
Just 4 the Spell of It is coming to a city near you!

If you like word games, Word with Friends or Scrabble this may be the year to invite the founder of Just 4 the Spell of It into your home, school, business, community center, church, synagogue, or Masque.  Gary Moss, the founder of this organization, is hitting the road and traveling across the United States, bringing Scrabble Events to your community.  For more information or to schedule an event, please contact Gary [email protected].  This journey will begin in Southern California and will stop in Encino, Ca. as well as Las Vegas, Nevada.  Many of his other stops include Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Ontario, Canada, as well as NewYork.  He will also be in Tennessee, Colorado, and Arizona, and other parts of this great USA that his YARIS will take him to.

Newclevelandradio.net will podcast with JFTSOI as this journey begins on August 24th and will conclude approximately eight weeks later.  If successful with your assistance, arranging Scrabble Club Nights, Word Seminars, and learning how to become a Word GURU, Gary may continue taking this fun experience on the road.


Scrabble is not only a fun and challenging game; it is a delightful learning tool for children of all ages.


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