June, 2019

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Today is the last Friday in June 2019, half of 2019 is behind us, but there is always today, and tomorrow will come!  I used to be a worry-wart trying to accomplish tomorrow’s business today just so I could have a day off; however, if you do that daily, you never take time off.  Without taking the time to recuperate, refresh, and recharge each task often gets more complicated, and internal resentment builds up.  (At least it did for me.)  While I was so busy living for tomorrow, I was not fulfilling my own needs and reaching my potential.




They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, while I am not a dog, nor am I old in mind and spirit.  Therefore I have been able to venture down a new fork in the road and experience this thing we call life.  It is precious, and embracing it with all my heart and soul has allowed me to develop into a more empowered happier me.





I challenge you to ask yourself one question, are you happy with yourself?  Do not criticize yourself when you answer honestly.  Take your answer(s) and take a gamble on walking down a new path today.  Instead of going straight turn right or turn left.  Witness the landscape and breath in the newness.  Feel what you see, feel what you hear, and feel from the depths inside.  Experience those feelings that may have gone dormant while living for tomorrow instead of for today.




No judgments.  We are all on a personal journey, and until you embark on yours as I have on mine, you will never become one with your body, spirit, and mind.


This is my opinion – Karen Moss Hale

Last night I had no intention of watching Part 1 of the Democrats Debate.  However, I did watch it, and I was amazed at the talent and mostly the compassion in many of these #WANT-2-B-Presidents.  I went into this not wanting to like Elizabeth Warren, thinking she had her chance in 2016, but I see a different person in her now.  She truly cares; she is the mom, teacher, nurse, doctor, and mentor that we need.  Yet I saw the spark in the eyes of others who I felt were also believable.  I have trusted Julian Castro since his introduction through Obama years ago.  I understood the use of Spanish and English in his remarks last night, however, when my grandparents and yours came here from far-away lands speaking in their tongue, part of becoming a U.S. citizen was learning English and be capable of communicating with all.  I am not against having a native language like Spanish, French, Yiddish, etc., but we all must learn to speak in the same language. We are a melting pot, and we must be able to blend together, bringing our strengths to the table and improving upon our weaknesses.

Personally, Cory Booker is another fine politician and human, and he reminds me of President Obama, and for my family and me although we had our own personal struggles during his period in office, we felt safe and optimistic.  The stats from last night say Booker and Castro were at odds with each other and this is something that we must overcome.  The Democratic System is about choice, freedom, and rights.  It is also about collaboration and not compromise.  Many of the #WANT-2-B-Presidents said it; it is not about starting a new project; it is about taking what we have and making it better.  Whether you agree or not, that is what the Affordable Care Act was about.  It was the starting point to help provide that all AMERICANS have affordable care despite their age and or income level!  Why should we throw the baby out with the bathwater when we can hold tight to the baby and reconstruct the bath temperature?

Tonight is yet another #WANT-2-B-Presidents debate, and I am sure there will be a lot more rhetoric being spewed, some real and like some else says, some fake!  However, we are still living in a free country where we can listen, observe, discuss, and make the right decision.

  • Healthcare is a given if we are going to grow and capable of living full lives.
  • Education must allow teachers to instruct, guide, and mentor, stop putting handcuffs on them, and education must be equalized for all no matter how economically rich or poor the community is!
  • The government must listen to the constituents, hear what they want, need, and require to be leaders in their families, communities, and beyond.
  • Stop creating wars, communication with our Ally’s and Enemies must be the focus and not threats that bring on retaliation.
  • We MUST face the fact we are killing mother earth, and we have the ability to stop it. New innovations are at our fingertips, and these skills can be taught and change both the political and natural resources climate.

Before my mother died in 2016, I promised her that Donald Trump would not be elected.  Sadly, I could not keep my promise.  Many people enjoyed his promises about “Making America Great Again,” the problem was, it was already Great, and now it is in pain!  We need a new doctor in the house.

New Day Monday

Good Morning World!  Although we all may feel safe in the cocoon of our own home, family, and friends, there are many outside forces producing unrest and fear.  It is necessary for us, you, me, and all those we know to take a step out of our comfort zones and begin challenging the odds.





Whether you watched the ABC special last night of the “Flying Wallendas” crossing over Times Square, it was fearful as well as amazingly exciting.  Although this is not a feat for most of us to attempt, the concept of facing one’s fears and taking one step at a time is something we all can and should do.






Despite our political beliefs, we must find a way to collaborate and communicate.  The art of communication is listening and dissecting fact from fiction.  If we do not confront our distress of the real news and listen only to the fake news, we will not be capable of moving forward and growing.




On this first Monday of Summer 2019, find the sunshine behind the clouds, and be the change you want to see in this overwhelming world.  Take a deep breath and smell the roses, the rain, the freshness of life.  If it feels musty and moldy, this is your opportunity to light the way and clean up the remnants.





Empower yourself while lending a hand to those who may need guidance.

Sunday – Sun Day – Sundae

It’s Sunday morning, and some of you are preparing to go to Church, others are praising they spiritual leader on the golf course, while many may be sleeping late since it is a day of rest in some form of interpretation.  For me, it’s a workday, and I am spiritually inclined to engage with co-workers, customers, and some of the few non-customers coming through the door today.  The sun is shining here in Cleveland, Ohio as well as in many other cities across the United States.  If you have been affected by the bad weather of late, I want to remind you that you may want to enjoy what you can and pledge (all of us) to make mother earth survival able.


When the EPA was formed in 1970, almost 50 years ago, the mission of this organization was designed to protect human and environmental health.  Global warming and overpopulation were a very serious concern/and still should be.  The warming of mother earth is “gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.”  It is these effects that are causing the numerous weather pattern changes with flooding rains, erosion of the lake and seashores, forest fires, and so much more massive destruction.


We can truly make our world for a lifetime and beyond safer, cleaner, and less destructive.  We need to stop all the waste!  Once there was a time, we were less disposable.  However, modern technology has taught us some bad lessons, throw it out if it’s not working to your standards; this includes the tangible and nontangible items in life.  Not only have things been sent to landfills, but able-bodied Americans have been forced out of work waiting and wondering, “What Next?”  Too many Americans of all ages are sitting on disposable islands because they are not perfect.  I ask you, who defines perfection?


As you take in the sunshine today on this third full day of summer, make a promise to yourself and the mother who provides for you that you will do what is right in return.  Recycle not dump, compost, and a rich the soil for growth, and embrace and engage with those who need a hand to help them stand tall and proud.  B-U, B-ME, Become Engaged, and B-US!

3 Women_Commonality

Yesterday I met with three very inspiring women and although they may not agree let me tell you why I note them as such.






We are living in a world where everyone seems to know your business, making assumptions about who you are, and how successful or not you may be.  Technology has taught us to listen in sound bites and look at the outer beauty when choosing someone to be a friend, significant other, business associate, etc.  However, as I sat with these three lovely women, no presumptions were made.




My initial contact was a bit uncomfortable as I arrived early, almost one hour before we were to meet.  Now I am an early bird when I have a scheduled meeting or event to attend, but sixty minutes was an error on my part when I filled in my calendar.  In the scheme of things all worked out for the best, I returned to meet with these three inspiring women at the given time.




The conversation was easy, and as I sat amongst them, I felt at home with these three women whom I hope I can call my new friends.  As we shared ideas and conversation, I felt an inner space that has felt empty fill up with joy and anticipation.






If I do nothing more with my life, I hope to engage others to seek out their needs and challenge themselves to fill the missing pieces in their lives.  I want to be a hand to guide and learn from others and wake-up on a morning with more RAIN and still feel happy, seeing the sunshine in the eyes of my new friends and acquaintances.





These three women are inspiring to me as I noted they too are challenging themselves as well, a common bond.

DAD’s Day – FATHER’s DAY – POP’s DAY – Call it whatever you want DAY with LOVE

In response to my brother Joel’s Blog, “Dads.”

My dad was my hero

He was not perfect by a long shot, but he was my Pops!

At 5 ft 11 inches he appeared to be a huge figure to me.

He provided me with hugs and kisses, and these were not meant for just special occasions, they were daily devotions of love for family.

My pops always had an answer or tried, and although it may not have been the one I desired, Words by Harmon were spoken or written.


When my dad wasn’t smiling, I assumed it was my fault, and yet today I look back and wonder why I allowed those thoughts to cross my mind.  Assuming always resulted in making an ASS out of ME.  (Some times that even included a potch on the touchy, OUCH!)

My dad was not wealthy in the sense of dollars, but his compassion for life, learning, and sharing made him as RICH as a king.



He was a dreamer, and he attempted to reach for the stars, failure was not in his vocabulary, every step was part of the master plan.






To this day I can still hear my father davening, saying the morning prayers, and often as a young child, I would watch him from afar with his Tallit (prayer shawl), Kippah (head covering), and Tefillin: Phylacteries.

Often this followed another daily ritual for my Pops, as he called it, the three S’s.  At the end of this, he could hear my father bellow, “Good Morning Handsome!”  (My father once told me if you can’t say something positive about yourself how can you expect others too.)


Today, Father’s Day 2019 it is the 15th year that my father is not here on this green earth (that we are destroying) to celebrate.  I cannot imagine what he must be thinking looking down from the heavens above with the love of his life, my momma, DVasha at his side.

Today I will not be giving my dad cigarettes as we did in the 1950s and 60s, or a pipe or tobacco as he preferred in the 70s and 80s.  He no longer needs a necktie or a new iMac, and even in the day, he preferred just having his Chick-A Dees, his children grandchildren, and great grandkids, spend time with him.




I miss watching my dad fall asleep in his comfy living room recliner and waking up just in time to watch golf on TV.

I miss knowing that he was just a phone call away with the wisdom I chose to listen to or not!

I miss spending Father’s Day with him or any other day.

But, I cherish my memories that no one can ever take away, this is the gift he gave me, and today I will remember and send my loving thoughts to the heavens above.


To all the GREAT DADS, my husband Rich included, continue to create the love and kindness both you and your children need to be the BEST versions of themselves.


WE R the LIGHT of The World

In October 2016, as my mother was nearing the end of her life, I made the decision that I needed to connect to my Jewish roots.  My mother was the anchor for the many holiday traditions that I grew up with and enjoyed for many years.  However, when I married in the early seventies, my husband at the time was a nonpracticing Reformed Jew.  If it weren’t for family trips back to my parent’s Seder Table or celebrating Hanukkah with his family, life would have been empty.

In 1979 as I went through a divorce I chose to get not only a civil court document but I went to the Mikvah and received  “A get or gett (/ɡɛt/; Hebrew: גט‎, plural gittin גיטין) is a divorce document in Jewish religious law, which must be presented by a husband to his wife to effectuate their divorce.”  You’ve heard the song “Tradition from Fiddler on the Roof, and I chose to follow the culture.

In 1980 I also chose to become a Bat Mitzvah.  I did this for me, creating my identity and identifying with being a Jew, not for the religious aspect but for the commitment to carry on the traditions and family love that I grew up to love.

Although I fell in love with a Gentile man, the second time around, the love and friendship we possess convinced me that an interfaith relationship could withstand the test of time.  It’s funny how your life may change but deep inside my soul the need for keeping the flames burning, never have extinguished themselves.

I have struggled since the early ’80s to find a community of Jewish individuals that openly accepted my family and me.  However, through the guidance of my mother and father from heaven’s above, I refused to give up, and I have found myself at Temple Israel.  A big shout out to Rabbi Josh Brown who read my heartful note asking for connection as he guided me into the hands of Elaine Newman and Teri Segal.  Since that day, I have begun interweaving my family into theirs.  Through Elaine and Teri, I have met so many wonderful people.  Mensch (mentsch)— Literally “man or woman” an honorable, decent, stand-up person, as in, “I don’t care who you marry, as long as he or she is a mensch.”

Tonight I will attend services and pre-services social to recognize new members to the congregation/my family.  I am blessed that I have found yet one more way to live my life to the fullest and share the opportunities that are available for us all to be accepted in peace.  I can hear my mom and pops kvelling, feeling the happiness that I am experiencing.  Although I can no longer return to my mother and father’s home, I can open the doors of my home and enter the doors of Temple Israel to fulfill a need that has needed nourishment.

We all must find that space to light our fire and share it with others to experience the beauty of the sunrise and sunset.

D-DAY make a POSITIVE Change 4 PEACE

Today 75 years after D-Day, D-Day the day it happened on June 6, 1945.  On this day 425,000 Allied and Germans were killed, wounded, or went missing.  Only one out of four survived!

The above should be one of our many reminders of why we want to stop warring with each other.  Begin with yourself, family, friends, neighbors, and move out to the outer edges of your comfort zone, and extend a hand in understanding that you are no more important than the person you declare as your enemy.  Let us rid this word from all languages.


We do not have to be antagonistic towards another; there is no need for harm, injure, or overpowering another.  Isn’t time to “Lay down our sword and shield,” down by the riverside?  Isn’t it time to study war and declare NO MORE?”





If D-Day does not trigger you to empower yourself to change, we will never truly live in a peaceful world.






In memory of those that sacrificed their lives to stop WARRING and bring us together in discussions, awareness, and acceptance of differences, I say RIP!  To the families, friends, and battalion brothers who survived, a special thank you for contributions.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life; it is D-Day, the day to make a positive difference.

Who Said Life IS FAIR?

2 June 2019

So you say life isn’t fair, it’s difficult to find a job, create a successful relationship, and find true happiness.  However, if I have learned one thing in life, nothing comes easy that is worthwhile keeping.  I too have felt these same pangs believing I was the only one struggling in a career, with family, friends, and most of all, self-acceptance.  Acceptance does not mean not trying to improve or look for self-satisfaction, it means finding something about yourself to believe in.


This past week has been a rollercoaster of emotions.  It began with not knowing if my husband had/has a job or not.  Although the situation is not resolved after the initial shock that he may need to make some changes that will affect us both, we both had to grieve, take a deep breath, and keep taking steps in a forward and lateral direction, backward was not/is not a choice.


Change is not easy, even if it’s a choice we make.  Any change can be scary and can make for a lot of discomforts.  Before looking in the mirror and making any alterations, we must appreciate what we have on a daily basis — find one thing, and it will multiply to two, three, or more.  “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”  So when a curve ball is thrown, we either catch it or hit it out of the park.  Catching it may throw us off balance or even sting a bit, hitting it out of the park, however, empowers us to make a choice to change!




Empowerment is a choice and prepares us for the rollercoaster of life.  Preparation allows us to be more aware of our surroundings and the fork in the road that lays up ahead.