October, 2017
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We are proud to announce that Denise Zarrella is the reason that newclevelandradio.net will be producing #IMadeIt, with their newest host, Lina (Pasqualina) Diamante. #IMadeIt is a concept talk-show that both Lina and Alex Hale, sole proprietor of newclevelandradio.net both believe is long overdue to promote health, wellness, and self-awareness. Although October is Anti-Bullying Month, each day and every moment of each day should be an anti-bullying moment and #IMadeIt will lead the way from Cleveland to the far corners of the earth. Thank you, Denise Zarrella, you are the best! Tony Zarrella, you married the best! WOIO you have a keeper!
When Is It My Turn?
Welcome to, “When is it My Turn?” This new weekly broadcast is the vision of Terry and Karen, both women who have experienced the loneliness of raising a child or a grandchild with ‘special’ needs. They are not unaccompanied in thinking they are lonely and alone and feeling left out while doing what comes naturally. By nature, they are nurturing and attending to the support, assistance, and needs of someone else, before thinking about their own care. No, they are not saints, nor do they proclaim to be, or expect to be acknowledged as such. What they want to do is begin a discussion of awareness and invite you to participate as well. Be our guest.
Our first show airs on Tuesday, October 24th at noon. To be an in-studio guest call Karen at 440-526-1530 or email [email protected]. If you prefer to call in the call in # is 440-922-6431 during on-air times.
This will be a weekly series every Tuesday noon – 1 pm EST and you are welcome to participate globally.
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Listen anywhere in the world where you have internet access. Use your mobile device and share that newclevelandradio.net provides the listener with what they want to hear. Contact us at [email protected]
Why Join newclevelandradio.net
It’s true you do not need newclevelandradio.net or any other internet radio network to be a podcaster or a live broadcaster. Today, just about anyone can be a newscaster, an interviewer, DJ, Host, etc with internet access, the correct software, and “legal” licenses. True, you can attempt to broadcast music without the license but WE would not recommend it because you might get fined and that could lead to hefty expenses and even time in the clink!
newclevelandradio.net offers you the host to be an independent broadcaster in a clean and organized space with free parking. The business is incorporated an insured. The building that our studio is located in is well maintained, well lite, and the other tenants are friendly and accommodating as is the landlord, Larry. Alex Hale the owner of newclevelandradio.net lives within 5 miles of the studio and is available to assist in the studio 24/7.
Although Alex is the owner and host-producer of AFTER FURTHER REVIEW, Karen Hale is the office manager, sales manager and host-producer of a variety of non-sports related shows. All business decisions are made by the sole owner, Alex Hale, and discussed with his current show hosts, all of whom are independent providers*.
Independent providers either pay for their shows or have sponsors that pay for their broadcast time. A host can independently earn money from his or her show as a 1099 contractor once their show fees are covered by the sponsorship*. The setup for hiring and payment for shows at newclevelandradio.net is similar as other local internet radio studios and we do not plan to change the system that works.
It is our mission to bring a venue to our listeners of sports, talk, awareness, and music that they deserve and want to hear. While doing this we are providing a platform for individuals like Alex to live out their dreams and share their passion in an environment that encourages and supports them through networking to build an audience*.
As we post this today, October 20th, 2017 we are just about to complete our 5th month in business. We have not been in business as newclevelandradio.net six months, as we opened our doors on June 1st. Alex has worked at several stations and paid his dues with sponsors and we both podcasted independently purchasing equipment and networking solely and working an uphill battle. We believe we have found the formula and networking at a slow pace is the answer.
To learn more about our business or to join us please call Karen at 440-526-1530 or email us at [email protected]
We are building our show list as well as our sponsorship.
independent providers* newclevelandradio.net has no paid employees including Alex Hale, sole owner.
show fees are covered by the sponsorship* if you are interested in how this works please call for an appointment to discuss a show format.
networking to build an audience* the growth of the station and each host is based on continued networking by everyone at newclevelandradio.net working together. It must be a team effort.
newclevelandradio.net partnering with NE Ohio Parent Magazine
We are proud to announce that in October 2017 we have partnered with NE Ohio Parent Magazine. As more information is available, Brad Mitchell and his team will present this to you, their audience, in the weeks ahead. We welcome them to our home and we hope they will enjoy the accommodations for many years to come.
My Mother & Father Taught Me Something
We are all human and being human means we make mistakes in our journey. My mother and father taught me to learn from my mistakes, admit to my errors and correct them! I like many others have made my share of mistakes and I own up to them while acknowledging how I need to improve myself. I have taught my sons the same lessons and they have struggled with the same life lessons, but they are achieving independent of me.
However, “life is like an elevator an on the way up sometimes you, have to stop to let someone off.”
October 2017
Welcome to more changes at newclevelandradio.net. The grass is not growing under our feet and we are expanding. Last week Alex and I met with John Girard the director at the Ohio Media School. Alex and I have known John for a number of years as Mr. Girard as I called him then was my director at the college at which I was working at the time and where Alex was attending college. Fast forward to today and our continued relationship, friendship and networking have brought us to a partnership that we believe will benefit OMS as well as newclevelandradio.net.
We want to grow, but we also want to help others along the way as we continue to learn and not become stuck in our ways of thinking and doing like so many before us. When Alex chose to become an owner of an internet radio station as well as venture into Youtube gaming as well as producing a documentary (more on that at another time,) he decided to want to provide opportunities to others that were never offered to him. He never expected to be handed a silver spoon, although he would have welcomed a tarnished one that he could have polished and brought out the brilliance. In fact, he has done that and some of the very best here in Cleveland have applauded him just as quickly as they have walked away saying he would never succeed. Well, success is a personal measurement and newclevelandradio.net is measuring success through your eyes and your worth.
We are looking forward to working with the interns, the staff and the future of the untapped talent at the Ohio School of Media. At the end of the day, we will make a difference we will bring you the listener what you deserve to hear.
Join us!
LIsten on Tunein
Listen anywhere in the world where you have internet access. Use your mobile device and share that newclevelandradio.net provides the listener with what they want to hear. Contact us at [email protected]
We are not just Cleveland!