Saturday, July 14th, 2018

now browsing by day


Not Breaking My Stride

My parents referred to me as a klutz most of my life. There were times I took offense to it. However, hindsight assures me they were right in their assessment. My type A personality has me rushing through life even when I consciously belief I am in slow motion, observing all the obstacles that may be in my path. However, my brain does confuse me (much of the time), and accidents happen!

I have been on a journey since last Fall to get myself in a healthy physical and mental state. Even when life interrupts with distractions, I have been able to apply the lifestyle changes that I know are good for me, but I also enjoy (yes I enjoy working out!) So yesterday on one of my workouts I had an accident.

Let me begin by sharing that I understand the need for hydration, however, yesterday, Friday the 13th I left my water bottle at home and entered Anytime Fitness in the early stages of dehydration. Although I sensed this, I thought I would be OK. To begin with, every exercise was a struggle, and I shortened my times on each. For an intense individual such as I, this felt like cheating, and unacceptable. I was not following the rules, my rules, and this drew on the little energy I had. Dehydration can do that to you!

When stepping off the treadmill which I had stopped and concluded my fat burning cycle, as I went to take my last step off I felt the belt moving in the opposite direction propelling me forward (no fall to the ground), but I hyperextended my right knee. At first, it hurt (10 0ut of 10), soon it was a much milder pain, but I was walking with a limp. I assumed I could rest and ice and I would be back in the gym today. WRONG! I ended up at urgent care. After the X-ray, the source of my pain was identified as a Patellar fracture. (If your fractured kneecap does not require surgery, your physician will likely immobilize your leg in a cylindrical, long leg cast or, in rare cases, a knee immobilizer for four to six weeks. This will allow your fractured kneecap to heal.)

I am now in a knee/leg immobilizer, and I am supposed to use crutches, but that is an accident waiting to happen for sure. I am taking the next couple of days to relax (a word not recognized in my vocabulary.) I will also use this time to get caught up on production work and to continue to do produce shows from the home studio until I can drive again.

I am slowly learning to be aware of life and be in the moment – to be consciously aware of who I am and what I am doing. However, I am not perfect, and occasionally I lose my train of thought, or I allow some ideas to override others. Yesterday I recognized my dehydration and what it could do to me, but I chose to ignore those consequences thinking I could protect myself from any injury. I was wrong, and my parents were right when they called me a klutz. I am what I am!

The Stories of Uber & Lyft with Morgan: She Drives

Coming soon the stories from Uber and Lyft.  We welcome Morgan as she shares her current journey of driving some famous and not so famous people from one location to another.  All stories are real, unlike fake news.  However, the names of the individuals will remain anonymous, as Morgan and does not want to be sued!

This new live record to podcast show is being created for fun and laughs.  Please watch for the premiere date.