WORD of the DAY 2022
Word of the Day was influenced by Gary Moss – https://just4thespellofit.com/word-of-the-day/
Word of the Day AWESOME 11/15/23
I have not stuck to my commitment to having a Word of the Day, every day. Like many of you, Life derails me or provides me a different path to take where I explore challenges and opportunities. However, yesterday I began to feel a large weight of anxiety, causing me to be fatigued, and not focusing on the tasks I had set in place. Despite the detour I am still awakening this morning to a feeling of AWESOMENESS!
Over the last 4 plus months my youngest son has been on a career journey. We provided him the safe place to explore his options and we (my husband and I) traveled along side of him through every interview and possible move. He had to turn down a couple of offers due to the cost of his move and the salary and benefits being offered. We were firsthand witnesses to his challenges turning down opportunities until yesterday, November 14, 2022. Alex received an offer, and he is now scheduled to move to TEXAS, Dallas to be exact. He will still be working in sports and the opportunity will expand his horizons.
The job offer and move is a mixed blessing as we have enjoyed having our adult son living with us even though he is totally independent and many days we have been like three ships passing in the night. Dallas is not just across town so inviting him home for dinner or meeting up with him on his lunch break will not be doable. However, we know he will come home on holidays, or we may go to see him – only time will tell how this plays out. But it is obvious to his dad and I that this is a GREAT – AWESOME opportunity.
The word AWESOME describes how I feel this morning…and since he accepted the career opportunity. Awesome because I can look back, not just at last 4, 6 or 12 months, but over the years where Alex has had to overcome the ignorance of many who chose to push him off to the side because he is on the Spectrum. For those who have chosen to know Alex for Alex, they have seen that we all have certain abilities as well as struggles. In a KIND and AWESOME world, we find ACCEPTANCE and we become Better Individuals ourselves.
I have been Alex’s advocate since that day in 1996 when the school nurse and psychologist called us in for a parent meeting suggesting that Alex may be on Spectrum and requested, he be seen by a neurologist. Our journey began and it was led by Dr. Max Wiznitzer. In 2011 Alex was forced to begin sailing his own ship and setting his course as he graduated from Dr. Max’s care.
We are living in uncharted times. We may be out of the Pandemic Stage but we are living in a time where so many are feeling insecure as our world gets smaller. And despite all that we continue to face the obstacles and turn them into opportunities. Today, is the first day that I move forward to be a better person so I can be an even better mom, wife, sister, aunt, and friend. Today is the day that I look at my Cup as half full and know that I am the only one can fill it or over fill it sharing with individuals like YOU.
It is an AWESOME feeling to look back at how I have handled so much uncertainty and adversity and I am here with a smile on my face to explore the new opportunities and challenges that will come my way.
Although I would have arrived at this juncture without my friends and family, they were all involved in helping guide me. Working with numerous coaches provided me the challenge to face myself and find the qualities I like and develop them. I, like you, have the choice to feel Awesome or Not! I choose to feel AWESOME.
To feel AWESOME means
- Amazing
- Astonishing
- Astounding
- Awe-inspiring
- Breathtaking
- Imposing
- Inspiring
- Magnificent
Word of the Day MINDFULNESS
To be mindful we must allow our brain to focus (through a form of meditation) on our moods, thoughts, physical changes, and the experience of having something/or/someone alter our mood. If we can be mindful of what may be making us SAD, HAPPY, or void of feelings we will have the ability to face the challenges to understand ourselves. If we don’t understand the changes that may affect us in our lives, how can we expect friends, family, and strangers to understand.
Mindfulness is not a new concept or word added to the dictionary, the act of mindfulness has been an essential practice by Buddhists for 2000 years. You don’t have to practice Buddhism to be appreciate the act of Mindfulness.
We can catch ourselves in the emotional act and observe where these feelings are coming from (Good or Bad). It has taken me most of my life to understand that I do have the control over my feelings whether I continue to engage in them one way or another. When we (you and me) feel SAD, it is not about flipping the switch to HAPPY for those around us. Flipping the switch will happen when we (you or me) acknowledge the emotion that is labeled.
Word of the Day RADIATION
When you hear the word Radiation (treatment) what is your first response? CANCER! Have you ever heard the comment, ‘that’s a good cancer, if you are going to get cancer.”
My husband and I have always been proactive when it comes to our health. We have witnessed several relatives and friends who chose not to address a symptom or multiple symptoms as anything other than an annoyance. The annoyance for some turned out to be the dreadful “C” word.
For the last 25 years my husband’s medical advocacy included Prostate Screening, and up until his last PSA in June did a warning bell go off. He was immediately scheduled for Prostate Biopsy, and the indicators identified that he was in the very beginning stages of a CANCER journey.
He had options and one was to do nothing and retest in 6 months and if his PSA didn’t change – wait another, and another. The best option he was given was 9 weeks of radiation 5 days a week – treatment takes 15 minutes. Prognosis – Excellent – however I will report back on this in 9 – 10 weeks.
Radiation began yesterday, November 3, 2022!
My husband has no symptoms, and if he has not been proactive, he would not know that he has the Big C. What we do know is that not taking the initiative over the years to be tested, has provided us with peace of mind with Positivity.
Today Radiation is my word as I must remember that as symptom free as this treatment is, it is important for me (as his better half), to provide a little extra, TLC.

11/2/22 ENOUGH
Word of the Day
When is Enough, Enough? As I sit here in my studio/office that I share with my husband I am inundated with stuff. When we moved into this condo in May 2008, we brought a SHIT LOAD of stuff- much of which is so old and outdated that it’s not worth a cent. Software programs on CD, disk, and floppies! Magazines that often are purchased by my loving husband and stacked for future reading. My desk piles up with mail and notes and every day or two I go through the JUNK and shred it, scan it, or pass it on to my collector (also known as husband).
Enough is a word that we often use when we are craving that new item, I need one more and then I will have enough, until the next time when I add another.
How many times have you heard someone ask you if you had enough – hostess’s often ask their guests if they have had enough or if they want more – suggesting second and third helpings of something, showing their generosity. And when is Enough, too much?
Do you have Enough Friends on Facebook? How many more do you need?
Do you have Enough Follows for your Podcast – when is it enough?
Do you have Enough Confidence in yourself? And what does that mean to you?
Take a few moments and listen to the song by Jeff Brisbin “I wish you enough.”
Word of the Day
ACCEPTANCE – when you look up the meaning of this word on Google™ it identifies as, “the quality or state of being accepted or acceptable”. However, if I have no idea what the word means even placing it in a sentence may skew my interpretation. The English language can be confusing; however, this word should be understood and practiced as we are all unique with some similarities. Even if we agree, we may not come to an agreement in the same manner.
Acceptance is more important than awareness, however we must be aware an engage in an open dialogue for us to accept another or for them to accept us. Am I CONFUSING YOU?
“Acceptance means fully acknowledging the facts of a situation and not fixating on how it shouldn’t be that way.” The should ‘haves and the could ‘haves, must be removed from our thoughts if we are to be ACCEPTED for the individual we are.
Today is a perfect day to reach out to someone in genuine KINDNESS.
10/31/22 Depression
WORD of the DAY
Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act.
Postpartum Depression · Bipolar Disorders · Seasonal Affective Disorder
I am sharing this as my first Word of the Day Series.
Why you may ask – because we all experience this medical condition and for some it is more common and more often than for others.
Depression can sneak up on us without at any time and anywhere.
Depression is real and there are treatments (many, hundreds, and thousands) for this condition and I ask all of you to recognize this in yourself and others without Judgement. Let us all work together and support each other in genuine kindness.