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I’m just a girl who can’t say “NO” when it comes to helping people I like, love and appreciate.  Learning that my brother’s website was not being supported by GODADDY (since it was designed in an old program) I offered to help him set up his new site using WordPress.  Now, I use WordPress for this webpage and I have used it for various projects over the years and although it is somewhat user-friendly it is becoming less so as they add components without an explanation or example of what it will do.  In fact, while trying to update his pages the circle of life continues to rotate, however, on mine, it is automatically updated!  Can I say, WTF?

I am excited to help my big brother as I enjoy producing websites and designing a look that will get the attention it deserves.  However, I am getting a migraine and I think I will be calling GODADDY as they combined his site to my WordPress account and I believe this is the issue for the lag in updates.

In addition to putting this together for Just 4 The Spell of It, I want to reach out to all of you that play Scrabble, Words with Friends, Boggle, as well as enjoy the challenges of Crossword Puzzles, and WordSwip.  In reaching out I want to announce on August 24th my brother Gary will be bringing JFTSOI to a city near you as he heads out of Southern California driving North and East conducting WORD EVENTS.  If you would like to host an event or know of a classroom that may enjoy having the word guru visit them, please feel free to contact:

Gary Moss
[email protected]
3367 Punta Alta Laguna Woods, CA 92637