And his name was/is Charlie Eble

Attention one and all…if you knew Charlie Eble, now is your opportunity to share your stories.  May 19, 2019, the Mayor of Saratoga Springs has claimed as Charlie Eble Day.  Look for more information through our website, podcasts and social media outlets.  All I will say at this moment in time, starting next week I would like to do a weekly podcast leading up to May 19th and get you involved.  What did Charlie mean to you?  What do you miss most about him?  If you had one more opportunity to tell him something what would it be?


Charlie was exceptional, and I doubt he even knew how special and loved he was and still is!  An enormous thanks to Sarah Craig and Joel Moss for taking the mission of Alex Hale and to the next step.  I can hear Charlie’s voice now telling my son Alex, your work has just begun, and so has mine.

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