Wednesday, July 27th, 2022
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Karen Hale -Coach Advocate
What is a Coach, and do you need one?
A coach is someone who helps YOU improve Your own performance,
A good coach is someone who will guide YOU to view Your positive attributes.
Coaching is designed for YOU to adjust and make the changes You want.
What is an Advocate?
An advocate is someone who will support or recommend the assistance YOU are looking for.
An advocate will not judge or place their opinion on YOU.
An advocate will guide you through a process.
What is a Coach Advocate?
Someone like me providing podcasts to vet out your best choice /or/
Someone who understandings coaching and identifies with the needs of the client, YOU.
Someone who help you through the process expressing yourself – not about the past but about the now, and Your tomorrows.
Are you looking for a Coach?
Listen to Avoid the Maze – we have a wide range of Coaches some have specialties like Business/Sales/Education others may help you travel your personal path or identify how your personal and professional journey may need some massaging. Let me be your guide.
Contact me, Karen, at [email protected] – subject Coach Advocate – there is no charge to the client, YOU for my services contact me for more information.
If you are a Coach and are interested my services to vet out client leads, contact me at [email protected] so we may discuss a onetime fee.