Monday, September 16th, 2019

now browsing by day


It’s Almost Time

In about one hour I will be using the Uber App (Morgan Malone)  Like many of you, I am not comfortable when it comes to doing something for the first time, especially if it means causing a problem for myself or others.  When I decided I would use Uber to get me to the hospital this morning I was not anxious, in fact, I was feeling invincible that day, Helen Reddy – I Am Woman (1971) – YouTube.

However, last night I had to have my son Alex download the app and walk me through using it (easy peasy!)  I also did a shoutout on Facebook asking how early do I need to request my ride since it is an hour away.  My doctor only performs surgery on Mondays on the far west side of town, and I live South and East.  Oh well!  In addition to all this I know I am stressing because I have had a migraine since Saturday despite my monthly injection and meds.  The medication has been working, so I am assuming that this is my brain and nervous system acting up.

Before a year ago I never had heard of Pelvic Floor therapy or surgery.  It seems to be the new age surgery.  “Pelvic floor reconstruction is a group of surgical procedures used to treat pelvic organ prolapse, a condition that occurs when the muscles of the pelvic floor are weakened or damaged, often due to childbirth. Other causes include repeated heavy lifting, chronic disease, or surgery.”

“Healing takes around three months, so during this time, I should avoid any task that can put pressure on the repair i.e. lifting, straining, vigorous exercise, coughing and constipation.

Although it is recommended to take six weeks off work, I plan to be at my computer tomorrow Tuesday; it’s What In the World with Paul Seaburn and his sidekick, John.