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Rooting for the Dallas Wings
The Dallas Wings are an American professional basketball team based in Arlington, Texas. The Wings play in the Western Conference in the Women’s National Basketball Association. Prior to this year I was totally unaware of the WNBA, but I love this young team.
This team was one of the first WNBA expansion teams in 1998 as the Detroit Shock (Detroit is my birthplace but Arlington, Texas area holds my heart!)
They are second in the Western Conference Division and will be moving into the playoffs.
The Dallas Wings (18-14) defeated the Washington Mystics (15-17), 97-84, on Sunday, August 20 to increase their win streak to three games.
They play tonight (Tuesday 8/22/23) Minnesota against the Lynx, another city I once called home.
Thursday night they will be back in Arlington to play against the Lynx on their home court. & What in the World with Paul Seaburn are cheering loud and clear – please join us!
Learn more:
Dallas Wings – My WNBA Favorites!
I was not an athlete growing up. If and when I ran I always got a pain in my right side, so I chose not to run. Also my family sorta convinced me that I was a KLUTZ. I was forever bumping into things or falling down and getting hurt. However, once I got to college I got interested in being a sports spectator, however back in the day females were Cheer Leaders very few participated in sports like Basketball.
I have my personal reasons why this team is ‘my team’ and why I choose to celebrate them. However, I am here to share their remarkable record and encourage you to check them out. If you live outside the Dallas area you can watch many of their games through your ABC Affiliate or ION.
You Can Be Amazing Too!
15 April 2023
I tell people all the time how amazing they are because each one of us is amazing in our rights. However, for most of my life even when I thought I was amazing I did not believe it. In fact for years, any good or great ideas I had I would link to someone else taking the backseat (just in case I was wrong). No I was placing on someone if it went wrong in fact I often stepped up taking the blame…
I have worked with therapists many times over the years trying to find that feel good place in my life and after weeks or months of therapy I found them showing me the door because they believed I had found that space in my life. Little did they know, I didn’t.
Coaching has helped me find the answers I need for the questions and doubts I have. I’ve learned to brush off the negative voices in my head and listen to the pain and confusion they represent and use new skillsets to muffle their voices. (‘In Positive Intelligence, Shirzad Chamine helps you achieve your true potential in life and work by shifting your inner balance of power.’) I will be recommending this program to all my clients. It continues to help me balance my thoughts and actions to reflect the person I am choosing to be.
If you sign up for a coaching 6 week session with me I will assist you in finding yourself. You will be doing the work, I will provide you with tools that will help you today and into the future. These tools will assist you in creating a mindset that reflects your wants and needs. If I am not the ‘right’ coach for you I will provide you with contacts with other coaches that may specialize in the area of life you want to work on.
To benefit from coaching you must be vulnerable, be honest with yourself and your coach. What is said in a coaching session is confidential. I will share my stories with you as well and just as I will respect your privacy, I expect the same in return.
Until the second week of July I have a special introductory fee for a 6 week coaching session, feel free to contact me at [email protected]
To My Family & Friends
21 February 2023

Panther City – LaCrosse
If you don’t know anything about Lacrosse well…
Lacrosse is a team sports and considered the oldest organized sport in North America. It is played with a Lacrosse Stick and a Lacrosse Ball.
Historical records indicate that the indigenous people of North America as early as the 12th century were playing this sport. The men’s teams play what is known as, Field LaCrosse, and they play this as both and indoor and outdoor sport.
“The modern sport is governed by World Lacrosse and is the only international sport organization to recognize First Nations bands and Native American tribes as sovereign nations” ( is sharing this information as Alex Hale (owner of is working with the team and we have chosen to support them.
This week’s Podcast 1/23/23
How to Super Age with Elise Marie Collins and her guest Barbara Graham_What Jonah Knew 1_25_23
What in the World with Paul Seaburn
and his sidekick John DiNallo 1_24_23 Season 6
Avoid the Maze with Barrett Matthews “Be Everywhere, All At Once” 1_25_23 podmatch#
Avoid the Maze with Jessie Torres_Abuse/Shame/Loss/Trauma 1_25_23 podmatch#
Avoid the Maze with Susy Lee_”Raising Kids Who Care” 1_25_23 podmatch#
I’MPOSSIBLE – We Told You Alex was POSSIBLE!
Last Spring Alex made the decision to look outside of the Indians/Guardians to advance his career. Cleveland had been very good to him for the 5 years he worked there but when advancement was not open, he knew it was time to seek outside of his comfort zone.
You may remember me announcing in the late Spring he took a job with the farm team of the NY Mets. What he was offered upon his acceptance changed when he moved there and although he tried to make it work, he knew he was in the wrong place, and he returned home. He began his search in July looking for the best fit – Well today it Happened – Alex is moving to Dallas, TX.
He is excited (and so are his dad and I) about this move where as Binghamton, NY was not an exciting move, but he did meet some great people there and he forged some lasting friendships. But he will be off to the big city before this year is up and I believe 2023 has a TRIP to Dallas with my name on it.
Do you remember me sharing that we (Alex, his dad and I) were told by a Psychiatrist at the Cleveland Board of Mental Health that Alex would not graduate high school without help, he would never graduate, college and we would place him in a half-way house where he would obtain a menial job. Well, “F” YOU Dr. Lorna – Alex said he would prove you wrong and he has – not only did he work and advance his experiences with the Guardians he was sought after by various teams; but due to the cost of moving and living he had to turn down offers. Alex may be on spectrum but don’t tell him he is different – the only difference may be his Will to learn and be his BEST.
We are so proud of our son and always have been. We have supported and cheered him on when others like Dr. Lorna told us to stop and give up. Seriously – The Guardians was his stepping stone – and if you don’t believe it – I will continue to share his success …
For those of you who stopped talking to Rich and I when Alex was diagnosed in 1996 – please GO “F” yourselves…When we needed our friends and Alex needed to be accepted for being the same person he was before his diagnosis – you deserted us.
To the Bully who assaulted our son in High School and to the students and faculty who saw it happen – it’s time to come forward and apologize to Alex. The Bully may not be around to apologize but there are plenty of YOU out there who can!!!
Back to the people we thought were our friends- you obviously weren’t!
Alex has taught our family to overcome adversity.
Karen Hale -Coach Advocate
What is a Coach, and do you need one?
A coach is someone who helps YOU improve Your own performance,
A good coach is someone who will guide YOU to view Your positive attributes.
Coaching is designed for YOU to adjust and make the changes You want.
What is an Advocate?
An advocate is someone who will support or recommend the assistance YOU are looking for.
An advocate will not judge or place their opinion on YOU.
An advocate will guide you through a process.
What is a Coach Advocate?
Someone like me providing podcasts to vet out your best choice /or/
Someone who understandings coaching and identifies with the needs of the client, YOU.
Someone who help you through the process expressing yourself – not about the past but about the now, and Your tomorrows.
Are you looking for a Coach?
Listen to Avoid the Maze – we have a wide range of Coaches some have specialties like Business/Sales/Education others may help you travel your personal path or identify how your personal and professional journey may need some massaging. Let me be your guide.
Contact me, Karen, at [email protected] – subject Coach Advocate – there is no charge to the client, YOU for my services contact me for more information.
If you are a Coach and are interested my services to vet out client leads, contact me at [email protected] so we may discuss a onetime fee.