Health Issue Update – I AM ME!

I am so Empowered to .  Earlier today I shared a health issue, and I took control, some in my life wanted to feel sorry for themselves if this health issue were to disturb theirs.  I refused to let them control something that was not theirs.  Not that I wanted to be ill, but if I were, it was for me to own, not them.

I pushed myself to find answers and hold my medical team hostage to explain how my medical file states one thing, an aortic embolism, while a previous conversation with this team advised me I was “OK.”  I needed to know for myself what “OK” meant and means.  I now have an answer.

Yes, I have an embolism which is so very small in size.  In fact, I was informed if I had not gone for a complete cardio work-up last year it would never have been noticed.  When having this conversation today, I was advised many people live with tiny embolism that never change in size or cause difficulty.  In fact, most do not even know they have them unless a CT Scan catches it.


I was advised, to and enjoy life while keeping my blood pressure low, to avoid smoking (not an issue here) and to maintain a healthy diet and exercise moderately.  The doctor’s nurse explained to me my February/March work up is excellent, and my cholesterol levels are ideal.  She apologized for the confusion in the report, but she said the aorta has a tiny bulge and medically for follow up it is identified as an embolism, not to scare me which it did, but because it is what it is.  Not all embolisms enlarge however yearly follow up is advised.

So today I am ME and I look forward to spending more time with U.

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