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“There is no place like home…”

Finding a home.  I have repeatedly said, I am not religious, I grew up on traditions set in our home by my mother and father.  They created their customs based on their upbringing.  As a young girl growing up on the Northwest side of Detroit, I believed I would marry someday and live just blocks from my parents and friends and raise my children in a similar manner, while adding some personal choices created by my husband.  However, planning is often just a dream as life is not static, constantly evolving.


Since my first marriage in 1971 to my divorce in 1978, and my second and last marriage in 1984, my search for a home (not a house) has been important to me.  I am very blessed that my husband Richard of thirty-four years (not counting tomorrow,) has remained by my side as I continued to look for that missing piece.  Every time I went up to Michigan to visit with my parents and extended family and friends I thought that the only place I would ever capture this feeling of mispacha was up North.


Fast forward to the past two weeks, the Jewish High Holidays, and the Hebrew anniversary of my mother’s passing.  What I have been searching for has been so close by that I am surprised I did not fall into if before.  I found a home (not sure I can afford the mortgage) at Temple Israel in Akron.  A special thank you to Rabbi Josh Brown who heard my plea for friends and family and put a plan in place.  On Yom Kippur the holiest day of our year I met not one (Elaine), but one multiplied and became, many new friends.  For the first time since 1971, I feel connected and I want to share the feeling of joy that fills my heart.


I need to also thank Candace Pollock, show host for “The Intentionality Gurus”  Candace has helped me find the GURU in me to explore what is important in my life and out my natural fears aside.  It is not easy walking into a room filled with strangers, as the song goes, “One is the Loneliest Number.”  However, not only did I walk in, but I reached out to Rabbi Brown asked for something I needed, a connection.  It is the understanding of intentionality that provided me with the courage, strength, and perspective to ask.  If we don’t ask we will not get!


I am not any different from many of you.  Too often in life, we wait for the right time to move forward and many of us miss that time as we are too busy waiting for something that has no specific time or place.  It takes stepping forward and asking, sharing, and being aware, and I am now walking through life with my eyes wide open and my heart prepared to allow connections.


I offer each of you to enjoy each day of life – allow yourself to be aware and feed your heart and soul as you find the place…

As Dorothy from the Wizard Oz says:  “There is no place like home…”

Changes of the Good Kind

When first launched, the concept was that the format would be sports, with a sprinkle of opportunity talk shows and entertainment interviews.  In the last 14 plus months, there have been various changes of the good kind.  We have added many new shows while saying goodbye to others that chose to re-invent themselves or let someone else step in with a new format.  We are in the process of evolving and we are excited to inform all of our advertisers and prospective advertisers we now can calculate our listeners not only for a live record show but for all podcasts.  I am still creating this format and as of today, we have the following show’s setup.

Care Notes – Homecare assistance – The Elderly and Senior Citizens (Cherished Companions, Doug Wilber)

Just B Cuz with cousins Jeff & Steve sharing family stories, sports, business, as well as featured guests

Lyft Diaries – Stories of a Lyft & Uber Driver with Morgan

What in the World with Paul Seaburn – Real stories, not fake new, weird and humorous

34 years and Going Strong

34 years ago, my best friend and partner married me in front of family and friends with Rabbi Cherise officiating. Just five months earlier with Debbie & Dave Meredith as our witnesses, we were legally married by Rabbi Isenberg in a very intimate ceremony. (No, it was not a shotgun wedding!) However, for reasons not to be published, we chose to make a commitment to each other followed by our big event on Sunday, July 15th, 1984.

When selecting our venue, it was necessary for Richard and I that we would choose a place that would be standing and in existence for many years. We wanted the ability to go back to the location and wander the halls or at least drive by it as we would reminisce. The site we chose was at that time called the Quaker Hilton Hotel in downtown Akron. The hotel was known for its historic past as the Quaker Oats factory where the silos that held those oats were renovated into round guest rooms. Today this facility still stands and is now part of the University of Akron, no longer a hotel, but it is available to rent out for special events. (

My husband of 34 years is still my best friend. Just like BFF’s we have our disagreements that turn into Ups and Downs. We have survived 34 plus years of sunshine and rain. Some of the rain turned into stormy days and nights, bringing us closer together. We know we are not the perfect couple that advertisers feature as the beautiful people, but we see the beauty in each other even on the darkest of days. When they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder the statement is true and poignant. When your eyes carry that feeling to your heart, you know you don’t need to be advertised at all. You know you have the real thing that makes you feel breathless.

We are not big celebrators and as is often the case our special days look like any other. For us that makes each day unique and grateful that we found each other (at our best friend’s wedding, many thanks to Iris Light who insisted that I come to the rehearsal dinner for her son Lanny (Rich’s friend) and daughter-in-law Helen (my best friend). Rich and I clicked, and the rest is part of our history.

Since that hot and humid day in 1984, many of the special people who were part of our wedding have passed on. Including Ed & Loretta Hale (the best loving in-laws anyone would cherished to call mom and dad); Harmon & Dorothy Moss (my parents who took Rich under their wing calling him. son and treating him as if he was their third son). We have also lost many aunts, uncles, even very special cousins like Gloria Seigel who share our special day. Friends also moved on, and contacts have been lost (SADLY we miss Dave & Debbie Meredith, Randy & Sue, Elliot, and other individuals that were part of our working circle. For those still in our lives, we feel lucky to have you as we reflect on that day.

Today as I sit here nursing an injury I will take the time to remember all of you and hope that this message may reach you. Today we celebrate our marriage as well as the family and friends who are all still part of our hearts.

This message would not be complete if I didn’t send out my love and friendship to my husband, Richard Hale, my partner for eternity.

Not Breaking My Stride

My parents referred to me as a klutz most of my life. There were times I took offense to it. However, hindsight assures me they were right in their assessment. My type A personality has me rushing through life even when I consciously belief I am in slow motion, observing all the obstacles that may be in my path. However, my brain does confuse me (much of the time), and accidents happen!

I have been on a journey since last Fall to get myself in a healthy physical and mental state. Even when life interrupts with distractions, I have been able to apply the lifestyle changes that I know are good for me, but I also enjoy (yes I enjoy working out!) So yesterday on one of my workouts I had an accident.

Let me begin by sharing that I understand the need for hydration, however, yesterday, Friday the 13th I left my water bottle at home and entered Anytime Fitness in the early stages of dehydration. Although I sensed this, I thought I would be OK. To begin with, every exercise was a struggle, and I shortened my times on each. For an intense individual such as I, this felt like cheating, and unacceptable. I was not following the rules, my rules, and this drew on the little energy I had. Dehydration can do that to you!

When stepping off the treadmill which I had stopped and concluded my fat burning cycle, as I went to take my last step off I felt the belt moving in the opposite direction propelling me forward (no fall to the ground), but I hyperextended my right knee. At first, it hurt (10 0ut of 10), soon it was a much milder pain, but I was walking with a limp. I assumed I could rest and ice and I would be back in the gym today. WRONG! I ended up at urgent care. After the X-ray, the source of my pain was identified as a Patellar fracture. (If your fractured kneecap does not require surgery, your physician will likely immobilize your leg in a cylindrical, long leg cast or, in rare cases, a knee immobilizer for four to six weeks. This will allow your fractured kneecap to heal.)

I am now in a knee/leg immobilizer, and I am supposed to use crutches, but that is an accident waiting to happen for sure. I am taking the next couple of days to relax (a word not recognized in my vocabulary.) I will also use this time to get caught up on production work and to continue to do produce shows from the home studio until I can drive again.

I am slowly learning to be aware of life and be in the moment – to be consciously aware of who I am and what I am doing. However, I am not perfect, and occasionally I lose my train of thought, or I allow some ideas to override others. Yesterday I recognized my dehydration and what it could do to me, but I chose to ignore those consequences thinking I could protect myself from any injury. I was wrong, and my parents were right when they called me a klutz. I am what I am!

The Stories of Uber & Lyft with Morgan: She Drives

Coming soon the stories from Uber and Lyft.  We welcome Morgan as she shares her current journey of driving some famous and not so famous people from one location to another.  All stories are real, unlike fake news.  However, the names of the individuals will remain anonymous, as Morgan and does not want to be sued!

This new live record to podcast show is being created for fun and laughs.  Please watch for the premiere date.




As a producer for many of the shows on, I have the luxury of learning first hand from many of our hosts.  Today I want to give a very special shout out to Candace Pollock from “The Intentionality Gurus.”  Candace states she is a guru (and you can be too) if you open your body, mind, and soul and begin to think and perform intentionally.  You can find the guru in you!  The dictionary defines guru as “a spiritual teacher, especially one who imparts initiation.”  The initiation in the case of personal coaching is to “begin the action of something.”   We all want to be at our best, but we often get stuck in who we are at the moment and assume we cannot change, or if we change it may not result in success.

Candace is a certified life coach, and her mission is to guide you (me) to holistically grow our wisdom.  There is not a level of intelligence that we reach that identifies our apex; our brains are capable of continuous learning and change if we accept the challenge to achieve what we may want but believe (those limiting thoughts) we cannot reach.


My father’s favorite poem (or at least one he recited to my brothers and me repeatedly through the years), was “It Couldn’t be Done.”  This poem teaches you; It Can be Done!

Somebody said that it couldn’t be done,

     But he with a chuckle replied

That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one

     Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.

So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin

     On his face. If he worried he hid it.

He started to sing as he tackled the thing

     That couldn’t be done, and he did it.

Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that;

     At least no one ever has done it”;

But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,

     And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.

With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,

     Without any doubting or quiddit,

He started to sing as he tackled the thing

     That couldn’t be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,

     There are thousands to prophesy failure;

There are thousands to point out to you one by one,

     The dangers that wait to assail you.

But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,

     Just take off your coat and go to it;

Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing

     That “cannot be done,” and you’ll do it.

Join us live every other Friday at 1 pm EST on or check out the podcasts at