Saturday, October 21st, 2017

now browsing by day


When Is It My Turn?

Welcome to, “When is it My Turn?”  This new weekly broadcast is the vision of Terry and Karen, both women who have experienced the loneliness of raising a child or a grandchild with ‘special’ needs.  They are not unaccompanied in thinking they are lonely and alone and feeling left out while doing what comes naturally.  By nature, they are nurturing and attending to the support, assistance, and needs of someone else, before thinking about their own care.  No, they are not saints, nor do they proclaim to be, or expect to be acknowledged as such.  What they want to do is begin a discussion of awareness and invite you to participate as well.  Be our guest.

Our first show airs on Tuesday, October 24th at noon.  To be an in-studio guest call Karen at 440-526-1530 or email [email protected].  If you prefer to call in the call in # is 440-922-6431 during on-air times.

This will be a weekly series every Tuesday noon – 1 pm EST and you are welcome to participate globally.

Listen Live on Mixler


Listen on TuneIn

Listen anywhere in the world where you have internet access. Use your mobile device and share that provides the listener with what they want to hear.  Contact us at [email protected]