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6 Weeks and Healing
8 February 2025
It’s not quite 6 weeks from my shoulder humerus surgery and it feels as if this road to recovery is exceptionally long. According to my doctors and therapist I need to be patient and celebrate each movement, like typing. With activity and therapy, I will regain range of motion, but it will take time and each movement and exercise I do will be uncomfortable until I gain the strengthen and healing occurs. I have been told that my recovery can take 6- 12 – 18 months or more. I have been reminded to be patient (not my best feature) and to do my exercises. Therapy may be needed for some time as it is important the exercises are performed correctly for the should and arm to recover.
Prior to the fracture I had a torn rotator cuff and that was repaired at the time of surgery so I have additional issues that need to recover, and I must listen to my body.
Listening to my body has caused an interruption in my work schedule. Although I work independently and from home, even a podcasts have been cancelled and rescheduled in order for me to provide selfcare which will eventually help in healing my repaired injuries. It may appear to others that there is nothing to podcasting, but it is all the work that goes into the production and release that increases my pain level, and I need to stop and take time for recovery. If you know me, you know this is not an easy task for me.
This Saturday afternoon I have been working on and off since 10 am this morning. Normally what I have accomplished would have been down in 30 – 40 minutes but I do not have the stamina for what I have set out to do. I am learning to give myself permission I message I share with my Coaching Clients. I understand the want (and need) to make changes and complete tasks but sometimes it is necessary to accept what we can and cannot change (at least at the moment).
6 weeks is actually a baby step in the recovery process and the Chronic Pain / Discomfort I am experiencing may not be visual to you. I am good at masking my pain, but I know it is best if I STOP and just allow the process to slow down. So, I am reaching out to you to please be patient with me and understand I will continue to do what I can when I can, but it may not meet your expectations. I need to be OK with that.
This journey has made me more empathetic towards others and if you need someone to guide you through your changes, reach out, I am here.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]
440 526 1530
When Podcasting meets Coaching
We all travel through life trying to be the best at something. Sadly some of us get caught up in being the best for someone else or at least in the image they identify us with. If we are unsure of our own thoughts and feelings it is possible to drift through life never understanding who we are as an individual.
As someone who search for her identity for more than 1/2 my years on earth I can share with you allowing myself to feel and venture down a path of discovery has been a the greatest gift I have recieved in my life, and I gave it to myself.
I did not have to wait for that magical gift wrapped package with the perfect bow and presentation to connect with my happiness. I accept the reality that happiness is not a destination in fact it is a work in progress and sometimes sadness propelled by negativity takes me out of the place I want to be on my journey. However, as a podcaster and life coach I have developed the tools to make the adjustments I need to create the mood I need at the moment.
I remember a time when I was around 9 years old. My Baube, my grandmother, had just died and we were sitting Shiva, the Jewish Memorial for the passing of a loved one. Since I knew this was a sad time I didn’t understand how my mother and her two sisters sat together telling stories and laughing. I was angry and confused, my Baube had just died and they were laughing how could that be right. I remember going to my mother’s side crying and asking her to stop laughing and smiling. My Aunite Annie explained in a sweet and quiet tone, that we needed to cherish the good and happy memories of Baube. It’s not that we weren’t sad but there were so many things that Baube said and did that will always bring smiles and giggles to our faces! That was my first lesson in understanding that if you look for the positive you will find it.
When my mother passed away even in her eulogy we offered up snipets of her humor and the memories that even as we laid her to rest brought happy thoughts into our spirit that still lives on for me today.
My journey, my words and the creation of tools to help me live my best life is what I offer to you thorugh podcasting and life coaching.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]
440 526 1530
Sometimes You Just Need to Clean House
Well, today was a day to revisit the website to make some changes and provide our visitors with the information they are looking for. Any suggestions please email: [email protected]
Why I Podcast
Why do I Podcast? Well, you opened it up so sit back and hear my purpose.
When I was 16 and unsure of my teenage self, I took both a Speech and Debate Class and I excelled in both. It was an awakening to me that I had a quality that I had never identified with and that was COMMUNICATION.
Two years later in 1968 (I have evolved), when I started college, I chose Communications as my degree path and somehow got into all my 300 and 400 level classes and aced them while struggling in the required science, math, and history. My parents were not happy when after my second year I announced I had earned my associate’s degree. In 1970 they felt as if I wasted two years of tuition because there truly were not women in Broadcasting which was my DREAM.
Fast forward in life to 2008 when my youngest son was graduating high school, and I was an Advisor at a For-Profit College. I saw my son advancing beyond my dreams as well as the students I was advising. I realized at that time how good I was at my job and how much better I would be if I completed my degree in Communications and advance beyond. Working full time, being mom and wife and volunteering in various organizations, in 2012, I graduated with honors and within 6 months lost my job at the college. Feeling lost and abandon by the system, I took my degree to the next level and established myself as a blogger, podcaster, and now a coach.
This is my purpose in life to share my story and those of others to help at least one person who is listening to take the steps to find and achieve their purpose on ‘their’ terms. Although we are all unique, we have similar needs, wants, and dreams and if we listen and allow ourselves to be mindful, we can take the steps to achievement.
I podcast because it is my purpose to learn and share and evolve into the best version of myself.
Alex Bevan and The Akron Symphony_ AWESOME
Bravo – Alex Bevan and the Akron Symphony what a marvelous performance last evening at EJ Thomas Hall (in Akron, Ohio).
Approximately seven years ago I met Alex along with Jim Ballard, John Mosey, and Charlie Weiner, all talented Northeast Ohio musicians. They have teamed up and worked together as well as individually in this area and beyond. Last night Jim, John, and Charlie (amongst other musicians from the area) as well as my husband and I, were entertained not just with the music but the bantering between Alex and Eric (Conductor of the Akron Symphony).
I spotted Jim and Charlie in the audience, and I had the chance to talk briefly with John and my heart was soaring because these four men lead me in the direction of meeting so many talented individuals in my community, known by many outside the community.
The music last night was Bevan’s “Watersongs” album to life and together with this magnificent orchestra magic was made.
Check out:
Thank you, Alex, for providing me with a wonderful memory through your music.
Check out our new page… The Dallas Wings is proud to be a Top Fan of The Dallas Wings
If you are asking why we chose The Dallas Wings (as well as The Panther City Lacrosse Club) it’s because Cleveland does not have a WNBA Team or a Professional Lacrosse Team. The other reason is that Alex Hale, the original owner of is the Merchandise Coordinator for both teams!
Next month I will have the privilege to attend not one but two Dallas Wings games. I will be visiting in Arlington for the June 13th and 15th for Seattle Storm and Connecticut Suns Games. I will ensure I provide you all with a writeup on my experiences and if I can snag an interview or two I would be so excited too!
Become a FAN today The Panther City Lacrosse Team
I am not sure why The Panther City Lacrosse Team does not pull in fans! I have been an Avid Fan since I was introduced to the team and the game. Although I do not live in Texas, I support this team via social media, and I watch their games on ESPN+. “Lacrosse has its origins in a tribal game played by eastern Woodlands Native Americans and by some Plains Indians tribes in what is now the United States of America and Canada. The game was extensively modified by European settlers to create its current collegiate and professional form.” This sport is played in high schools nationwide and is a major sport in many colleges. So why aren’t we more onboard?
The Panther City Lacrosse Team is a fairly young team to the Fort Worth area beginning their season in 2021. They are a group of young professional men putting their hearts and souls into this sport and I want to see the community stand up and support them. Going to a Panther City Game is affordable for most families. I know the Forth Worth, Arlington, and Dallas have other major sports teams as well, but they are not as affordable for families to attend. The game of lacrosse is fast paced and exciting and I must say when I was visiting Texas in December, I felt like a kid sitting in the stands cheering this team on. I have not missed a game watching from my home in Ohio on ESPN+.
So here I am challenging the community in Fort Worth and the surrounding area to join in the fun. The next game is Sunday, March 3rd 3 pm EST /2 pm CST. They will be on the road after that returning to Dickies Arena on Friday, March 22nd 8pm EST/ 7 pm CST. On April 7, a Sunday afternoon game at 4 pm EST/ 3 pm CST & Sunday, April 14th which will be an early evening game at 5pm EST/ 4 pm CST. (This is the last Season Home Game for 2024.) So don’t wait, get out there see what all the excitement is and become a FAN TODAY!
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530
February 3, what this date means to me.
Forty years ago on February 3, 1984, Rich and I got married by Rabbi Eisenberg (May he REST in PEACE), witnessed by friends Debbie and Dave. Although I had been living with Rich since 1982, and we talked about marriage it was extremely important for me that when he asked and I said, “YES”, it would be for life.
I came into our relationship with what is often termed as baggage. I had been divorced for almost 2 years and I had custody of my son from that marriage who was almost 5 years old. I was living in Cincinnati when we met and Rich lived in Peninsula, Ohio, a 5-hour drive that I took every couple of weeks leading up to moving in, in 1982. We made the long-distance relationship work so moving in was the next step.
We became an instant family, accepted by his parents and his friends. However, we faced numerous obstacles including the cost of transportation so my son (Steve) could visit his father. Rich was involved from the get-go, but it started to take a toll on our relationship. Soon after we settled in my ex-husband was not happy about our new living relationship and this soon turned into a custody issue dragging us all through the court system. Although the court continued to grant me custody, on February 8, 1984, we were scheduled to go to court and face the judge. My attorney at the time suggested if we wanted to retain custody, we should get married. This led to our marriage in the Rabbi’s study on February 3, 1984.
Rich and I agreed to go through the formality, however I did not want to get married until this issue was resolved. Since I did not have that choice, we agreed to silently get married, if it didn’t work, we said we would end it in the future or plan another wedding that would include family and friends. Yes, we won custody in court after spending a lot of money (well worth it for my son), we returned home and decided to plan a summer wedding and we chose the date, July 15th.
Yes, this year we will be married for forty-years twice, does that mean we have been married for 80 years????
Now let’s talk about marriage. I am grateful for my first marriage as my son Steve is a gift from that union. Although I initially blamed his father for not (never) loving me, time has healed those wounds as I realize we were young when we met and got married and we were so different from each other that those differences divided us and created what now I see as a toxic marriage. I have learned so much over the years and acknowledge the divorce was needed for us to find our personal happiness. My son’s father and his wife will also be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary this year.
When I met my husband, Rich, I realized for me that the second time was the charm. I married my best friend, and I became his lover and go to person. It has not been easy, we have faced numerous challenges and we have tripped over the obstacles, but even when we have stumbled and fell, we got up and brushed ourselves off and kissed and made-up.
Kissing and making up doesn’t mean you have to give up your opinion and turn your differences into a mutual like, it’s ok to be different and not always OK with each other.
Rich and I made it through a custody issues, two weddings in one year, and bringing family and friends together to accept our union even when some said it would not last. (Thank you all for the challenge but somehow, we have made it.)
Rich and I struggled having a child, many rounds of IVF that we were told would be covered by my insurance only to find out that they weren’t, and we had a billed of $40,000+ to pay. Three plus years of dreaming, hoping, and praying, and a miscarriage, in December 1989 we were finally pregnant. (This pregnancy almost didn’t happen, the night before the insemination, I was molested by a doctor.) With the love and support of my husband and my OB/GYN I went through the procedure because we knew it was the right decision.
Not easy getting pregnant, and not an easy pregnancy. Sick for the first three months, and Braxton-Hicks’s contractions for the last three months, we brought Alex into the World in August 1990. And all went well for the first 30 days until our baby became violently ill and underwent abdominal surgery. When we brought him home all went well for 6 years. At six Alex was diagnosed with Autism/Aspergers and faced the challenges of what Special Needs meant.
Alex made us better and stronger as we did our best, adjusting when needed, and allowing him and us to live in a more traditional and normal state. Life is not like in the Hallmark™ movies, and Facebook has provided me with the insight that ‘perfect’ does not exist, well maybe for an hour or two when we are playing at something we like and want to do. I wouldn’t change a thing, well maybe a few tweaks here and there.
Today, I have three special men in my life, my husband Rich, my son Steve, and my son Alex. I love all three of them and I feel blessed they love and like me too. As a teenager all I wanted was that one special guy and I was living to find him. When I met Rich (at Helene and Lanny’s wedding rehearsal, I was not looking for a relationship) I was beginning to feel secure as a single woman, single mom, and being single. However, as fate may have it, once I met Rich something clicked, and that feeling is still within me. I am with my person, and despite the fact that not every moment in the day is perfect, I would be lost without this man who continues to provide me with my independence. I am blessed that he accepted my oldest son and has been a father and friend figure for him for 40+ years. Rich is a wonderful father and has been involved from the first moment we conceived. He has been by side when we experienced the loss and miscarriages. He developed a strong loving bond with my parents and brothers taking a seat at the table.
When I told my mother Rich and I were getting married she commented, “The first time you marry for love, the second time for money…” Although this was to be a long-standing joke between us, I told her this time is for a lasting friendship/love with a man called Rich.
Here is to 40 Plus!