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It is Sunday, for many considered a day of rest that may consist of sleeping late into the late morning or early afternoon hours.  Years ago, Sunday was my lazy day, waking up to a new week, brunching or lunching with my husband, running errands in joyous harmony to GOLD CIRCLE™, prior to the TARGET™, days.  We always found a bargain or two while picking up the essentials like toilet paper, napkins, laundry soap as well other fine household items we didn’t need.  As we sauntered through the aisles we knew at the end of this weekly journey we would take our stash home and realize we forgot the most important item of the week, but we never identified what that item was!

Remember Yesterday – Live for Today

Those were the days when we first bought the Sunday newspaper, The Plain Dealer™, and cut out the coupons and checked out what was on sale before we stepped inside the doors of our Sunday retreat.  The newspaper was more golden than the GOLD CIRCLE™.  The Sunday edition was packed full of fun stuff like the comics in living color, and Parade Magazine™ that was sure to have a story of fun-filled information for reading, not scanning.  That paper went to breakfast with us, and we staled out our time as did many weeding through the paper from the front page headlines to the comics, magazines, ads, and flyers.  Great articles appeared in The Plain Dealer™, Jane Scott, Michael Heaton, Connie Schultz, Terry Pluto, and my friend Chuck Yarborough, just to name a few.

“Sunday, Sunday here again in tidy attire
You read the color supplement, the TV guide”

Today, Sunday is just another day, working; as most of us have more than one job in today’s economic debacle.  I feel blessed as I am about to reach the big 69 tomorrow that I am able and capable to be on my feet supporting sales and earning a few extra dollars.  I do this because I have learned through my upbringing that we must continue to venture through life and not only adapt to changes but to change for the betterment without bitterness.  I may have been raised in the 50s and 60s with the voice of encouragement telling me that if I worked hard, I too would have a suburban home, two cars in the garage and much more than just a chicken in the pot.  However, to maintain all that I was encouraged to work hard for comes with a price.

Appreciating Yourself so Others will Too!

I could complain that as I reach this pinnacle in life that I am still scratching and clawing to build a better lifestyle (not necessarily all financial), that will allow me to live fully.  That lifestyle includes working on Saturday and Sunday and meeting new people and supporting their wants and needs providing guidance.  My weekend gig is much like my weekday life with, I work with various individuals, and I am their guide and support in sharing their message, compassion, and life providing us all options on which fork in the road will lead us to Sunday, the first day of the week.

Treat Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

As the Days to Love Yourself and Wish Yourself

A Happy Birthday


March 4th


Happiness IS


Believe in happiness.  Life is a gift and what we do with each second is our choice.  We must remember that in order to live in a cohesive environment we must respect others as well as ourselves.  There is no complete solitude in the cosmos; we are uniquely engaging with life forms of various geniuses that we must be aware of and accommodate for the differences that can only make us stronger in our achievement of happiness.


Happiness is not just a mood with a smiling face, emoji.  It is a state of mind that we allow ourselves to experience and share.  It cannot be described as perfect or not; it is more like a choice to achieve satisfaction even on a grey and gloomy day.  It is important to understand that we cannot depend on anyone or anything to provide joyfulness.  We are the bearers of our own choices, and the results are defined by the path we take.


There is no right or wrong when we choose to live and achieve the best for ourselves while lighting the way for others to observe and follow if they wish.  However, our path is not the only one that will lead forward; there are many forks in the road.






Which one will you travel?

I Could Blame Charlie Wiener


I could blame Charlie Wiener for the fact that I am wide awake at 4:33 a.m., on a Sunday morning. However, it is because of Charlie that I am filled with the enthusiasm that life provides.  I am cherishing his writings in, American Stories, just as I did in the sequel, Carrie Come to Me Smiling.



Like the character Kim, we all have lived a life that too often we look back on and say; it’s not enough; my existence means nothing.  We may think that everyone is succeeding while we are barely capable to tread water.  Our accomplishments whether little or big have been buried in the crevices of our brain and we do not acknowledge them.  Instead for many of us, myself include, spelled in all CAPITAL LETTERS, wake up one day and ask is this LIFE?



Sadly for some, they run away from all that they have created, accomplished, and achieved, and try to start anew.  The truth is we cannot run away from ourselves, but we can learn from the past and remold ourselves.  We, you and I are the designers of this moment in time.  Nothing will change for the better or worse unless we mold the clay, pick up a paintbrush and add some color to the landscape or sketch out the inner feelings that may be holding us back from appreciating the beauty of life.



Some people wait until an event in their life rings a bell and allows the freedom to choose.  The bell may be a lottery winning or a diagnosis of what we may refer to as “ill”-fate.  The reality is a lottery winning may cause other ill-fated issues, whereas a diagnosis of dying is something we all live with from the moment we are born.  For some the end comes sooner than for others, but, it is up to each of us to make the most of each day and to not squander it away.


Our world is filled with books that tell stories some are fictional others are based on facts, research, and emotional concepts.  Reading can provide us with inspiration and a road map.  The road map is not going to be a straight line; it will have curves and ups and downs and detours as well as roadblocks.  However, it is up to us as the intelligent life form to find our way, not allowing the walls to close in on us.


Kim, the character in American Stories is on a path collecting stories, and although the strangers she meets are as different from her as night is to day, there is a commonality.  The commonality is that we are all trying to find, the comfort of peace within ourselves so we may enjoy the beauty that surrounds us.  This is what empowers me to share my journey with you and to create a platform where we come together as different individuals finding our sameness.  Charlie has captured my soul in his writing; I feel as if he is writing about me as well as you!


Empower yourself to live.  It is Sunday, February 24th, 2019, do not waste another minute.  My dear friend, Norman Tischler lived life to the fullest.  The riches he recently left behind are the people whom he touched, whether with his music, his words, a bear hug, or just a look that said, “I love you!”  I now belong to a world of strangers who are friends by association and the enthusiasm of being part of the story!

American Stories = Life

As I read American Stories, by K. Adrian Zonneville, aka Charlie Weiner, I now know that these books were written for a much deeper purpose than Charlie will ever understand, nor will I.  You see, when I chose to really live my life, not just go through the motions, I became interested in helping others in a manner in which my future would be enriched.  Enrichment is not in the form of financial gain, although a little extra in the pocket and bank might provide a little less of a burden, the love and friendships I am adding into my experiences here on earth are much more valuable.

As a young child, from the age of 9 or 10 years old, I struggled with making friends and being accepted.  Just prior to puberty I became gawky and unsure of myself.  I wanted so much to be part of the IN GROUP I literally pushed myself out of the inner circles.  However, looking back with hindsight, I was not totally on the fringe, I was somewhere between the core and edge, and if I had known what empowerment was, I may be a different person today.

My desire to be part of the click ate at my soul and caused me many embittered thoughts that I carried on my back that weighed me down.  I allowed my pre-pubescent years to hold me in a place that was not safe.  I did creep out of that maze of feelings throughout my life, but I kept getting pulled back like I was tethered to that time.  However, within the last five years I cut the teether and have begun running through the maze of life with hands up over my head, and every once in a while you may actually hear my shouts of ‘Glee.’

Reading American Stories, I understand that my mission in life is to experience and guide and be guided.  I am no longer living with clouded eyes and heart, I am open to awareness, and that is what empowers me.  I have no guarantees as to what tomorrow will bring, but I have the control to make each moment my best.  I must continue to breathe in the life that guides me!

Difficult Roads – Beautiful Destinations

I have just begun reading, American Stories, by one of my newest favorite authors, Charlie Weiner, aka, K. Adrain Zonnerville.  It always takes me a chapter plus to get mesmerized by his storytelling and descriptions of life as seen and approached by his characters.  This morning, waking early, as usual, I picked up the book and began my day reading.  I stopped at the point when the main character identifies that she is a collector of sorts.  She collects stories!  I realized at that moment in time why this book as well as the sequel that I read first, speak to me.  I too am a collector, not of stories, but of people.


Don’t get nervous; I am not collecting people and keeping them bound up.  I am collecting people, like you, and me and encouraging them to live free, sing, dance, and express themselves in the medium that provides them joy.  I am not a Pollyanna and do not expect that happiness means never feeling sad, angry, unappreciated, or any negativity.  What I do expect at least from myself is to face each obstacle with as much positive energy to move around it or through it when the Wonder Woman in me pushes onward.


I have spent the better part of my almost 69 years trying to be like you, and I now know, I want to be me.  I once believed in the lyrics sung by Frank Sinatra, “All of me Come on get all of me Can’t you see I’m just a mess without you…”  Spending one’s life trying to fit in when you feel like the square peg in the round hole, is not living.  However, lessons can be learned, and one day you may wake up and become a collector of sorts.  As I gather new friends and revive relationships with old friends, I appreciate how precious life is.  It is a gift to follow our journey and share our experiences.  We are all guides in this amazing universe.


Although Carrie, the main character in American Stories may be dying, in reality, she is alive.  She teaches us that death does not have to destroy; it can be a lesson that teaches us how to fulfill dreams and appreciate each other.  By taking one step in front of another, we can create a path that provides us joy as we journey forward.


Join me here at as we continue to podcast and provide you with opportunities.  Let us become empowered to appreciate our strengths!

It’s a New Year with Some New Podcasts

2019 will be bringing you some new podcasts as well as a return of, Senior Moments with Bradley & Heather Greene.  We are waiting with great anticipation to welcome them back after a hiatus.

Katie O’Toole Smith will be joining, sharing the message that “all things are possible!”  It’s more than a saying or a spiritual belief.  “If you give up it means you never tried,” and with the support of others, there is no reason not to try!  (First show is scheduled for Thursday, February 14, 2019, @ 6 pm EST)

Melinda Smith will share thoughts on positivity and not in a cheesy condescending way, but woman-to-woman, person-to-person.  It’s not about right or wrong; it’s about facing challenging and creating new opportunities.  As Helen Kellet stated, “Although the world is  full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”  (First show is scheduled for Monday, February 11, 2019, @ 6 pm EST) MY HEART MOJO

It is this poem by Edgar Guest that my pops repeatedly quoted that encourages me to face each challenge as an opportunity!

Somebody said that it couldn’t be done
But he with a chuckle replied
That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one
Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn’t be done, and he did it!
Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that;
At least no one ever has done it;”
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat
And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn’t be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure,
There are thousands to point out to you one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing
That “cannot be done,” and you’ll do it.


Please do not ask someone why they are anxious or depressed, often they cannot provide themselves with an explanation so why assume they will be able to communicate with you?  Anxiety is normal it is part of the flight or fight process.  Without a touch of anxiety, we could place ourselves in harm’s way walking up to roaring Lion or crossing the railroad track as a train comes towards us at full speed.  However, anxiety that produces dread for seconds, minutes or longer can interfere with our normal routines.  I know I went through this five years ago.  Up until that time I pushed and prodded through often with tears and mood swings blaming it on trivial things like a broken nail, I gained a few pounds, or I was not included in an invitation.  Oh whoa was me!  However, those situations were just the triggers, they weren’t the reason, and sometimes we never figure out the whys!


Anxiety can affect us all in different ways including irritable bowel, obsessive-compulsive needs, and migraines, just to name a few obvious ones.  In my case IB and Migraines are my malady and recently (over the past few weeks) I have had an increase in Migraine attacks along with this on again, off again of foreboding.  My fear is my anxiety will deepen and take me into depression and I won’t and can’t have that as part of my journey.


The series that I am planning for 2019 will not only help me face the demons that invaded my thought pattern, but it will bring me closer to others while I share my story I will listen to theirs.  It is only in this common thread of true and open communication that we can face this disease head-on.  Yes, anxiety and depression by medical terminology are diseases, and although they do not need to be terminal without support, understanding, and acceptance, for some, it is life-threatening.


This week has been difficult despite the love, friendship and support of family and friends.  However, please know there is still a brewing demon called anxiety living within in me, and I must become more intentional in my thoughts and living to extinguish what is not needed for survival.

Changes for 2019 Join Me!

It will soon be 2019; it seems like it was just 1999 and the year 2000 was a potential fearful new beginning.  However, despite all the hype 1999 rolled into 2000 without a hitch, the World continued to orbit although there have been days I have wanted to scream: “Stop the World, I want to get off![1]”  However, life does not work that way, and the rotation continues.

I have experienced many life changes in the past 20 years, and as we head into 2019, I have plans for additional events that will not only allow me to grow but will include many of you.  So here is how you can join me on a journey of friendship and love.

  1. If you like music and enjoy having company, contact me care of Newclevelandradio, LLC., we will plan a house concert for you to host in your home.  A house concert is just what you think it is, a concert at your home.  You provide us with the type of music you would like to have presented.  Guarantee a minimum of $200 (which you can collect through ticket sales.)  We will help you do the rest through social media.  This is an opportunity to meet performers and host a private event that will enrich your life as well as your guests.
  2. Do you have a dream? “If you will it, it is no dream.”[2]  Join us for a monthly series: “It’s My Life, I Can’t Do It Alone.”  A special thank you to Sheila James [3], Sheila is my inspiration for starting this series.  I have dreamt about who I want to be, and for the last five years I have been taking baby steps in that direction, well now I am taking a giant step, and it’s not just about me, but you too.  We will share dreams once a month in a forum where you will get to know me and the people who inspire me.
  3. Adding new shows on We will be encouraging the inspirational people who you will be meeting to continue their stories and share information to help us all follow the path that is best for us.
  4. Beginning an Entertainment Series at Vista Springs. This is not just local school or church performers although I look forward to bringing them into Vista Springs to become part of the community, however, in 2019 I will be introducing the community members, staffers, the families as well as all of you to join us for monthly live music/comedy performances at Vista Springs.

    Music is a universal language and comedy brings out the endorphins for physical and emotional healing.  We cannot do it alone, and neither can you!  We will create a venue that will provide us with sunshine even on a cloudy, gloomy day here in northeast Ohio.

  5. This is the year of positive living; we will touch on topics like healthcare and self-care. Self-care is not always a solo journey, as the name of this series indicates, “It’s My Life, I Can’t Do It Alone,” we will discuss the concept of asking for help and aiding another.


My journey is not unlike the one you may be traveling, however, let me guide you, and please feel free to guide me as well.  Let’s live in our lives in harmony.

One of my very special guest speakers will be Candace Pollock from the Intentionality Gurus[4].  Candace and I have been hosting a podcast.  Candace is a certified Personal Coach[5], she and I have been working together since March 2018, and I have learned so much about myself and the decisions I make, I have chosen if and what I want to change in my life.  Never once did Ms. Pollock suggest or recommend that change was needed.  As an intentional guru, I have learned to listen with my head and my gut!

Although he may not know it yet, Gary Wenner is another role model that I would like to include in this series.  Gary may look like an ordinary man, but Gary has a heart of gold, and common sense to take himself from a depressive state to rekindling love and friendship when most would cower under.


Others that will be invited to share with me and you included:  Melinda Smith, Katie O’Toole Smith, Katie Kramer, Jenny Bruce[6], Dorsena Drakeford[7], Denise Zarella[8], and another person who not only touched my life but changed it, Lorna Barrett[9].  I have a long list of individuals who will add to this series and maybe one of them includes you.


I look forward to hearing from you and have you join me as I continue


[2] Theodor Herzl



[5] Coaching can be described as a relationship between a Life Coach and client where the coach uses specific skills to help the client achieve agreed upon results.





NO EXPECTATIONS December 25, 2018

As the story goes, a baby was born, the mother was Mary, and the father was Joseph.  Although for some it seems, Mary was a virgin, and Joseph was not the biological father, God was.  As the story continues, this baby boy was named Jesus, another word for Messiah.  The Messiah is a leader of a group of people who need to be saved.  History (through the Bible) creates a moving story of this baby through manhood who was a carpenter by trade as well as a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader.  However, upon his death, the Christians took them for their own.



Today, Christmas Day, Christians celebrate/commemorate the birth of Jesus by gifting to others as the Three Wise Men (Kings), presented presents to Mother Mary.  Gold was provided as a symbol of kingship/leadership on earth.  The incense, frankincense, symbolized deity, and myrrh an embalming oil signified death.  These gifts exemplify the life that Jesus was destined for.


Today, many celebrate Christmas as a day of gifting that is more about receiving than giving.  It is not that we do not have kindness in our hearts and provide for the less fortunate, but many ask the hollow question what is

in it for me?







As many will sit around their living room’s early in the morning, around a tree glowing with lights and shiny objects, they will be impatient to find out if the biggest or the smallest gift-wrapped box is for them and will it be the item from their long list of wants, not needs?  In some homes, there will be looks of disappointment, in others satisfaction or ecstatic joy!



In our blended religion family, today is a day of caring and remembering each other.  Often our gifts are not expensive surprises, but the acknowledgment of want and need combined.  We typically spend the day alone, no big family gathering quietly in most respects.  Sometimes we take in a movie, and other years we nap the day away, exhausted from work and other obligations.  Our home is not a Norman Rockwell painting of what the holidays are supposed to look like, ours looks like the reality of the moment.




The reality of the moment sounds mysterious, but it is all about accepting who we are as individuals and not placing expectations in our way that may ultimately turn a Good Day into a Bad Day.  I have been known to do just that over the years.  I would listen to the PR hype and the comments, of co-workers, friends, and family and expect that today would be a “Hallmark Movie” day, when often it would turn out more like a “Twilight Zone” episode.



December 2016, after losing my mother two months earlier, and accepting the fact that I was no longer a child, I chose to enjoy life with all its ups and downs, and to stop assuming my day, Christmas or any other should be a certain way!  Growing up we did not celebrate, being Jewish as we are, but we would enjoy the day in some small way, maybe even extending Chanukah beyond the traditional eight days and nights.  Perfection is only a mindset, and sometimes I would dream about a repeat performance, and other times I could not wait for a redo.  However, each day is a new day and unique from another.  I am working on making each day bright and festive, not just for myself but for others, with a smile, a nod, words of acceptance, and a spirit of friendship and love that begins with self.


It is not selfish to take care of yourself when you share yourself with others, freely and willing!


May you enjoy your Christmas, December 25th, 2018 (and beyond) without expectations as you share your spirit to be felt by another.

The reality is we need a newer photo

BLUE has Many SHADES/HUES it’s a Beautiful Color

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Blue is not just for boys, it’s a beautiful color that can be worn by many. In fact, blue comes in many shades/hues and for that reason, we should all be voting BLUE on November 6th, 2018. Although my wish is that we could eventually get rid of the party system, and democratically vote for the best candidate who will communicate with his/her constituents and do what they are elected for, representing the people who place them in office.

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I like many of you am tired of false advertising and lying and cheating scoundrels. Although the lying and cheating have gone on since the beginning of time, sadly it’s become the norm. I will admit I have told my share of lies in my life, and not to hurt or endanger another, but the political jargon has gotten out of hand and there is very little truth in what is being said.

This election day is very important and everyone who is registered must vote. Every vote does count, and we have seen what happens when we become apathetic or believe we can’t make a difference. If you believe your vote is not worth counting maybe you should refrain from complaining about what is wrong with your city/town, state, and government. At least casting your vote you are sending a message as to what you want, need, and believe in!
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If you don’t know what you want, need or believe in, it’s time to look in the mirror and ask yourself one important question, do you want to live in a society where you have a choice or live in a country that takes your choices away from you? If you want the ability to make a choice (good or bad) and learn from your mistakes, you must vote this November 6th. We all must work together to regain our freedom. Whether you want to believe it or accept the facts, we all have roots from various demographics. The United States is a real melting pot where many migrated to create a new life for themselves and their families. If not for the immigrants, we would not be who we are today.
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When you look in the mirror ask where your parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were born, and find out that you too are a blend of our new global society. Let’s make it a safe democracy.
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