Monday, August 20th, 2018

now browsing by day


Changes of the Good Kind

When first launched, the concept was that the format would be sports, with a sprinkle of opportunity talk shows and entertainment interviews.  In the last 14 plus months, there have been various changes of the good kind.  We have added many new shows while saying goodbye to others that chose to re-invent themselves or let someone else step in with a new format.  We are in the process of evolving and we are excited to inform all of our advertisers and prospective advertisers we now can calculate our listeners not only for a live record show but for all podcasts.  I am still creating this format and as of today, we have the following show’s setup.

Care Notes – Homecare assistance – The Elderly and Senior Citizens (Cherished Companions, Doug Wilber)

Just B Cuz with cousins Jeff & Steve sharing family stories, sports, business, as well as featured guests

Lyft Diaries – Stories of a Lyft & Uber Driver with Morgan

What in the World with Paul Seaburn – Real stories, not fake new, weird and humorous