self-awareness. Additionally, you will have the confidence to believe in yourself and you will be responsible for using the tools to provide you with your success today and into the future.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
How to Improve Your Self Esteem
List five positive facts about yourself
- Identify a facial feature such as the color of your eyes, or your clear skin, etc.
- Identify a food that makes you smile and or salivate.
- Identify a person (alive or dead) who brought you (not bought you) happiness.
- Identify a sound that provides you with a sense of warmth, smile, contentment.
- Identify something in your future that you are aiming for with joy/excitement.
[Take your time in answering these five points. There are no right answers or wrong ones, however, when you are mindful of what you want and need your self-esteem will blossom.
Write down one positive occurrence that you obtained. [just one, you will have many.]
When you think of Enjoyment what is the picture that shows up in your mind? Take a moment and see it, feel it and allow it to happen.
Stop comparing yourself to others – They are probably comparing themselves to you.
Being YOU is positive and joyful and self-nourishing.
Let’s work together on our self-esteem.
I am here for you…
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
I just read this quote, “Refuse to blame yourself for not being ‘good enough’” ― John Mark Green
I grew up hearing a voice in my head tell me I was not ‘good enough’. Let me make it clear my parents never uttered those words however, I heard them.
My brothers like my father and my paternal grandfather were writers with a poetic flair and I had difficulty rhyming ‘moon’ and ‘spoon’. After several tries my father suggested I leave the writing to others and focus on what I did best. What I heard was, “Karen you are not good enough to be a writer.” (What did I do best?)
My mother was a creative seamstress, she would look at a dress, find a similar pattern, and create a masterpiece. My first attempt at sewing in Home Ec., I disappointed my mother with a dress that had one sleeve much longer than the other. Because I could not figure out how to sew in a zipper, I made it as a slip on and the opening was too small… (I heard her say, ‘not good enough’, when she actually offered to help me resurrect what I saw as a poor excuse for a dress.)
It took me until my fifties to admit I was good enough. I chose to stop blaming myself for things that weren’t perfect. This all developed as I recognized that I was much kinder to my youngest son who was struggling with the Autism Spectrum. He understood what he was GOOD at, and he focused on those areas that helped him excel into the adult he is today. He refused to let anyone tell him he was ‘not good enough’, and that lit my fire. Supporting him and believing in his abilities, some very advanced, taught me to be kinder to myself and be mindful of the words that I heard.
Recently as I took a course on ‘Positive Intelligence’, I was able to see how supporting others conditioned me to think less of myself. While I was putting all my energy into others, I had nothing left for myself and therefor my negative talk and judgement. Understanding this was yet another turning point in my life to seek my happiness and accept myself as some special in my life. I have stepped back to look at my reflection and instead of seeing negative aspects, I see the positives and continue to build on them. Each day I seek to be the best version of myself.
Are you kind to yourself or are you overly judgmental? Do you expect more of yourself than you would expect of others? What does your self-talk sound like? Would you use the same words to express your thoughts about a friend or stranger? If not, why do you deserve to use these words, created by some unfounded thoughts, on yourself?
[Self-talk is the internal or external dialogue a person has with themselves, which can be conscious thoughts, beliefs, and biases. It can be purposeful or random and can occur aloud or silently. Self-talk can influence a person’s well-being and academic performance.]
Self-talk is normal, the thoughts come from your family, social, and educational sources. It is not unusual for the translation of what we have heard and learned to result in negative thoughts when the words may be contradictory. Negative self-talk can be dangerous, and it is up to us, you, and me, to learn mindfulness and to approach this normal thought and speak with positivity.
My challenge to you is to learn positivity and create your life from today on with mindfulness.
- Become mindful of how you feel internally and externally _ physically how do you feel inside and out – put a name on it
- Become mindful of your surroundings _ are you where you are supposed to be
- If you are aware of your thoughts, you are more capable of controlling and destructive/negative actions
- Identify how negative and positive thoughts make you feel
Being mindful allows you to know the difference between
truth and fiction.
#yesican Coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
Did you know that April is Stress Awareness Month? It seems like everyday is an awareness day for something. If you were to identify March 29th it may be viewed as:
- Mermaid Day
- National Non-Smokers and Mirrors Day
- World Marbles Day
- National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
- National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day
- Payday it Forward
- Texas Loved the Children Day
This year it is also Good Friday, and for those of us who don’t observe this day, it can still be GOOD!
I am not sure who decided to create awareness days and months. However, it has been noted [Awareness months, weeks and days help bring a greater understanding of illnesses and issues that affect children. Awareness days and observances are a great time to fundraise, spread the word or reach out to friends or family members who are facing a diagnosis or illness.]
I am interested in Stress Awareness as I have become mindful of what my stress does to me. When I feel stressed my body and mind are exhausted and I lose my need for positivity. As I feel the stress leading me to negative thoughts and endless blaming, I grab the tools that I have collected through my journey, and I use them to take me down a path that will lead me to success and happiness. It’s not easy, but once I start tweaking things, I find my way through the maze of life.
Each of us is on our own journeys and yet there are so many similarities among us. If we allow ourselves to communicate and listen to others and respond in conversation appropriately, we will not have to travel the path alone. When we are alone and lonely even in a room of people, we are not being mindful of our needs or those of others. That is what causes the loneliness we are stuck with our over thinking brains.
[Stress is a natural human response to a difficult situation that can be physical or mental. It can be a one-time event, or it can happen repeatedly over time. Stress can be caused by environmental conditions, such as challenges, threats, or physical or psychological barriers]
When we are mindful, we can recognize the emotion and use out life skills to reduce it and provide a calm. There are various ways to deal with stress:
- Take a break – listen to music, get out in nature, binge watch TV, walk away from the what appears to be the catalyst.
- Self-care is extremely important – exercise, go for a massage, take a long warm bath…
- Talk to others who will not judge – find a sounding board that will provide you with comfort –they need not agree with you – but can provide the TLC for soothing.
- Avoid drugs, alcohol, or any abusive behavior.
Remember stress and anxiety are normal emotional occurrences and sometimes it just takes time. It is imperative to stay safe while you work through the issues. You don’t have to do the work on your own, your strength is in asking for help!
Life may be less stressful if we celebrate each of the wonderful days like Mermaid Day, or Ice Cream Day on July 21, 2024, there is also Cotton Candy Day on December 7, 2024, and of course Pizza Day which is on February 9, 2024. Celebrating life is a positive motivator that will help us avoid the maze or the fear of the maze.
Today I am celebrating Museum Day. On this Good Friday, March 29, 2024, my husband and visited two museums, one was an Antique Car Museum and the other The First Ladies Museum both located in Canton, Ohio a forty-five-minute drive from our home. We stop for lunch at a 100 plus year-old restaurant called Bender’s. [Bender’s Tavern is located at 137 Court Ave. SW, Canton, OH 44702. It’s Canton’s oldest restaurant, serving culinary classics, drinks, and hospitality since 1902. The restaurant is known for its seafood, which is shipped fresh from Boston, MA, and broiled, baked, grilled, or sautéed. Bender’s also serves high-quality beef, including strip steaks, filets, and ribeye, and uses many products raised locally by Ohio farmers. The restaurant also has a large wine list, known nationally for its moderately priced wines.]
We shared a burger which was not only large enough for two, but it was delicious. We also shared a flourless brownie dessert that looked small, but it was just enough to top off our lunch. This was an addition to a fun time together.
We were able to erase a lot of the stress we have been experience. We used out tools and created a day, and we both feel GOOD!
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
I had a difficult time sleeping last night. We all know that life can change with a blink of the eye, well I’ve been worrying about that recently especially since my husband started experiencing dizziness. Now it’s not the first time and in the past, it was due to an inner ear infection. We both assumed this was the reason and he tried to get an ENT appointment only to be put off for months. So, to ensure he was OK he went to his primary and was told it was not his ears, they looked clear. The doctor suspected it may be his carotid artery. Now I am not a doctor, but he was just at his cardiologist two months ago and got a clean bill of health. Instead of questioning his primary we went ahead and scheduled an ultrasound to confirm or deny this diagnosis. For two weeks we have been trying to ignore the elephant in the room and independently we have both been worrying about this. If the diagnosis is correct this may result in what is known as an endarterectomy, when they go in and clean out the artery (roto rooter style). They also could place a stent if needed, or if lucky enough treat it with medication. Short of medication, most of the procedures can result in an extensive time off work and he is concerned that his job may not hold for him if he needs to take the time off.
This morning, I rode with him to the hospital for the ultrasound and although the technician could not give him results, he said if there was a problem he would not let him leave without a consultation. So, the good news is that whatever is causing his episodes of vertigo is not ‘too worrisome”. We are now awaiting the doctor’s call.
My father used to recite a poem called, “Why Worry”
Why Worry
In life, there are only two things to worry about—
Either you are well or you are sick.
If you are well, there is nothing to worry about,
But if you are sick, there are only two things to worry about—
Either you will get well or you will die.
If you get well, there is nothing to worry about,
But if you die, there are only two things to worry about—
Either you will go to heaven or hell.
If you go to heaven, there is nothing to worry about.
And if you go to hell, you’ll be so busy shaking hands with all your friends
You won’t have time to worry!
However, it is human nature to worry, to prepare for the worst, but in doing so we often make ourselves sick over all the thoughts. When we worry, we connect to negative thoughts and for healing it is necessary to remain positive. We often use the emotion of worry to find solutions. Even though we may be hardwired to worry it is best if we use tools to calm ourselves from thoughts, we may have no control over. Too often our brains are sabotaged from the happy thoughts and the endorphins happiness provides us for good health. Being mindful of what thoughts and activities will lead away from worry may be healing.
- Listening to music that uplifts our spirit can take us in the opposite direction of the worrisome thoughts.
- Exercise is a form of escape for some where the concentration is on the workout, the breathing, and the positive results.
- Positive Intelligence teaches us to use movements such as PQ Reps. Rubbing your fingertips together, Massaging your forehead, Observing nature, Consciousness of breathing, all these are distractions that allow us to remove the or place aside the worry.
- Refresh your mind, body, and soul through yoga, or simple graceful movements.
- Even a refreshing nap may result in finding the positivity in the situation that has been worrying you.
Build your toolbox and be prepared…
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
Have you ever thought of the power you possess in healing yourself? I am not talking about voodoo power, or mystical beliefs; I am referring to self-kindness. It begins with soothing yourself by validating your feelings. Your thoughts are yours and you have an opportunity to fine tune them and take them from negative and sad to happy and positive. It will not always be easy, but you are the one controlling your thoughts and creating your personal belief system.
Growing up I often heard the words of my mother, and I developed a belief system that did not serve me well. It was not my mother’s fault; it was my brain receiving her words and misunderstanding them. My favorite cousin was Gloria who was about 16 years older than me. I loved Gloria like a big sister, and I wanted to be just like her. Gloria was petite and pretty. She was popular and had ‘real’ friends that lasted her a lifetime. She was smart and so much fun to be around. My mother adored her niece (the feeling was mutual between them). When mom spoke of Gloria, I thought she had wanted me to be just like her, but I never could be. Our physical differences were obvious, I was never petite and even when I was thinner, I didn’t appear as cute and feminine as her. Even when I wore Gloria’s hand me downs (which I loved), I looked like me. I tired so hard to emulate her that I hurt myself emotionally. I had it scripted in my head and heart that if I could be her clone my mother would love me more. I never resented my cousin for these emotions, but it drew me to the conclusion that I would never be enough for my mother.
In 2016, after my mother suffered a stroke which brought me to Michigan to move in with her did, I begin healing myself with kindness. I allowed myself to be mindful of the situation we were both in. Mom had a stroke and crept into Dementia. I watched her change overnight and before I lost her to silent thoughts we engaged in conversations. One such talk brought me to express to her that despite her disapproval of me I still loved her. Interestingly enough this perked her up to share with me that she was not disappointed with me, she loved me for being Karen Kiki her daughter. We also talked about the special relationship we both had with Gloria, who sadly passed away a few weeks before mom. Mom was not well enough to share this information with, so I never shared my grief with her, and she never had to experience the grief of loss.
What I learned in the late summer of 2016 was how to soothe my pain and provide myself with affirmations that would benefit me and others as well.
I learned that taking time for me was not self-indulgent, in fact it was healing and if I was healed, I was in a better place to share myself with others, in this case it was my mother who was slowly dying (and did not know it). I also took this opportunity to talk to my mother about things I may not have felt comfortable with in the past, but I needed to know. The first conversation was about my cousin and hearing my mother tell me she loved me filled a hole in my heart. We talked about her relationship with her parents and her in-laws, some of which I knew but now I was willing to understand and use this information for my well-being.
Not only did I learn to take the time I needed, have the hard conversations that I may not have sought out in past, I learned to hug myself and feel the warmth that included her hug and love inside of me. I came to the realization that I like you possess self-healing powers. The power to feel and observe those feelings and see how they heal. I am not professing that I can heal illness or someone else’s emotions, but through mindfulness I can find my needs and truth. It may have taken me the majority of my life to understand my mother’s words and the love she had for me, but when I found it, I embraced it and I now hold it near me to heal the other thoughts and pains that may lead me astray.
Journaling and blogging have provided me with the outlet to examine the hurt that I may have allowed others to cause me. It’s like the rhyme, “Sticks and Stones’, I have the chose to let me hurt me or not.
Exercise, walking, or just being in nature can soothe my wounds both internally and externally. I love the warmth of the sun both in the winter and summer. I have learned to observe the sun behind dark clouds and see the brightness even when it is hidden.
Music helps me through the hard times, I often will hear a song on the radio or as part of a movie that reminds me of a time that made me smile and brings back memories so vivid that the pain I may be feeling is lifted out of my heart.
Validating my thoughts is the most compassionate way to heal myself. Understanding my whys!
The ability to love me, not in a self-fish or degrading manner of others, but in the true sense of being the complete person I am. Through loving myself I am a better person for my family and friends and for my clients. I chose to be a coach because I too have walked the slippery slope!
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
Do you know what self-efficacy is? [Self-efficacy is a person’s belief in their ability to achieve
goals and complete tasks.] When did it become acceptable for us to talk about our achievements and goals, we set to reach personal success? I know when I was growing up females were taught to limit this type of conversation that it would be deemed boastful and inappropriate. However, if you are a self-achiever why not share that, it can be done without appearing conceited or one upping another.
To build this confident personality it begins with one step at a time and focusing on your intent. If you can break down the big picture into small bites you will be able to savor the taste of success. Living life is about being mindful in finding what brings you joy. If you allow yourself to observe the obstacles and challenges, you will ultimately believe in yourself and the journey you are on.
*We all face challenges. You are not alone. Life and love can get messy but if you choose to face the obstacles you will get through the maze. *
- Don’t be afraid to fail – failure is a learning opportunity.
- Don’t be afraid to change course – it’s not about giving up; it’s about finding the path that best suits you.
- Don’t be afraid to be different – be yourself -don’t let others dictate who or what you should be.
- Don’t be afraid of your inner voice – we all have thoughts that try to halt us from the experience of success.
- Don’t be afraid to do it – IT is what makes you, YOU!
For many to reach true Self-efficacy, working with a coach or a mentor is a key component. We often need to see our acceptance of self through someone else’s eyes. Someone like a coach who will not judge or steer you in a direction but will lead you to finding your true needs. Learning to be vulnerable is the first step. Are You Ready to take that STEP?
To Achieve:
- Set goals – set tasks to reach those goals.
- Break the tasks into small bites/steps.
- Visualize your success – how will you honor yourself?
- Connect with positivity – a coach, a mentor, your support system.
- Reflect on past successes, use positive affirmations.
- Use positive self-talk – ensure you are nice to yourself.
- Accept failures as a learning option.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
What do you do? How often has someone asked you this question? Sometimes I hear myself give the answer listing off all I do and other times I respond briefly that I’m a Podcaster or a Coach. But the reality is I am much more, and it depends on the day, and the time of day.
When we say things like I’m a Podcaster does that really tell someone what I do or is a title of something I do, (it includes much more than sharing a message for those who find me on a streaming platform). As for the title of coach, what I do is multi-faceted, that includes a lot of prep and training to offer the best services available.
But I do more because I am more, just like you!
To achieve our personal success, we need to acknowledge what we do and be proud of being responsible for our needs. For too many years I refused to share what I did in any detail as I did not feel worthy of my accomplishments, and yet when I look back over the various projects and tasks I completed, I can say, I am quite amazing. I bet you can say the same.
It’s been ten years since I made the BIG changes in my life, one step at a time. I allowed the company I was working for to push me out the door. As a college admissions rep I was successful from day one. As a rep I was coaching prospective as well as enrolled students to find their passion and complete their education to establish a career. What I first saw as a job became my passion and it provided me with direction. I too went back to college to complete my degree and advance it as well. I did it by taking baby steps. My introduction to return to college was going for certifications that would provide me with a better understanding of where I was going and how I wanted to get there.
When I returned to college I was working full-time, and I also had the role of mother, wife, daughter, and sister. There were others who were dependent on me for something, and I had to resolve how I would do more than juggle. I was also very involved in a non-profit and my continuing education assisted me in seeing the fine line that can create a toxic environment. Within a year of completing my advanced degree, I heard the voices of the college for which I work suggesting that I may want to consider retirement…although I didn’t want to, I realized this was a toxic environment and if I wanted to be health and help others it was time for me to leave. Although I left with a heavy heart, I began the exciting journey of achieving success.
How do you spell Success? Is it about the dollars you earn. I see so many coaches advertising that they are earning 6 figures a month coaching. I am amazed because so many people today are struggling working multiple jobs and having expenses beyond their means. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t in need of coaching but for a coach to earn 6 figures a month can you imagine what they are charging per session? Is success only about money?
We all want to earn a great living and we all experience greatness and success in personal terms. To be honest, I don’t give my services away, but I offer my services at a reasonable fee so that I can offer my client the best of me, that is how I spell success. I want my clients to see the value in my services and most of us do not see value when something is given to them. However, when there is a cost involved and a responsibility for you as the client to participate by exposing what you want and need, we both achieve success.
I have been working with a grief coach and I have learned so much from her. She has taught me to be vulnerable and not fear judgement, including my own form of judging myself. She encourages me and allows me to search for the path that works for me. Together we have acknowledged that as humans we tend to ask others to show us the way, however through communication with a coach and one’s self-honest communication will lead you in the right direction.
The right direction may actually be wrong, but it will allow us to learn from our mistakes and lead us to the next fork in the road, so in essence it was not wrong at all.
I chose to write about, “What do you do?” as I have joined a couple of Facebook Groups that include individuals 50+. My generation is made up of the Baby Boomers and I actually am at the forefront of that group. Growing up in the 50s and 60s in America, life was encouraging, and the middle class flourished. Although I did not grow up with a lot of extras I never went without. As an adult beyond retirement years, I hear so many from generation feeling lost and misplaced. Some chose not to meet up with the technological changes over the years and now feel lost in a world dependent on the ever-changing technology. Others seem to be lonely as family members have moved beyond the neighborhood and there is a loss of what they expected family (their children, siblings, and friends) to provide for them. Growing up many of us saw the community come together and today community is not quite the same as some of us may need.
Facebook has provided a virtual family and neighborhood for many but the human contact, handshakes, the hugs, and the chicken soup are not as real as we may need. The answer goes back to the question, “What do you do?” If we remain active and create community, we are not only helping others, but we are helping ourselves. As part of The Ethel Circle, I have been reaching out to let others in the group know the community I live in, and I am hoping a number of us will meet in person to provide the camaraderie that may be missing in our lives.
I am blessed, I have two grown sons who love and care about me and their dad. They both live out of state and a distance from us, but we arrange to see each other, and we stay in touch through phone calls, texting, and occasionally via email. Neither son is married so there are no grandchildren or fur-babies, but they know we will welcome them if they choose to add them to our circle.
Additionally, I have been honored to meet and make some new friends over the last few years. I have joined groups where I am amongst like-minded people of all ages. I don’t focus on age I focus on people who contribute to my life and hopefully I am contributing to theirs.
My husband is my best friend, we’ve been together forty plus years and although we are not a perfect match, we are doing pretty well considering numerous obstacles and challenges we have faced. We take each day one day at a time and we focus on the now. No one knows what tomorrow may bring but if we challenge ourselves to do what we do best our positivity will shine through.
The answer to the question, “What do I do?” I live life to my fullest each day.
My success has never been counted in dollars. When I was working at the college in the early 2000s, I was earning a very good salary, however; it wasn’t the money that made me smile, it was my students who appreciated my coaching, allowing them to see their wants and dreams and moving in a direction to achieve them.
Today I smile when one of my coaching clients sees the path they want to experience, and they pull me along so I can walk through it with them. When I see happiness without using words I know, I am doing what I want and need to do.
So, “What do you do?” or “What do you want to do?”
Before you choose to work with a therapist, or a coach, or join a support Group, you must begin by trusting and liking yourself. If you don’t have compassion for yourself, you cannot expect anyone else to see your value.
Begin with the following tools:
- Self-kindness is the first step.
- This involves soothing your hurts and not waiting for someone else to wave a magic wand.
- There are no magic wands!
- Be aware of the commonality of your challenges amongst your community. You are not alone. (Listen to AVOID the Maze –
- Note guests that have been on a life journey like yourself, and you will note you are not alone.
- Be mindful of facing your challenges and selecting the opportunities that will lead you to your next challenge.
- Life is challenging and we all must live it.
When you put these three tools together you will be more capable of completing each step as you move towards your goal.
Asking for help/assistance/guidance and mentoring you need to be prepared. Not everyone will be a good fit to help you walk through your journey.
A coach will never (or should never) tell you what to do or how to do it. A coach will set up scenarios and offer you options while asking you in-depth questions so you can make your choices. It is imperative that you hold the reigns and if your horse runs in the ‘wrong direction’ you have the power to tug and direct them back on your path.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
Are you socializing or are you waiting to socialize? What is your motivation or what is preventing you from becoming motivated? Humans are not meant to be alone (according to science). We need connections and note not all will be your BFF. You’ve heard the phrase, “The family you have been born in is not the choice you made.” For most of us we are connected to our family members because they established themselves in our life from our day of birth. However, family may be extended, which means friends you make through school, work, spiritual connections, etc. That is why it is paramount for each of us to identify our purpose and seek like minded people who will enhance us as we too will contribute to them.
- Take a moment, who is in your inner circle?
- Why have you chosen or accepted this person or people to be part of your inner circle to help form your core?
- Are you willing to connect with negative people just to be part of their circle?
- How do you meet people?
Even married couples need to ask themselves this same question. You may be married to your best friend but is it enough, and what if????
The phrase, “Variety is the spice of life,” is valid we all need a little Ying to our Yang or Yang to our Yin.
The process of meeting and engaging with new people is not easy and yet you would think with the internet it would be easier, however, what you see or what you read may not be valid and so it is wise to be careful and even skeptical. However, that does not mean you cannot find someone to be part of your inner or outer core to connect with.
I am hearing from my Millennial clients as well as my Boomers that the world is a lonely place. We are making it lonely if we don’t attempt to engage and learn to be safe. Create safe zones, meet in public and when in public smile, be friendly and make connections.
Do you go to a Starbucks, Panera, or local coffee shop, if so, shine your light by saying hi to people and making small talk. This may be a one-time conversation, but it can curb the loneliness. One time conversation may build if you see this person the next time you are in this space.
Be honest with yourself and the people you know. It’s ok to admit your loneliness or aloneness. If others don’t know what you are looking for, they can’t help you find it.
Reach out to me – I understand loneliness and I push myself to find what I need not to feel alone.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
Have you ever heard of the GLAD TECHNIQUE? I have to admit I had not before today. Even as a coach I am learning new concepts and challenging myself to optimize my toolbox. GLAD is an acronym, it seems we are living in a world of acronyms, but this one might lead us to that HAPPINESS state of mind.
G = Gratitude
L = Learning
A = Accomplishment
D = Delighted
There once was a time that gratitude did not surface into my mindset, I was so busy gratifying others I was overwhelmed, burned out and angry.
Therapy, coaching, and surrounding myself with positive/authentic motivators I began to understand the what gratitude was and how much I have to be grateful for. (more on this later!)
I once thought learning was difficult for me until I returned to college when I turned 58 years evolving. I dropped the word old from my age and found new opportunities for learning and exploring life.
Receiving both my Bachelor’s and Master’s License with honors, the stigma of difficulty faded away.
Growing up I dreamt of achieving but I never experienced it in the manner I do today. Accomplishments need not be award winning recognition, they may be as simple as learning to be happy and enjoying each breath we take.
Once I stopped looking for the approval of others, I began to see what I was capable of doing and I have continued to challenge myself to go one more step.
I used to believe I was not worthy and when you have that belief system it is difficult to feel gratitude, learning, or your accomplishments. However, I am delighted to see the forest for the trees. Today I am experiencing life one morsel at a time.
My GLAD has provided me the opportunity to COACH and lead others to GLAD!
I am challenging you to do the following:
Share with me one ‘thing’ you have gratitude for, big, small, or minute.
Share with me what you are learning about your challenges and options.
Share with me one accomplishment and it need not be earth shattering.
Share your Delight with me in your new knowledge of GLAD.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
Does your brain ever wander into the crevices of the unknown causing you unnecessary anxiety and stress. Well, if not, you must be a perfect specimen of humanity, and I am not sure that specimen exists. So let me share what I am referring to:
- You call a friend or text them and you don’t get a response. Initially you think nothing of it until you call or text again and there is still no reply. Do you begin to wonder, “what did I do?”, “what did I say”, “why am I being ignored”? Well, I’ve been done this road many times and assume (Assume means making an Ass of You and Me!) it must be my fault and I spend hours of my 168 hours in the week taking responsibility and worrying.
- Have you ever tried to do something special for someone, only to have them angry at you for your effort? My mother related a story to me that she and neighbor tried to do a nice thing for our landlord (this is 60+ years ago). His name was Charlie, and he was a single dad of a young teenage boy. Charlie’s flat was a mess with piles of newspapers and clutter throughout. My mother and her friend Phyllis went into his home (those were the days when we kept our doors unlocked) and cleaned it/scoured it and made it clean and beautiful. When Charlie came home, he was angry, he liked his home the way it was, he didn’t see or mind the clutter, but he did mind the organization and the smell of cleaning supplies. My mother and Phyllis thought they were doing Charlie a favor when in fact the anxiety of his messy clutter there’s to own or not.
In both of these scenarios we allow our brains to work overtime and if we only have 168 hours in a week, why are we wasting hours concerned over something we don’t know or have control over. (Just so you know Charlie got over his anger, and my mother and Phyllis ignored his mess.) I share this concept with you because we all complain that we don’t have enough hours in a day or a week to get out “STUFF” done. The reality is we all have the same amount of time in the day and a week that it is to our advantage to learn to use the time wisely. So, what does wisely mean?
“Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things” (unknown)
Yesterday is an example of using 8 out of the 24 hours in the day to be idle. As beautiful as it was outside with the sun shining (although cold), I chose to enjoy the sunlight from inside my home. I took personal time to lazily relax on my bed with the sunlight pouring in my window while I cuddled under a blanket and binged watch ‘something’ on TV. Most days I would consider this frivolous, and I would have allowed my thoughts of what I thought I should do put me in overload. But not yesterday, I used the tools in my toolbox, and I released those thoughts of need and chose what I once would have considered nothingness. What I did was true selfcare including choosing not to cook dinner, releasing a responsibility that typically falls on my shoulders. I am learning not to feel guilty for enjoying my time.
When we allow our minds to wander into those crevices of the unknown, we create messages that we feed our brain, and too often those messages are based on something we may have heard or thought in the past. Being mindful of what is and isn’t, can take us from misconstrued thoughts to reality. So let us all learn to clear our thoughts, stop the assumptions, and live in reality!
A wonderful quote from the late Joan Rivers: “I enjoy life when things are happening. I don’t care if it’s good things or bad things. That means you’re alive. Things are happening.”
My father stressed to all who would listen to enjoy living, take the good with the bad and allow your mind to see the positive even in the worst of circumstances.
And the playwright George Bernard Shaw said: “Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh.”
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
When ANGER becomes a Problem!
Anger is a normal emotional reaction to something that we do not like or disagree with. AI defines it as: Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance or upset that can be caused by something wrong or bad. It can also be described as a strong feeling of displeasure and opposition toward someone or something.”
According to my communications training and certification in Coaching, there are five major underlying feelings of anger:
- Fear
- Frustration
- Sadness
- Hurt
- Vulnerability
However, in coaching we discuss the reasons for these feelings and how we each have the ability to change our reactions. (Not easy, it takes work, but it is possible.)
First let’s agree or admit to our anger.
Second let’s acknowledge the impact this emotional feeling is having on ourselves as well as other people and situations.
Third it is important to apologize for our reactions (not feelings) and find the path to resolution.
Fourth, take action to correct the actions caused by the anger.
What is Angering you? Is it a person? Is it a situation? Is it something you have control over?
Write out your anger/or if you are like me type it out and keep it as a record.
Is there something else triggering your Anger, or is it specifically in regard to a person and or situation that affects you?
Write out your answer and begin with what caused you to get angry – was it an impulse or through a thought process.
How does your body feel when you are angry? What hurts and is it a stationary discomfort or does it travel throughout your body? Can you make the pain go away and how?
Write out your pain levels identifying how they escalate and where in your body they begin and travel.
Ask yourself, do you like the emotional and physical sensations you have over this anger? What are you willing to do to release these sensations?
Write out a list of emotional and physical symptoms and how you are willing to reduce and or release them.
Begin with these simple steps and if you need additional assistance and support to work through your anger contact #yesican coaching with Karen.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
To make changes in your life it starts with getting up!
Create a purpose and a reason for the change. If the change is to lose weight center, it around eating healthier and being mindful of the foods you need to eat to become healthier. Did you know that healthy eating habits not only contribute to weight loss but also for those that may need to gain weight. Do not fill your body with the junk that decreases your odds for a more positive outlook on tomorrow.
Practice a form of mediation whether it be a formal conscious time filled with spiritual icons and added incense or a walk-through nature listening to the sounds of your feet, the birds or animals in the trees and bushes around you. Mediation can take a second or more…deep breath and refresh your body, soul, and mind!
The practice of yoga whether using a mat or a chair all ages and all body and mind types can find the changes they may need.
Journaling has been my life starter. For many years I would journal in my mind and one day I began journaling on paper with pen and now I sit at my computer, and I share my thoughts and energy hoping to touch one person, maybe just myself. Put your thoughts and ideas down, keep them and reflect on them. Share them to help others and become comfortable in your thoughts.
Connect with other people. I know many of us have become intimidated due to the changing social norms. However, human beings are not meant to be hermits, isolated from others and in fact we have seen how isolation can lead to memory loss and early death. We are here on earth to live, and we can make the choice to be part of something bigger than ourselves.
Join a group whether it is a religious or spiritual organization or one where like-minded individuals share their thoughts, ideas, and DREAMS. The Ethel Group on Facebook has brought women 50 and up together. I have met women I would never have known, and many are in my community. Even if I have nothing in common with a member, I may learn something from them, and learning is part of our evolving into our best self!
As a Personal Change Coach, I live by my words and each day I see the sunshine…even during the cold grey winter skies.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
A week ago, we ended 2023 and now on the 6th day of 2024 it is time for you to get up and begin your journey through life with mindfulness.
I have spent time this past week looking through social media and I have seen everything from story book renditions of how many ushered out the old year, and in the new year. For my husband and I were asleep before the ball dropped in Time Square at 12:00 am EST. We are not party people although we can enjoy a party when it happens naturally, and we are not forced into it because the rest of the world expects us to.
Too often we get caught up in what others think. We are raised in an environment where advertising and social media influence us. Today it is a real job to be an influencer. An influencer is anyone who creates a large audience often through social media and engages them to receive their opinions, and behaviors. When I was growing up my mother directed me away from anyone that implied, I needed to follow in their footsteps. Mom would say, “If your friends told you to jump off a high bridge, would you?” My momma knew I had a fear of heights and she wanted to see if I would endanger myself following their advice. My response was ‘no’ because I was mindful of how I would feel and knew I had to make my own choices. But when it came to fashion or trying to test the waters of my independence, I tried to follow the recommendations of others who may not have my interests and needs to heart. Developing a true identity provides us with the ability to make choices for ourselves.
Influencers can provide a positive effect on us, but it can also cause negativity. It is important we understand where the message takes us both physically as well as mentally.
Try mindfulness:
- Take a walk and observe your surroundings – listen to the sounds, birds, traffic, the voices of other people, the wind.
- Breathing and noticing how you sound deep inhale and long slow exhale – changes in your physical body and listen to your emotions.
- Mindful eating! It is easy and fun to grab junk food but it’s more important to listen and see how your body reacts to clean eating over junk eating. (We all love junk food.)
- Exercise, do something healthy for your body and visualize the changes you are achieving.
- Treat yourself as you want others to treat you.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
Do you sabotage yourself? Traditionally many individuals choose to make resolutions for the first of the New Year, or they promise themselves they will start on Monday. However, the magic bullet is starting and not focusing on the new year or the day of the week. Often, we are afraid of breaking our resolutions, however most of us do before we even start. So, what is the secret? For me it’s not about setting a date and time, it’s about starting, and starting now. Instead of announcing I am trying to lose weight I work on eating less and healthier. Rather than focusing on making a change I focus on what is best at the moment and allowing myself to adapt, it is part of the path of mindfulness.
It can be easy to get thrown into the social media mayhem, believing you won’t be happy until you lose weight, get a better job, get married, have children, win the lottery…
However, it is important to focus on the reality of what you want and why you want it.
Albert Einstein was more than a brilliant quirky mathematician. This quote shows another side of him, “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” —Albert Einstein
And to quote Michele Obama; “Always stay true to yourself. Never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals.”
The theme of these two quotes revolves around you and the person you are and maybe trying to become.
Developing self-efficacy is the key to finding yourself, liking who you are and understanding what it is you want to change. “Self-efficacy refers to an individual’s belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments.”
- Do not change for anyone other than yourself.
- Be committed to your purpose in changing.
- Create a plan to reach and allow the plan to weave into a pattern that works for you.
- Talk to yourself as you would talk to a friend, be honest and treat yourself with the respect you deserve.
- Journal your journey and reflect on it, allow for growth.
It is still holiday time and if you are similar to me many thoughts of yesterday are flooding your memories. What was significant as a child, a teenager, a young adult, and now an evolving adult, often creep into our thoughts when we might remember how different (better or worse) those days were. As the youngest of three by the time I was old enough to understand New Year’s Eve., not only were my parents going out with friends, so were my brothers. More often than not I was home alone or babysitting. My senior year in high school the boy I was dating had asked someone prior to our dating out for New Year’s Eve and he felt it was the right thing to take her out. There was a huge teenager New Year’s Eve Party most of my friends were going to, including this boy. I wanted to go in the worst way, I was sad that he chose someone over me and who would consider taking me? I did get an invite at the last minute by a guy who was much shorter than me in flats, let alone heels. He was known as a nerd, and I was too proud or too insensitive to accept his invitation. I remember sitting in my room crying most of the night.
For years that inner childhood feeling of not being the chosen one by the person I wanted to be chosen by invaded not only my New Year’s but all holidays and special event days. The thoughts I threw at myself hurt even more than if someone was hurling them at me. It took me years to stop hurting myself and believing what I construed as a child and teenager.
My first New Year’s Eve date was with my fiancé. I remember my mother made me a very special outfit and I was dressed for sophistication. I thought my fiancé was going to be romantic and plan a special night but instead we went to a movie and out to dinner at a diner like restaurant. I felt crushed and wondered why I was being denied the excitement of New Year’s Eve. For the 7+ years we were married there was no magic and excitement on New Year’s Eve, and yet all my friends would brag about their special adventures ringing in the new year.
Many years later and with my current husband (of almost 40 years), we spent the evening with another couple that we were friends with. We went for a very nice dinner and to a hotel bar with entertainment. We were all dressed up and feeling festive until the waitress dumped a pitcher of iced tea on my husband lap- soaking wet and cold he went into the men’s room to dry off, but it was not to happen. It was 11 o’clock and we went home and at midnight we kissed, wished each other a Happy New Year, and went to sleep.
I took on the persona that I hated New Year’s Eve, and I was not deserving to celebrate like they do in Hallmark™ movies or like many of those who plaster Facebook with their beautiful lives.
The child inside of me would continue to show her sadness on this one night of the year, and for many years I would ask myself why I couldn’t, didn’t, celebrate like the masses.
If you are asking what this inner child is, it is a symbolic version of ourselves that lives in our subconscious. The feelings/thoughts need not always be negative or sad. The inner child can produce thoughts from our past experiences. We often think of these as memories, or our hopes and dreams filled or unfulfilled.
Positive Intelligence taught me how to talk to my inner child. The picture in mind is a toddler in a red organdy pinafore with a heart on the front. I look happy and perfect, and yet my memories are not from that time but later on when I developed into the gawky stages of life and referring to the picture of me, but with all the self-disparagements that I chose to feel. I know talk to that the little girl and remind her that she lived a ‘normal’ life; there were many wonderful experiences and some not so wonderful, but she has grown into a strong loving independent woman. That little girl is part of me as is that gawky older version of myself.
Sometimes I channel those feelings. Not to feel the hurt but to feel the strength the gains and love I have for myself.
Connecting with my younger self has provided me with tools to achieve and maintain happiness.
Ask yourself these questions:
- How did your younger self feel?
- Do those younger feelings define who you are today?
- Do you want to feel like your younger self?
- How did the situation affect me, and do you have the ability to change it today?
- Could someone else have helped me through these feelings?
- How can you support your life and feelings today – are you building a toolbox?
- Can you accept you may not have had the tools/the maturity to change before now?
- Can you accept that sometimes you react based on the feelings of your inner child?
We all have the ability to be happy…Are you ready to take the next step?
Sending you all wishes for a Happy, Healthy, and Wonderful 2024!
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
Have you been cheating your creative mind. Are you convinced that you don’t have a creative bone in your body. (By the way, bones are not creative, that is just a phrase.) If you believe you have nothing to offer, then it’s possible you have not identified your purpose. For most of my life I believed I had zero talent, in fact I identified talent as someone who is artistic, someone who has musical abilities whether vocal or instrumental. I looked up to my father and brothers who were/are wordsmiths. Writing, delivery, and presentation brought out their creative juices.
My father not only wrote poetry and lyrics (not professionally), he also was a carpenter and furniture designer, (not professionally). My mother was a seamstress and designed clothing not only for herself as well as for me, but she was also known in her social circles as the MAVIN of Creation. She also was an astute baker and was called upon by many to prepare baked goods for others.
I felt like the wallflower not knowing what it was I might be good and creative at. I was afraid to explore and share what I thought might be my creative side fearing failure, rejection, and mocking. However, as I have explored my inner self coming to terms with my best self, I have found my creative ‘bone’. Throughout my school days I participated in Glee Club/Choir and loved being one of many voices. I loved singing and performing and thought one day I will use this skill/creative ability. That same year I fell in love with the creation of artwork, and I designed some pieces that began to rebuild my confidence that I may be creative and have a talent to cultivate.
I did not follow the path of drawing, painting, or sculpting but three significant pieces I created when I was 17 remind me that I am like the little engine as I repeat, “I think I can, I think I can!”
Writing did not come easy for me until 20 years ago when I chose to put together a work of love designing and writing a cookbook with stories of my mother’s favorite recipes. When I completed this project and shared it with my parents I realized, it’s more than thinking I can, it’s I can, and I will!
“A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
Creativity has allowed me to experiment and feel successful even if the end product is not perfect. I can put it aside and when ready modify it or resurrect it for a later time and place.
- Find your creativity – become a divergent thinker -allow yourself to find various options for one idea. Do not let self-judgment deter you.
- Become a free-form thinker, do not depend on what may be obvious, allow for innovation. Allow your thinking to produce quantity, quality will develop itself.
- Feel the challenge and the opportunity you are providing yourself. Share your ideas and take them to the next level.
- Allow for collaboration and elaboration despite how farfetched your thoughts may go; the strangest ideas may be your most creative ones!
#YESICAN coaching with KAREN
440 526 1530
The Gift of Self
What do you need to know about COACHING? As identified, I am a coach, not a therapist or social worker. My services to you do not include medical advice or treatment. If I believe that those services may be beneficial, I will share that information with you as my client, however it will be your personal choice whether to seek any additional help out. The majority of my clients come to me because they want to make better choices. As humans we often get in a rut doing the same thing over and over again and we are lucky if we are treading water and keep our heads held high. However, coaching can help us find our way back to the shore and once there keep ourselves actively moving in the right direction. What is right for you may not be for me, and that is the way it should be. So is time for you to identify what you want and need to change?
Begin by asking yourself:
- What are my needs?
- Take one at a time
- How can I or how do I want to meet that need?
- What are the needs of others that are in my control?
- Consider one at a time
- Remember you can only be responsible if this is in your control.
- How can I ensure they are met?
- Acknowledge your willingness to make a change.
- Acknowledge only what is in your control.
- Acknowledge your responsibility to yourself.
Here are a few examples:
- You are feeling overwhelmed. Your personal and social life feels like a failure to you. You may be blaming others for this and instead of being mindful of the situation and seeing it one segment of a time, you are trying to fix everything at once.
- You have not planned for what feels like a financial failure. Maybe you have lost your job or have had trouble finding a decent paying job, ask yourself what you could do differently. Be honest with yourself because often the problem is you have been doing things the same way over and over and that may not be the best solution. Be creative and think about another path you may walk down to rescue yourself and rebuild your financial future. (I am not saying you will be earning 6 figures in no time, but you can find a solution to paying your bills.)
- Your family has always rescued but they are not willing to rescue you now – create your own rescue mission with the guidance of your coach. Create a new mindset for self-care and development.
We all have been on the downside but if we believe in ourselves, we can climb out of the pit we have fallen into. You must want to make a change.
It may be the Holiday season and we often believe happiness and self-gratification comes in the form of pretty wrapped things. The best gift you can give yourself and those around you is becoming the best version of yourself. You have the tools, and together I can help you uncover them.
“Waiting to be happy limits our brain’s potential for success, whereas cultivating positive brains makes us more motivated, efficient, resilient, creative, and productive, which drives performance upward.”
— Shawn Achor
Kindness – do you know how to be kind?
Is it possible for us to learn how to be kind in what may feel like an unkind environment. Listening to the news can turn your kind feelings into not-so-kind emotions.
If we can each take the time from a few seconds or more to meditate. To mediate we “think deeply or carefully about something.” It is training ourselves to take a bad thought/feeling and see it as a good thought/feeling. Don’t tell me it’s not possible, because it is. However, we must want to be kind to ourselves. If not, we will continue to see the negativity not just in this feeling, but it will spill over into other sensations as well.
So how do we practice kind meditation.
- Do not set expectations, perfection is only in Hallmark™ movies, this is part of the journey you are traveling forward on.
- The positive thoughts and emotions you are seeking may be hidden, it’s OK, with practice of self-care you will see the sunshine on the negative views that may still be in your line of sight.
- Practicing meditation self-care will reduce pain and suffering if you allow for mindfulness.
- Allow meditation to take you to another place, this is a mindful vacation.
- Create mantras that will assist you to reach mindfulness. g. “Allow me to reach peaceful space”; “Let me find a sense of happiness”; “Let me release my worries”. (The mantra is not an absolute.)
- Use your mantras when you believe you are facing a situation that may increase your anxiety. (If you need more help you may need to discuss this with a medical professional. Anxiety is natural but when it leads to depression it is time to seek out your medical team.)
- Self-care meditation may be your Apple – “An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor away.
**This morning I was hit with a sense of overwhelming anxiety. I am the rock for my family but even a rock has emotions and can feel mentally and physically consumed. A few seconds / minutes away from my desk, restating to myself, “This too shall pass,” while looking out my window and taking in the seasonal changes, I was able to pull myself together and some deep breathing was beneficial too. It is my form of cleanse. **
Building a Positive Relationship!
- Do you know how to build a positive relationship?
- Are you too busy to identify your skills before making a commitment?
- Do you have a toolbox?
- Do you put the time into creating relationships?
- Do you believe all your friends on Facebook, Instagram, X, or any other social media form are your friends?
- How many BFF’s do you have?
- Would you choose yourself to be your friend?
If we answer these questions openly and honestly allowing our vulnerable self to be exposed most of us may answer these questions incorrectly.
Let me begin with #7, “Would you choose yourself to be your friend?” If your answer is ‘no’ you must ask the next question, WHY? If you answer ‘yes’, identify the reasons why you would choose you.
(You must like yourself, not in a boastful conceited manner but genuinely for the positive attributes you bring into a friendship/relationship.)
Answer #5 honestly, “Do you believe all your friends on Facebook, Instagram, X, or any other social media form are your friends?” Having 1000+ BFF’s is impossible. In fact, if we are truthful, we may feel a connection or kinship with these friends and followers, but it is not humanly possible to be intimately acquainted with all of these connections.
In order to build a real relationship, you must begin with getting to know yourself. Take the time to appreciate your positives and negatives. We all have negatives we can turn into positives with honesty. Accept your vulnerable emotions as you evolve. You will need to put some work into this, be patient with yourself, take the time you need, this is your journey.
Learn to set boundaries, you need to draw lines in the sand to develop a healthy mental, emotional, and physical presence. When you speak, remember to listen. Listen to learn not necessarily to respond. Let go of what doesn’t work. Journaling and making lists may help this process, sometimes it is necessary to see the words in print. Release your need to control, sometimes it is more beneficial to let others lead, reducing additional stress and anxiety.
The key words in developing a relationship include Empathy – “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another”; Honesty – “the refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way”; Responsibility – “the state or fact of being accountable’.
Remember we are not seeking perfection, we are creating tools to help us reach these achievements to ensure that we live our best lives.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
“How do you relax, de-stress, or re-energize?” Is it important to take some down?
We all need to take care of ourselves before we care about others. Remember the message the flight crew gives before takeoff if the oxygen masks are released place your mask on first before assisting another person. The same is true when it comes to our family or work, we will not be productive if we are stressed, overwhelmed, as well as physically and mentally exhausted.
It is important that we understand our personal tendencies and the behavior we demonstrate when we do not provide ourselves with self-care.
There are many techniques we can use and add to our toolbox.
- Use an activity to help de-stress, a walk, exercise, yoga, something that provides you with a sense of healing.
- Close your eyes and take a deep breath in and a deep breath out – you may want to do this several times.
- Journaling, identify three positive things that take the weight off your shoulder, can help you mentally refocus.
- Ask yourself important questions, become mindful of your thoughts and seek positivity.
- Laugh, Laughter Therapy is real, we can provide our own laughter therapy allowing ourselves to think of something funny or listening or watching something that ignites laughter.
- Partner with someone to help you remain accountable to relax, slow down, and smell the roses and listen to the sounds of nature.
- Try a massage or going to a SPA or creating your own SPA time at home.
These are just ideas that each of us can do and at little to no cost. If we don’t, we will find ourselves physically and mentally ill and known of us want to push ourselves into that spot.
Looking for a coach to help you reach your goals, destress, finding your personal answers?
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
What are you waiting for? You’ve been struggling with something, and you want to make a change. Well guess what, I’ve been there (even there now) and I’ve done something about it.
In 2011 my husband was diagnosed as a Diabetic II and to assist him on his journey I changed what I cooked and what garbage I did not bring into the house. I knew I could not change my husband, but I could make the changes, at least in the home that would benefit us both. I was almost 100 lbs. too heavy and with cutting out sugar and poor snack options I lost 100 lbs. Funny this is the way I carried my weight it was noticed that I lost but no one suspected it was that much. I stayed at the health weight of 160 for 2 plus years. But in 2013 I was faced with depression, and it was not what I was eating it was the medication I was on that I ballooned by 25 lbs. and could not drop it. In 2021 I was placed on additional medication for an immune disorder and that medication packed on another 25 lbs. I was fighting the weight but not losing it and felt miserable when I looked in the mirror.
February 2023, I decided to begin exercising moderately and to cut out calories that were not healthy and I am succeeding. I am down 24 lbs., and this is now my lifestyle. Even with Thanksgiving and traveling not sticking to the best choices I maintained my weight and today I am back at my routine. I have given a couple of friends permission to ask me how my journey is going and to be my encouragement to keep living a healthier lifestyle.
Some people join Weight Watchers™ and others use NOOM™, I am using “Lose IT” and the judge that resides in me. Being two sizes down makes me feel beautiful. We all need to make our life’s journey our own and that means something different for you than it might be for me. With that said, what is it that you want to change, or what is the one thing you have wanted to do and haven’t. No more excuses! We are never too old to be the person we want to be.
When we set goals, it improves our motivation. When we improve our motivation, it improves our self-confidence and self-confidence provides us with the energy to fulfill our purpose.
- WHAT is YOUR PURPOSE? Take a sheet of paper and start writing down what you see as your purpose. Keep writing, let the images flow to the paper.
- NOW Go Through the List and start the comments/points you truly believe lead you to your purpose.
- YOU NEED A PLAN -With out a thoroughly thought-out plan, you cannot conceive or structure your goals to meet your purpose.
- DO NOT MAKE EXCUSES – what you think you CAN’T DO is only a challenge. There are several options to get to the top of the mountain. We all can reach the peak!
- Turn CAN’T into CAN – ask for assistance and listen to how others have met similar challenges.
- DO NOT ASSUME YOU WILL FOLLOW the SAME PATH – it’s OK to choose your own path to achievement.
If you would like assistance to move forward:
#yesican coaching with Karen
What are Your STRENGTHS
Do character strengths matter?
Your character strengths identify your true self, including your vulnerabilities. If you are mindful of your strengths and use them to supplement your weaknesses it is almost like having superpowers. Individuals who key into their strengths often create more meaningful relationships, as well as setting and achieving important goals. Being mindful helps you avoid distractions.
You can use your strengths to better yourself. Once you are aware of them you can start using them. Allow yourself to use your ability to build up your weaknesses to enhance your future results.
How can you identify your strengths?
- Reflect on a past experience that you succeeded at.
- What tools did you use?
- Ask friends and family what their perception is.
- Be prepared for some direct honesty.
- Take Assessments.
- Google Strength Assessments – some are free/some have a cost association.
- Analyze your goals.
- Are these your goals?
- Have these goals been assigned to you?
- Track your progress.
- Celebrate the steps of achievement.
- Practice Mindfulness.
- Are you thinking linearly?
- Are you jumping from one thought to another.
- Set reachable goals.
- Do not overextend yourself.
- Use logic and reasoning when setting your goals.
- Accept constructive criticism from others as well as yourself.
- Being mindful of your vulnerability will help your structure.
As a coach I can assist you in assessing your strengths and strengthening your weaknesses, but you will do the work.
Contact #YESICAN coaching with Karen [email protected]
440 526 1530
Rocks, Pebbles, Sand, and Water
(A special thank you to Seph Fontane Pennock, the co-founder of
#yesican Coaching with Karen
Is there something that you have control over that you could possibly spend less time doing to give yourself some added, “me time”?
We are all looking for that extra time we claim we don’t have. It is true we all have the same amount of time in our weeks, 168 hours. It is up to us to use those hours mindfully. It is essential for us to be self-aware and discipline ourselves to avoid excessive temptations that too often deplete us of time. (Do you ever get distracted and off course?)
My coaches remind me of the metaphor of filling the jar with small particles like sand and pebbles I will not have room for the rocks, and the rocks are the most important tasks to complete. However, if we add the rocks first to ensure we accomplish those tasks then the pebbles, next the sand, we may have room for the water.
If we focus on the rocks first, ‘tasks’, we may be able to eliminate some of the pebbles, sand, and water providing us with that extra time called, “me time”. The time for self-care, reflection, sometimes for a little more sleep. (Often time the pebbles, sand, and water have been accomplished by the rocks.)
Mindfulness allows us to see what is important and what is not. Too often we over fill our jar to prove to ourselves and others how accomplished we are in being busy. But we must ask ourselves what does busy work accomplish? (Do you believe you have to be busy to be noted as accomplished?)
Contact: #YESICAN coaching with Karen @ [email protected]
440 526 1530
“What are your communication blind spots?” (A special thank you to Seph Fontane Pennock, the co-founder of Positive
- Do you listen to be heard _with responsiveness?
- Do you hear but not comprehend because you are not listening?
- Do you listen with your eyes and get distracted?
- Or do you listen with your eyes in an observant manner?
- Are you judgmental when listening to another person speak or are you mindful that differences are an opportunity to learn from?
- Are you judging yourself as harshly as you may judge another?
- Before responding to a dialogue do you ask for clarification or do you make assumptions.
To obtain good communication skills it may take CHANGE and most humans fight change. Once they are set in their ways, they often believe that change is not necessary. In order to communicate effectively we must understand SPEAKING, WRITING, LISTENING, and READING. (These basics are taught in our homes and schools!) In addition to becoming efficient in the four forms of communication it is imperative that we understand the non-verbal communication we receive and participate in.
As a coach I can assist and guide you through the communication skills you are using today and how they may be refined to provide you with the results you are seeking.
Contact me at [email protected] or call 440-526-1530.
We all experience stress and for some stress is that added release of energy that pushes our mind and body to perform. For others stress causes a chemical reaction that can stop us in our tracks and produce what many have labeled foggy brain. When your brain is foggy it is difficult to stop the sensations that are causing these feelings.
There are methods to reduce stress and to prevent it, but we must be mindful and understand our bodies, thoughts, and the emotions created.
- Staying active produces endorphins that provide us with feel-good chemicals. The more positive energy you produce will allow well contented feelings to move you through the stress.
- When faced with stress taking deep breaths – you’ve heard of counting to 10 – well it works if you allow yourself the permission to slow down…
- When emotionally stressed, when everything looks bleak – write or type out the things you are grateful for. Often, it’s the little things like the sunshine or the soft sounds of rhythmic rain. Or maybe it’s a childhood memory that brings a smile to your heart.
- Laugh – laughter lightens our moods- listen to something funny- stream a comic or the sounds of children laughing, or just force yourself to laugh with a little giggly and growing it from the deep crevices of your diaphragm.
- Listen to music that you enjoy – let the music sway you or dance to it – releasing the pain physical and emotional that stress can cause.
- Reach out and talk to someone – someone who will listen and allow you to talk without judgement.
- Find something meaningful whether through religion or another form of spirituality. Mother Nature can lead you to peace of mind.
- Don’t remain isolated, surround yourself with like individuals and actively find your positive purpose.
- Appreciate nature, step outside, and feel the heat, the cold, the rain, the snow, the softness of the grass, the singing birds, or the stay animal, all of which can bring you joy.
– according to the Oxford Dictionary the definition is, “a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome. We all have problems/challenges, and opportunities to face these situations head on. However, too many of us, me included, have felt at least once in our lifetime that our problems are worse than anyone else’s. However, if we do not resolve the problem, we are faced with it will be compounded with another and yet another and we will find ourselves in a tornado of destruction.
To resolve the issues that can cause us to end up in a downward spiral it is essential for us to be mindful and know when to ask for assistance and when we should stop being our worst enemy and judge.
What if you fell down and skinned your knee, what would you do? Ignoring it may make it worse and become infected, however cleaning it with an antiseptic and bandaging it may allow it to heal without repercussions. Again, if you fell and your skinned knee was not the only injury you incurred, if ignored you are allowing yourself to compound your problem into PROBLEMS. (Defined by the dictionary, “make (something bad) worse; intensify the negative aspects of.”)
Humans, you, and me, tend to ignore our problems, or we intensify them waiting for someone else to fix us. Most of our problems do need medical attention, instead we must learn how to reduce the cause and effect. Often this can be done through counseling or coaching. When reaching out to a professional to guide us, it requires honesty and vulnerability when seeking guidance. It is important for us to find the inner truth rather than placing blame on something or someone else.
We are not perfect human specimens and sometimes it feels easier to place the blame on someone else, parents, spouses, children, co-workers, bosses, etc.
It’s my parent’s fault I had an accident in their car. (Who was driving the car and how is it their fault?)
It’s my spouse’s fault that I am paying the bills late, he told me to do it! (Why did your spouse say this, and why did you listen?)
Your child takes money from your wallet – you told them too. (You go to pay at the grocery store, and you don’t have the money you thought you did, and you blame your child -who told them to take the money?)
You ask your co-worker to help you with a project and they make a mistake. (You blame them before you accept the fact, they were helping you and maybe they didn’t have all the information they needed- is it their fault?)
I could go on and on with examples, we tend to want to make ourselves innocent of the problems/burdens we are carrying on our shoulders. The more we carry the more we tend to blame others for not understanding our circumstances. Most of the time our circumstances are due to not facing the first problem before we incurred another.
Today is the first day of the rest of our lives… Begin by resolving one problem. Take the first step and lessen the weight you are carrying on your back. Release the blame on others and find comfort in the fact you can lessen your own problems.
Many of us needed guidance so reach out – as a coach I will guide you to find your answers…
#YESICAN coaching with Karen – [email protected] or 440 526 1530.
What is Self-Care?
Self-care is more than taking an hour of your day every eight weeks to get your color, cut, or redesigned.
Self-care is much more than taking a day off of work when you wake up with a fever of 101+.
Self-care is “a conscious act that people take to promote your own physical, mental, and emotional health.” Self-care I necessary to be part of our daily routine like brushing our teeth, eating, and sleeping.
Too often we sacrifice our need for sleep for work plus the additional personal commitments we have that include shopping, cooking, laundry, and other necessary chores to ensure our quality of life. However, if we don’t find time to have fun and enjoy the little (and sometimes) big things in life, none of those other things are worthwhile.
For the majority of my life, I have been a workaholic and I thought that I was fulfilling my needs and obtaining my wants when in reality I was miserable while I played the game that all was perfect. However, I realized one day while sitting in a team meeting at work that I was only fooling myself. My supervisor asked what should have been an easy question to answer. The question was, ‘what is your favorite food?’ Everyone in the group answered describing savory foods and when it was my turn all I could think of was a bagel. I remember feeling foolish, but most of all sad that I was so busy being busy and trying to make others happy, I was not considering myself. I was ready to eat a plain dry bagel while watching others eat their favorite, pastas or Chicken Cordon Blue, or Broiled Lobster with warm drawn butter followed by delish desserts with names I have never heard of.
My zest food is fairly simple, however, I can now with honesty tell you that bagels are not on the top of my list. If someone were to ask me what my favorite foods are today, I would begin with Chinese, nothing too spicey but there are a variety of dishes that I sometimes crave. I also love Italian as well as French foods and it’s not about working to afford these foods. I will also admit I LOVE SALADS without or with meat added to them, an all-vegetarian salad can be the best meal for me!
My self-care includes identifying my time to sit and do my own manicure. I will carve out my time and let others know this is for me. I love to pamper myself; I don’t need someone to pamper me to have the time I need to be special. Being special is a state of mind, appreciating who I am and what I have to offer others. Self-care for me also includes binge watching TV, or binge reading a good book or listening to someone else’s podcast.
My husband and I also encourage self-care for our marriage and after many years of cheating ourselves out of date nights we encourage each other, and we date each other. Date night may be sitting and watching TV or going to the Comedy Club or enjoying a Dairy Queen™ together. We also take occasional overnight trips just to get away and not have the home responsibilities.
Self-care is important for our mental and physical health. This is an opportunity to remove ourselves from the everyday stress and change our pace if even just for an hour, a day or allowing it to evolve into a daily routine…Self-care is Self-love and that is not selfish it is necessary.
Take a moment and make a list of something you can do for yourself right now.
Take a moment and think about how you will feel.
Take a moment and plan your self-care routine…
The phrase, “Emotional Intelligence” is being bantered around!
Emotional Intelligence is important for anyone who wants to make a change in their life. Before we can successfully walk a new path it is vitally important that we understand why or what is, or was wrong with the path we were on? Our emotional intelligence is personal and unique (although it may be similar to others), it is our internal chemistry that fires off our thoughts and actions. However, if we become mindful of who we are and how we can eliminate many of the negative behaviors that may take us back into the maze of confusion, we will be establishing mindfulness.
I am my own personal expert who has struggled with my identity until I chose to embrace it. When I woke up one day and realized I could keep going down the path I was traveling and not listen to my gut, my heart, and all the pieces of my being that were inflamed, I might not reach my full potential and what a waste would that be, not just for me, but for the people I encounter in life.
Sadly, too many of us (worldwide) are drawn into belief systems taught by our families, communities as well as outside influences. If we are not mindful of what we are being taught and how we use that knowledge we may find ourselves experiencing emotions that we refuse to acknowledge. If we allow ourselves to connect to the sensations those emotions are causing, we can find the path that will enhance our journey.
- Learn the triggers- what makes you happy, sad, anxious, or lead to depression.
- Male or Female we all need to connect to our emotions, specifically those that cause a reaction.
- Being aware of our feelings provides us with the opportunity to maintain control, without being REACTIVE.
- When practiced, emotional intelligence can provide us with a positive action rather than a negative/destructive action.
- Learn to exercise control whether it is deep breathing, closing your eyes and creating a peaceful environment, excusing yourself and walking away, or finding a personal de-escalation method.
- Finding the positive in a negative situation/thought is healthier than zoning in on the negative.
- When triggered or stressed by a situation, being mindful of your reaction will provide you with more opportunities, some of which we may not see at the moment.
***If you would like to be coached through the practical step of Emotional Intelligence contact – #YESICAN coaching with Karen at [email protected].
Have you ever made a mistake? If the answer is yes, you are HUMAN!
“All people commit sins and make mistakes. God forgives them, and people are acting in a godlike (divine) way when they forgive. This saying is from “An Essay on Criticism,” by Alexander Pope.”
If you are reading this you most likely are HUMAN, and your answer should be YES! Own your mistakes and learn from them.
“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” (The earliest recording of this proverb in print is from a book called The Court and Character of King James by Anthony Weldon, 1651). Fooling yourself makes you a fool!
Mistakes are a process of learning. The negative connotation that comes with a blunder needs to be reformulated into a positive which allows us to be mindful and resourceful in finding the resolution.
Do you remember answering a question on a test incorrectly? (Even the smart guys on Jeopardy make mistakes.) Sometimes that wrong answer is often called a ‘brain fart’ oops I forgot. Or maybe you just don’t know the answer and you guess it. Either way a mistake should be used as a learning tool and not an indictment.
“A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again.” – Roy H. Williams (1958-), U.S. author and marketing expert.
- Own your mistakes. Accept that you may not know something and take the opportunity to learn from it. Find the solution and if needed, ask for assistance or guidance. You don’t have to fail twice if you own up to it and take the steps to resolve it.
- Reframing is an important concept. Instead of throwing your hands up in the air claiming you are stupid for the error you committed, reframe your thinking. Use this as an opportunity to learn and teach. When you acknowledge your mistake, you can take action to make it right.
- Use your analytical brain. Ask yourself what was I trying to do, where did I go wrong, when did it go wrong, and why? (Maybe it wasn’t you!)
- What did you learn from this mistake. There is always a positive spin. Look for it, be mindful of it and work with it going forward.
- Stop punishing yourself for mistakes. If you can own up to it, reframe it, analyze it, and learn from it, you will be your wiser self.
Learning from our mistakes is called experiential learning, learning from our mistakes.
Allow yourself to make mistakes, be kind to yourself, no negative self judgement.
Learn to handle your mistakes with grace, you do not have to atone, take this time for self-awareness.
Learning from our past mistakes can be difficult, our brain holds on to those negative memories, but with practice you can change the thought process to positivity.
If you choose to own up and make changes, your past mistakes will not define you, you have the choice.
You can Accept your Mistakes and Move on
- Accept That Mistakes Happen – not just to you but to everyone.
- Learn From Your Mistakes – ask for assistance, guidance, re-evaluate.
- Stop Being So Self Critical – kick the negative to the curb!
- Apologize When needed – be sincere.
- Plan Ahead for The Future – reflect, reassess, and plan.
- KNOW you are not your mistakes (see #1)
- Be Kind to Yourself – treat yourself with respect as you would respect others.
Did I hear you say you want to CHANGE? What is prompting you to come to this conclusion? And do you know what it is you want to change?
I know I have written about this and as well as discussed it in many of my podcasts @ I don’t know when I started to have negative thoughts about myself, my looks, my weight, my lack of talent, etc. I would look into the mirror and wish my hair was long when it was short and short when it was long. My reflection was not meeting up to what I thought I wanted to see.
It took me years to stop the internal struggles I created for myself. It took me a long time before I stopped wanting to change everything about me. I had an epiphany (not one bur many) that took me from seeing all my negative traits to accepting that I had many positives going for me.
This first tool that was handed to me when I chose to follow my heart and provide my brain with a new way of thinking. Maybe I wasn’t going to be the cute, “cheerleading type” in high school; but I found my niche in youth group, and I developed both leadership and team skills. My soul needed acceptance and popularity and when I found it, I cherished it. The tool is allowing yourself to be open to other opportunities and not force yourself to be something you thought you wanted to be.
Developing this tool is not always easy. We may have convinced ourselves we will only be OK when we become the person, we think we want to be. Challenging oneself to look beyond the goal we may find that taking the fork in the road is the change we need / want to take. When challenging oneself to take a new path often the path is smoother and positive when you allow your coach to guide you. Your coach has experiences just like you and often those experiences will help you forge a new path, your choice.
Take a moment and ask yourself the question I proposed, why do you want to change? What is negative about who you are, where are those negative feelings coming from. Are these just random thoughts that you allow to float around in your head? Do these thoughts benefit you or not? These negative thoughts may be making you physically and emotionally ill. What does this illness feel like, and do you want to keep feeling like this?
If you change what does that look like to you? Are you convinced change will be all positivity or will you still feel like you are not enough?
Remember we cannot run away from ourselves – we take ourselves into the future even if we change the way we look on the outside. The history of what we found to be negativity will be in our luggage and we are the only one who can choose to archive those thoughts or find the tools to convert them into positivity.
This is a challenge to identify If, Why and How you want to Change!
Step aside – spend some time in nature, experience artwork and or music to see the beauty and choose.
You can take a different path if the first one doesn’t work. #YESICAN coaching with Karen 440 526 1530.
What are you waiting for? Do you feel like everyone else has it, and you are waiting to find it? Have you asked yourself WHY?
The WHY question is the most difficult open-ended question we can ask ourselves. If you are brave enough to answer it, are you brave enough to listen to your answers?
Before you can grow and make changes you have to STOP what you are doing and begin the investigation process. Successful change is possible when you have a purpose. Change just for the sake of change will not fulfill that missing piece we call IT. It is our purpose and to seek and meet our purpose we must be introspective. If we don’t connect with those inner feelings, both negative and positive, we will remain stuck in the maze.
I have to work on meeting my purpose daily. The changes I have experienced because I chose to make them have fulfilled that missing puzzle piece. I have stopped asking why everyone has it, because the answer is they don’t they too, like you and me are on our journey of life. We each take different paths to arrive at our destination. Even when the destination is the same or similar our paths will differ.
We have options in life but unless we opt to experience them, we will continue to wait and waiting often leads to being stagnant. Living is not about stopping time, it is about evolving through time and space and becoming the best version of ourselves.
Join me #YESICAN coaching with Karen.
Did you know what your saboteurs are? We all hear the voices of yesterday, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, the neighborhood bully, teachers, etc. Each one of these individuals left messages that float around in our brain and those thoughts, voices, often lead us into behaviors that we identify as our saboteurs.
- The Judge that lives within us – the words we may say to ourselves – the unkind thoughts.
- The Avoider – procrastinating changes because the judge may lead you to believe you are not good enough.
- The Controller may lead you to believe if you hold the keys, you are strong and safe, but do you?
- Hyper Achiever – often the work acholic believing if you are always doing you are meeting success, even though you may feel depleted.
- Hyper Rational – the inner voice giving you the assurance that if you do this you will achieve that and if you achieve that all is OK.
- Hyper-Vigilante often feels the effects of anxiety over hyper achieving and hyper rational not truly working for you.
- The Pleaser, the part I have played most of my life, believing if “Make someone happy and you will be happy too…”
- Restless – this may be a combination of many of the saboteurs, but nothing is working for you.
- Stickler – this is when things have to be perfectly done your way, no deviation often bringing out the Judge tell you when things are right or wrong.
- The Victim, sometimes we believe others are pointing at us and yet most of the time we develop this persona to get attention and to feel justified.
When we allow ourselves to be more self-aware, and mindful of what is happening around us, then we can focus on our purpose and create a plan to achieve it. Sometimes we need a little guidance. If you are reading to achieve your purpose, #YESICAN coaching with Karen 440 526 1530.
How do you make decisions? Do you review and assess first or do you react before your thought process has solidified your approach?
If you decide based on experience and knowledge you may succeed in a reactive decision, however; taking the time to assess and evaluate is always beneficial to ensure your success. On the other hand, if you fail, it is not a failure, it is a lesson to be used the next time. When you label something a failure it takes on a life of its own and often does not allow for a positive recovery.
When you have experience and knowledge you can use your intuition to create a positive response. You have the ability to understand without the consciousness the need for deep thought. Using your instinct will lead you to answer, Yes or No!
Despite your instincts to respond without processing, it may be best to rationalize, and take an analytic approach. Being mindful of your surroundings may be an indicator that your experience and knowledge may not be enough to decide.
Positive Intelligence encourages us to build our muscles. This is not turning you into a body builder, but what it does is build your brain and thoughts to; Stop, Look, Listen, and Think. The more you work at this the stronger your brain will become, and the reactive impulses will lessen.
Can you read your body? When you react, what are you feeling and where in your body are you feeling this? When you decide, do you feel impulsive? If you begin to feel anxious, is it physical or emotional? Mindfulness and the practice of being present will allow you to calm the fires that may take you down a path you are not comfortable with. You have the opportunity to command your own ship using your knowledgeable brain.
Do you have the tools for making decisions? Are you looking for guidance and support?
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
Do you ever wake up in the morning (specifically on your day off), and feel BLAH? I have no other words to explain the feeling but it’s almost like your emotional health is dipping and your brain and body are not connecting. Positive Intelligence (also The Intentionality Gurus –, tell us that being mindful of these emotions is important for us to work through them. In the Positive Intelligence program (to learn more please contact Candace Pollock at [email protected]) we practice exercises that help strengthen our brain muscle. If we want to get stronger and able to identify the negatives and turn them into positives, we can enhance our emotional health.
This morning (like many weekend mornings) I woke up processing my own agenda, however, since it included my husband, I knew I had to accept compromise because his agenda and mine would not match up. Even knowing this as I prepared to start ‘our’ day he was slowly moving to the slow beat of his drum and our agendas grew further and further apart. I understand that Rich, my husband, has a grueling schedule during the week and the weekend is really his only time to relax, play, and accomplish home tasks. There are not enough hours in his day, however, in my day those same tasks can be accomplished with some time left over for, who knows what.
Compromise means, “to give up something you want in order to reach an agreement.” In reality we need to collaborate; “work together with others to achieve a common goal.” However, if our goals are not in alignment, it often falls back to compromise and that is where I fall into that state of BLAH! I’m not inferring my husband does not compromise but as the wife I tend to want to keep calm rather than stir up my frustrations that can become hurtful.
It has taken me a long time to come to grip with, “It is What it Is!” I can change the effect it may have on me; I have little if any control on how it affects my husband. If he chooses to move slower, instead of sitting and waiting for him, I find that something fulfilling to me. I have finally learned if I can control my emotional health, it is best for me to do so as it has a subliminal effect on others.
Let’s begin by taking a dive into the BLAH and accept it for what’s worth while identifying if this is worth the risk of negative thoughts and emotions that can turn a good day into a bad day/
Take the time through meditation, young, exercise, listening to music to touch those feelings and let them go. Release them if they don’t provide you with comfort.
As we become more aware of our feelings (good and bad) we develop mindfulness that often stops the negativity that claws away at our positivity.
We must acknowledge that living in a state of 100% positive healthy emotions is not doable. As we know life happens and negative situations develop for all of us, when we balance our emotional health through awareness and mindfulness, we have a toolbox that will assist and guide us through those emotions.
Combining Positive Intelligence with Emotional Intelligence may be the perfect toolbox for us. Emotional Intelligence suggests we let go of the unhelpful thoughts. Those thoughts are coming from past learned behaviors and can paralyze us if we aren’t prepared. When we worry, we become anxious. When we are anxious, we repeat those thoughts over and over in our brain. Those thoughts may lead to fear and sadness. Using tools like deep breathing, visualization, and exercise (physical or mental) will be helpful in finding our balance.
You are not alone if you feel anxious, sad, or angry. Your emotional library has been documenting your feelings your entire life. Don’t listen to others when they say just get over it, or you shouldn’t feel that way. You feel that way because of years of emotional experiences and until you can fill your toolbox with practices that will alleviate these thoughts you will continue to suffer.
Learn to set boundaries. On days like to today when I am Ying, and my husband is Yang we set our boundaries. My boundaries often include my writing in solitude or taking the opportunity to binge watch something he doesn’t want to view. For him it is often his opportunity to take a nap or binge watch his favorite programs of the 60s and 70s. This is helpful to sustain our 39-year marriage.
This all leads us to self-care. If we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we expect others to understand our needs? If I can’t tell you what I need, how would you know? Just because I love chocolate candy does not mean chocolate candy is what I need when I am feeling BLAH. What I may need is the opportunity to face it head in privately to see it for what it is and if necessary, share my thoughts (but I cannot expect my husband or anyone else to understand or agree with my thoughts). Before I share it is my responsibility to understand that I need recognition, I do not need approval.
As a personal coach I help my clients learn to like themselves. There is at least one thing we can acknowledge and work towards developing the best relationship with ourselves that others will see and like.
For more information on coaching and costs #YESICAN coaching with Karen
Let’s Enjoy the Success that WE PERSONALLY CREATE!
Before Monday let’s try doing something that will propel our success. The next four steps can be easy, or you can fight the process and make it difficult. Ask yourself how you can use less energy and yet be highly successful this weekend!
Avoid procrastination. If you have a task that YOU must complete by a certain date, use the NIKE slogan and “Just Do It!” Procrastinating is putting off something you will have to do whether it is now, tomorrow or a week from now. Procrastination often creates a sense of anxiety and forced anxiety is not healthy.
Give yourself permission to be human and accept your mistakes as a learning experience. If you watch Jeopardy™, you will notice that even the smartest players make mistakes by calling out the wrong answer or forgetting to replay with answer in question form. Also don’t you think Einstein or Edison ever made a mistake?
Keep a list or use a vision board to identify what you must do and what you do not have to do and everything else in-between. g., If you are a nursing mother you must feed your baby, however do you need to take the garbage out or is there someone else who can do that?
STOP being AFRAID to ask for help/assistance/or/guidance. Think of asking as an empowering move, not just for yourself but for the person you are requesting this from. We need not be responsible for everything!
We all want to be more productive, I am always looking to achieve the concept of working smart, rather than working hard. When working smart, we gain a sense of accomplishment, and the production of the work does not feel overwhelming or challenging to the point of defeat!
(A special thanks to Positive I am learning how to be the best version of me, and I am guiding my clients through the practice.)
Try this:
- Is the space you are working in conducive to your productivity? If not, pick up and move to another area, or rearrange your area to suit your needs. These changes often unplug the ideas that may have been blocked out, this provides a new perceptive and often provides new energy.
* I have been a furniture mover most of my life. When I feel stagnant, I often start rearranging my room(s) in my head and create an area that provides me inspiration. Sometimes I just move into another room. - Create your vision board whether you use a white board, bulletin board or your online calendar. This vision should provide you with your end goal and work backward to achieve it.
* Working backward for many can be less daunting. For some like me, it provides me with the vision of accomplishment even before I start on my first task. - When creating your vision take the time to think through the mission you are attempting to achieve. It is important to know why and how you plan to achieve this. Sometimes, more often than not, having a guide, mentor and or coach will provide you with the opportunity to see, touch and taste your plan often before you add the first ingredient.
* A coach is someone who provides you the paths of learning/training and helps you enhance your skills to gain the performance you desire. As a coach it is my responsibility to listen and provide you with techniques that will become part of your lifelong toolbox. - I use spatial planning that enhances my needs. There are times working in my home office studio is proper and there are other times I need to rearrange my desk to help me avoid the challenges how the clutter of my desk will distract me. Occasionally I will take my computer and go sit in a Starbucks™ or Panera™ for a change of scenery, sometimes the sound of other people talking can be encouraging to my task at hand.
* I have also taken hours out of what seems to be an unproductive day and I reset my office, turning my desk towards the window to enjoy the sunlight, trees and changing season sky can be just enough for my creative juices to percolate.
Identify your internal Judger voice.
Do not battle with it, but engage with it and learn from it.
- The judge is spewing out thoughts formed in your brain – many of these opinions come from other people that you have absorbed.
- Ask yourself why these feelings are affecting you – and focus on change.
- You may be your own worst enemy but that can change today.
You have all the control….
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall!!!!
OK – Let’s Label Ourselves and I Don’t Mean What is Your Pronoun!
Label yourself with 5 Negatives Comments – Do you believe these comments truly identify you and if so, how would you label yourself positively. See example below.
What do you see when you look in the mirror? (Negative)
- I am fat!
- I ‘m OK?
- I am ugly!
- I’m awkward…
- I am dumb!
What do you see when you look in the mirror? (Positive)
- I like my blue eyes…
- I like my straight hair.
- I look pretty/handsome.
- I am thin!
- I am smart!
Where did the above comments come from? Who has made these comments and convinced you of their reality?
Now think about the Negative acknowledgements – has someone told you …
- You’re too fat, was it a parent/sibling/friend/social media?
- When you say you’re OK what does that mean…
- What does the word ugly mean, what makes you ugly? Eyes, nose, hair, etc.
- Has someone called you awkward and in what context?
- Are you dumb? What is your definition of dumb?
Now think about all your Positive qualities -how can you be so confident?
- What is it about your eyes that make you beautiful/handsome?
- What is it about your straight hair that pleases your looks?
- What is your definition of pretty/handsome?
- Why is thin so important?
- Are you smart both in book knowledge as well as in socialization?
Before we can begin to make any changes we must understand the reason for the comments and how they affect us…
I want to introduce you to the Wheel. This Wheel will provide you with some needed information to assist you in your navigating the coaching process. Please keep in mind that as your coach I too use these tools to improve my skillsets that keep me in focus as I continue to evolve into the person I want to be. I spent too many years trying to be like someone else or allowing others to dictate to me, who and what I should be.
The wheel as seen below may have a different segment and for your benefit it you choose to change the segments feel free because this is your journey. However, for now use this as your first exercise.
The information you put in this exercise no words or explanations are needed – you assess each segment which is design to give you a sampling of your wellbeing. It is important that you are honest with yourself as you contemplate where you are on a scale of 10 being TERRIFIC to 1 being at your low point. Together we will discuss how you can change those numbers for a more fulfilling life’s journey.
Below is an example of what it will look like:
In our coaching session we will talk about these areas and how you perceive the changes you can make to achieve wellness.
(I use the wheel on a regular basis to see if I am on track, and I find that I cannot fool the wheel. The results for me truly pinpoint where I may need to focus to get back on track. The wheel is my friend it provides me with perspective that I sometimes don’t give myself credit for seeing.)