When Podcasting meets Coaching

We all travel through life trying to be the best at something.  Sadly some of us get caught up in being the best for someone else or at least in the image they identify us with.  If we are unsure of our own thoughts and feelings it is possible to drift through life never understanding who we are as an individual.

As someone who search for her identity for more than 1/2 my years on earth I can share with you allowing myself to feel and venture down a path of discovery has  been a the greatest gift I have recieved in my life, and I gave it to myself.

I did not have to wait for that magical gift wrapped package with the perfect bow and presentation to connect with my happiness.  I accept the reality that happiness is not a destination in fact it is a work in progress and sometimes sadness propelled by negativity takes me out of the place I want to be on my journey.  However, as a podcaster and life coach I have developed the tools to make the adjustments I need to create the mood I need at the moment.

I remember a time when I was around 9 years old.  My Baube, my grandmother, had just died and we were sitting Shiva, the Jewish Memorial for the passing of a loved one.  Since I knew this was a sad time I didn’t understand how my mother and her two sisters sat together telling stories and laughing.  I was angry and confused, my Baube had just died and they were laughing how could that be right.  I remember going to my mother’s side crying and asking her to stop laughing and smiling.  My Aunite Annie explained in a sweet and quiet tone, that we needed to cherish the good and happy memories of Baube.  It’s not that we weren’t sad but there were so many things that Baube said and did that will always bring smiles and giggles to our faces!  That was my first lesson in understanding that if you look for the positive you will find it.

When my mother passed away even in her eulogy we offered up snipets of her humor and the memories that even as we laid her to rest brought happy thoughts into our spirit that still lives on for me today.

My journey, my words and the creation of tools to help me live my best life is what I offer to you thorugh podcasting and life coaching.

#YESICAN coaching with Karen
[email protected]

440 526 1530

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