THE RANT with Barbara Rose Brooker
#author, speaker, performer, columnist’s personal stories and rants about DATING, MATING, SEX, ROMANCE LOVE, AFTER FIFTY ON UP.
#83-year-old author’s rants, about and personal experiences in our anti-age culture
Who is Barbara Rose Brooker?
She’s an activist – Her purpose in life is to be true to herself and pursue the goals in her life while eradicating ageism. Rant On, her new podcast coming to in March 2020, will give her the platform to share this message and invoke your comments. She is a renowned author always working on her next project while teaching, speaking and inspiring a book is brewing.
Click on this link to get the latest podcast – newclevelandradio_YouTube – with Barbara Rose Brook
Author – Speaker – Activist-Founder of the
Check Out Her Art

Read Her Books
In 2010 Barbara Rose Brooker created the first Age March in San Francisco, the concept was meant to draw attention to the issue of age segregation and discrimination. Her new podcasts we hope will lead to more speaking engagements and marches across the globe bringing man and women together to celebrate life and to follow their dreams. Age is just a number and the number should not define YOU!
Join us and celebrate the age of life.