February, 2025
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6 Weeks and Healing
8 February 2025
It’s not quite 6 weeks from my shoulder humerus surgery and it feels as if this road to recovery is exceptionally long. According to my doctors and therapist I need to be patient and celebrate each movement, like typing. With activity and therapy, I will regain range of motion, but it will take time and each movement and exercise I do will be uncomfortable until I gain the strengthen and healing occurs. I have been told that my recovery can take 6- 12 – 18 months or more. I have been reminded to be patient (not my best feature) and to do my exercises. Therapy may be needed for some time as it is important the exercises are performed correctly for the should and arm to recover.
Prior to the fracture I had a torn rotator cuff and that was repaired at the time of surgery so I have additional issues that need to recover, and I must listen to my body.
Listening to my body has caused an interruption in my work schedule. Although I work independently and from home, even a podcasts have been cancelled and rescheduled in order for me to provide selfcare which will eventually help in healing my repaired injuries. It may appear to others that there is nothing to podcasting, but it is all the work that goes into the production and release that increases my pain level, and I need to stop and take time for recovery. If you know me, you know this is not an easy task for me.
This Saturday afternoon I have been working on and off since 10 am this morning. Normally what I have accomplished would have been down in 30 – 40 minutes but I do not have the stamina for what I have set out to do. I am learning to give myself permission I message I share with my Coaching Clients. I understand the want (and need) to make changes and complete tasks but sometimes it is necessary to accept what we can and cannot change (at least at the moment).
6 weeks is actually a baby step in the recovery process and the Chronic Pain / Discomfort I am experiencing may not be visual to you. I am good at masking my pain, but I know it is best if I STOP and just allow the process to slow down. So, I am reaching out to you to please be patient with me and understand I will continue to do what I can when I can, but it may not meet your expectations. I need to be OK with that.
This journey has made me more empathetic towards others and if you need someone to guide you through your changes, reach out, I am here.
#YESICAN coaching with Karen
440 526 1530