Daily Comments 2025

16 February 2025

I’ve gotten spoiled over the last few winters, snow in Northeast Ohio was minimal and the temperatures were milder than they are this winter of 2025.  I’m not a winter person, give me Spring, Summer and Fall year-round and I will be in my happy place.  Snow is pretty on postcards, and I Hallmark© movies.  At least that’s my opinion.  I know some of you reading this are enjoying the snow and winter activities of skiing, skating, sledding or maybe plunging into a lake like a polar bear swimmer.  On the subject of seasonal changes, I think we can all agree to disagree and not feel intimidated by each other’s opinions.

My question is why it is so easy to agree to disagree on various subjects and yet we are willing to walk away and disengage from people on other subjects.  Why is it we are open minded in getting to know someone, but one issue can totally rock the boat and sink the relationship.  It seems as if we continue to recreate the Garden of Eden allowing the snake to convince us to take a bite out of the apple often with words and actions that lead to meanness, even when we don’t identify with being mean.

Why do we strive to be ‘right’ instead of being understanding for a more peaceful world?  Gaining insight into what others believe and why may be what our society needs.  Often we have limitations learned through family, friends, and community.  Limitations may be the cause of the hate and evil in our world.  I am not suggesting that we become clones of each other in fact I am suggesting that we open our minds and hearts to the differences that may help each one of us become a better person.

“Limits, like fear, is often an illusion.”   To overcome our limitations in action and thinking is to step outside of our comfort zone.  We will never know our limits until we push ourselves.  What is one thing you think you can’t do?  What would it take to try it out?

Have you heard the term, ‘self-limiting beliefs?’  This refers to those thoughts that stop us from taking a step in a new direction.  It’s the mental roadblocks that are screaming danger, danger, except is there really danger if you take a different path?

  • Have you asked: “Am I good enough?” – I HAVE!
  • Have you ever said: “I don’t deserve…” – I HAVE!
  • Have you ever said: “I can’t change.” – I HAVE!
  • Have you ever said or thought: “I fear failure.” – I HAVE!
  • Have you ever thought: “They won’t like me.” – I HAVE!

You can overcome your sabotaging beliefs like I have using the technics I use with my clients.

  • Challenge yourself – identify one belief and question if it is true or not.
    • Make a list of the pros and cons
    • Example, am I good enough:
      • List the things you do well
      • List the things you want to do better
      • List the things you don’t want to do
    • Practice self-love/caring
      • Treat yourself with kindness
      • Use the positive language you share with others
      • Be your best friend
    • Set Realistic Goals
      • Don’t expect to change overnight
      • Take baby steps
      • Praise yourself for trying to make change
    • Improve your negativity
      • Practice gratitude
      • Challenge your negative thoughts
      • Limit your participation in negative activities

To be the best version of yourself cultivate healthy habits, focus on your emotional well-being which includes exercise, healthy eating habits, sleep and relaxation, and mindfulness.  You can take the path that motivates you, it may not be the road others are traveling.  Take your journey to fulfill your life and while not imposing on others and not allowing others to impose on yours.

“Keep looking up… that’s the secret of life.” – Snoopy

#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]

440 526 1530


26 January 2025 It is a little over a month since I broke my shoulder and humerus.  It took 10 days to have surgery, but I must admit each day since surgery has been a little easier.  I am not having PAIN although I am having discomfort, the scar is healing itchy and taught and learning to use my arm again and not overusing it can be challenging, but challenges make me stronger and wiser.

I must admit my husband of almost 41 years has stepped up his ‘game’, as I have been the independent one doing ‘things’ that he could have done or would have been willing to learn how to do.  But I was raised in an era where I tried to be the best wife, and that meant doing the chores…until now.

I am learning slowly how to ask for assistance.  It may be difficult after 41 years of marriage, 43 years together, and being in our 70s that we are adjusting and making the changes we need to keep ourselves actively happy.

Prior to my injury we bought a series of tickets for the Comedy Club and last night was our first night out.  It was special for me since this past week with the below zero temps I was housebound (mostly by choice).  Being out in public and being entertained by Tom Poppa at Hilarities was the best medicine for me.  I will admit my shoulder and arm were gnawing at my nerves all day and despite the fact they I continued to feel uncomfortable I was able to pacify the aching feeling and laugh increasing my endorphins.  Upon returning home I took my heating pad and placed it on my shoulder and comfortably fell asleep.  (Don’t worry I use a gel pack heating device that within 20 minutes is room temperature, no fear of falling asleep with it and getting burned.)  Last night for the first time in over a month I slept through the night waking up to a blue and sunny sky.

I often tell my listening audience as well as my life coaching clients, things happen for a reason.  When we have an accident – “an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury” we must not blame ourselves and others, family and friends should not place the fault on us either.

We must learn from the event and there are lessons to be learned, one of my lessons was fixing a trip hazard in our home.  I have tripped before, as have my husband and youngest son over the past 16 years in our home.  My unfortunate incident was the catalyst to fix this situation turning this into a fortunate repair.

I also have learned that when you are in a partnership whether it be family, friends, work associates you need not be the one who thinks you are the only one who can do the chores.  You must work as a team and use your skills wisely while giving others the opportunity to learn and assist you respecting your differences.  Recently my husband and I talked about our grocery shopping skills.  He likes one store, and I like another.  The reason he shops at one is that it is slightly smaller, and he feels comfortable with their floor plan, the choices of products as well as the friendliness at the checkout and the fact that they place your groceries in your car.

The market I go to is larger, it takes me longer to maneuver through.  In many incidents I believe they have lower prices, and more of a variety, but less in specialty items.  However, their checkout system and their employees are not as friendly or courteous.  When healthier I would use self-checkout to avoid the store personnel.  They also do not have the ability to bring your groceries to your car so on cold icy snowy days it can be tricky getting your groceries loaded in your car.

Prior to my accident I did not understand the reasonings of my husband, who was willing to pay more for our weekly groceries but as we shared our thoughts and differences we agreed we both have valid points, and we will continue to work through obtaining our needs one shopping trip at a time.

“There is no such thing as accident, it is fate misnamed.”  Napolean Bonaparte.

“Fate will find a way.” Virgil

I will find a way and get healthier and stronger each day!

#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]

440 526 1530

15 January 2025   Don’t get scammed!  Just because someone found you on LinkedIn does not mean they are legitimate.  We caught it before we got taken —

Somone contacted my husband – they saw his resume on LinkedIn – they claimed to be from TOPICUS – https://topicus.com/.  They offered him a job in IT, his background, and even sent an offer letter but what was strange about the whole interaction, they contacted him and only communicated through MS TEAMS as a text.  The biggest red flag was when they said they wanted to send him a check to deposit so he could buy the equipment he would need for the job and the job started on Monday of next week.  They asked where he banked, he only gave the Bank Name, and they told him they didn’t like Bank 1 but claimed they had a relationship with Bank 2.  This was a bigger and redder red flag.

We went to Bank 2 to ask them about this, and they informed us as we assumed this was a scam and someone was using us and we should cut off all communication with them, which we did.  Luckily we did not share anything private with them and we are reporting this publicly so others can learn from what could have been fraud on our part if we had been susceptible.  I trust the people at Bank 2 for being open and honest and direct with us.

Yes, my husband lost his job right before the holidays and yes he wants to get back into the work force, but it is sad that SCAMMERS will seek to hurt individuals who just want to do the right thing, work, and pay for their individual needs.

My husband has always been a trusting soul, and he truly wants to believe in the good of people, but I think he is not scared by this – why are there one two many scumbags in this world?

To those of you on LinkedIn as I am please, careful not everyone is a good respectable person.  I think the majority of us are, but it only takes one person to trick you and ruin your reputation.

Beware of TOPICUS – not sure if it’s real or not!

#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]

440 526 1530


14 January 2025 It may be hard to believe but the SAGA of events continues.

The plumbing issue at our condo is not our fault or responsibility – however it has caused a huge inconvenience and expense as we cannot stay in out home since we cannot use water that includes toilets, showers, laundry, and the basics of life.  Since Saturday we have been staying in a hotel, Country Inn & Suites, and we will be here till at least Thursday as mother nature is interfering with the ground repair to the sewer line.  It is inevitable if not fixed the damage that is incurring my neighbor’s unit will expand beyond.  We are lucky as of this writing we have no sewage backup in our unit, but my neighbor will have a huge insurance claim.

So, what does it mean?  Although my aim and plan to return to work this week was in process I will be limiting myself to two podcasts.  We are scheduled for What in the World with Paul Seaburn today at 3:30 pm we go live on YOUTUBE – and tomorrow we will have another edition of ISMs.  Plan for a return next week to a fuller schedule.

The good news is I am healing from surgery, and the bad news is I cannot drive or bear weight on that arm until at least April.  I have enough metal in that arm to set off all alarms so beware…

I start PT and OT next Monday I will be getting services at home – I have been selected to be part of a study program where I will be getting ‘cement’ injections beginning in April to assist with bone growth.  I am excited about this, and I will be in the program for 18- 24 months.  As my son has said this injury was a blessing in disguise as my torn rotator cuff was repaired as well, something I was suffering from but hesitated on the surgery.

Speaking of my sons I must say I feel blessed to have two adult children who have stayed connected and continue to share their love and support as my husband, and I continue to travel this rocky road.  My husband, despite his own issues of losing his job and now trying to secure employment has truly stepped up to help me.  I have shared previously for the last 40 years I have spoiled my husband.  Typically, I have done all the household chores and specifically all the cooking, preparation and organizing of meals.  He never showed an interest in cooking, and I have enjoyed cooking, baking, and keeping an organized home where there was no need for him to make the attempt.  But he is learning, and I appreciate him more than ever.  (Ladies, if your spouse acts like he is the King of the Castle ask yourself if you have anything to do with placing him on the throne!

As I continue to share we all need a little assistance and guidance and if you are considering getting Coaching Assistance – contact me.

#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]

440 526 1530

13 January 2025

Here is an update

OK – Life Is Messy, but we must take the good with the not so good.

I broke my right humerus and shoulder on Christmas eve, had surgery on January 2.  Today, January 13, I returned to the surgeon, and I will begin PT and OT, I will not be able to bear any weight on that arm until my next set of x-rays and appointment on April 2.  That also means no driving. So, I will be actively coaching and podcasting – so join me.

Join me tomorrow when What in the World with Paul Seaburn returns.  Paul and john have promised to be humorous in honor of my right arm.

Since December 20th my family has endured a lot – the first thing was my husband losing his IT job (due to ageism).  That was followed by our youngest son visiting for the holidays who was and di pursue a new job- a great career move.  I then had my fall and broke my humerus which was not funny.  I had to wait 10 days to have surgery, but I am glad to report I am healing with minimal pain.  However, two days ago we had to move out of our condo due to a condo development sewer issue – no water or toilets to use.

It appears that this should be rectified by late today.

Do not ask what else can go wrong because my oldest brother lives in Southern California, just north of San Diego and although he is not in the evacuation zone at the moment he is in the alert zone.  We have family and friends who have been evacuated and some who have lost everything, so I look at the last month and appreciate the ups rather than the downs.

The ups:

  1. Spending time with my son while he was in town.
  2. Learning to slow down and ask for help.
  3. Learning how to be a leftie – it’s not easy.
  4. Teaching my husband how to do all the things I have done our married life of 40 years and not expecting him to do.
  5. Learning how to tolerate pain and not succumb to the drugs offered.
  6. Appreciating the clouds as well as the sunshine.
  7. And today being able to type once again!

A special thank you to my friends, family, clients and FB friends for the reaching out and being a lifeline…

Please know I am doing my best to be there for all of you too.

#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]

440 526 1530


9 January 2025

This is my first blog of 2025 quite unusual for me as you most likely will note. Typically, I write A blog daily and I keep new Cleveland radio and yes I can coaching up to date. However, a funny thing happened to me on Christmas Eve.  Just as I was finishing baking and preparing for dinner I had a fall in my own home.  There’s no need to go into the explanation of how it happened or why it happened because it was an accident. However, this accident took me to the emergency room on Christmas Eve only to find out that I broke my humerus it surely wasn’t funny and my shoulder on my right side nonetheless and I’m righty.

Needless to say, Christmas and New Years and all the days in between are a complete blur as I was dealing with pain and doctor visits to determine the best course of treatment.  A week ago, today I had surgery on my right arm, and I will admit each day I feel a little bit better but when you are 74 years old sustained an injury have surgery the medication and the anesthesia and just the agony of pain can really take a toll.

I am not complaining accidents happen and what happened to me I now realize that sometimes I have to be a little more careful and slower and not be in such a rush to get things done although I don’t think I was in a rush when this accident happened but if you ask my husband I’m always in a rush love my husband to death we don’t always see things the same way.

What this accident has shown me is that life really is messy and all we have to do is look outside of our lives and see what is happening around us.  Who would have thought that California would basically burn to the ground?  The most beautiful part of Hollywood is now in ruins so many people have not only lost their homes but their mementos that have meant so much to them in their lifetime family pictures family heirlooms written notes cards all the things that so many of us save.  Yes, so many are grateful that they have escaped the horrendous fires and that they are in a safe place, however, as the sun continues to come up day after day and they have to rebuild it’s not just about the money it’s about rebuilding so much that has been lost.  I feel very lucky today I had a surgeon who after looking at my X-rays and CT scan knew what he could do to not just fix my shoulder and arm but to get my shoulder and arm to rebuild itself that is like having those mementos however, he could have chosen what some would have called an easier path and that is to replace my bone and my shoulder with an artificial bone and shoulder and yes I would be recovering and I would be OK but I probably would not be as strong in the future if I did not have me original pieces and parts.

Sadly, I know too many people who are suffering right now so let me go back and share with you why I do what I do and why I am so open.  A number of years ago after losing my corporate America job which paid me very well and helped sustain my family I found myself and the state of depression and confusion and wondering why me.  This was not the first time in my life when I though, oh woe is me, but it was the beginning of a change in me that said I’m not going to complain I’m going to keep taking the steps forward in doing what I can do best to be my best.  You see as a parent of a child who was born on the spectrum I was always the cheerleader always finding what was the best path for him encouraging him supporting him and sometimes being like a stage mom pushing him forward over and over and over again. But I realized if I could do it for him, why wasn’t it time for me to do it for myself. Interestingly I found a great job that I could do from home I started writing blogs for the senior community and I found myself learning so much about the community that I was growing into and I realized that even as we get older it doesn’t mean we have to stop living in fact what it means is we must enjoy ourselves we must learn how to live each day to its fullest.

Sometimes it’s difficult to take a step forward we think there are so many terrible things happening around us in fact the truth is there are so many great things that are happening around us.  Today I feel grateful that I found my surgeon who knew how to fix my injury and that I am on the mend.  Today I am grateful that so many of my friends and family on the West Coast are safe.  Today I am grateful that as I recover I will be able to continue doing what I do best, which is podcasting and coaching so here it comes be ready for the next comment.

I believe that we all need a helping hand in fact I need one right now and what I’m going to do is make an offer that continues on with #yesi can coaching, we all need a support system and I have to tell you I learned in the last couple weeks who my supporters are where there was phone calls emails text messages or even a gift here and there some people who I didn’t even expect to hear from reached out to me so I know I’m on the right path when I’m doing the following.

Yes I can coaching typically charges 50 to $75.00 an hour and although I would like to continue to charge that I realize I can heal myself and help others if I keep my special end of year pricing so here it is everybody for $25 a session all sessions are on zoom I am here to help coach you through whatever you need.  If I am not the right coach I will help you find someone because none of us should be walking through life alone.

Yes I can coaching with Karen I believe in you and I believe in myself right now I could be feeling very sorry for myself and saying “oh woe is me” because you know what, for at least the next six weeks I can’t drive a car and you know what that means even in the coldest deadest time of winter I’m going to be stuck in my house but that’s OK I am going to make the most of it and if I can make the most of it so can you so please reach out to me at [email protected] or [email protected] I look forward to you helping me as I help you in 2025.

#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]

440 526 1530