now browsing by category
I’m just a girl who can’t say “NO” when it comes to helping people I like, love and appreciate. Learning that my brother’s website was not being supported by GODADDY (since it was designed in an old program) I offered to help him set up his new site using WordPress. Now, I use WordPress for this webpage and I have used it for various projects over the years and although it is somewhat user-friendly it is becoming less so as they add components without an explanation or example of what it will do. In fact, while trying to update his pages the circle of life continues to rotate, however, on mine, it is automatically updated! Can I say, WTF?
I am excited to help my big brother as I enjoy producing websites and designing a look that will get the attention it deserves. However, I am getting a migraine and I think I will be calling GODADDY as they combined his site to my WordPress account and I believe this is the issue for the lag in updates.
In addition to putting this together for Just 4 The Spell of It, I want to reach out to all of you that play Scrabble, Words with Friends, Boggle, as well as enjoy the challenges of Crossword Puzzles, and WordSwip. In reaching out I want to announce on August 24th my brother Gary will be bringing JFTSOI to a city near you as he heads out of Southern California driving North and East conducting WORD EVENTS. If you would like to host an event or know of a classroom that may enjoy having the word guru visit them, please feel free to contact:
Gary Moss
[email protected]
3367 Punta Alta Laguna Woods, CA 92637
Having Trouble Finding a Show or Episode?
To find all our shows in one place go to https://www.spreaker.com/user/newclevelandradio – SPREAKER
However, if you want a specific show go to https://newclevelandradio.net/podcast-replays/ Use the drop to select a specific show or episode on the format of your choice – Spotify, iHeart, iTunes, Google or Castbox.
If you want to podcast with us please email Karen at newclevelandradio@gmail.
Back Home Planning for 2020!
Back home and still on a roll from this past weekend. If you have never been to upstate New York and driven through the Finger Lakes Region or to the Capital area like Saratoga Springs you are missing some beautiful country. It is true that Rich and I attempted to see the many massive waterfalls in and around Watkins Glen, New York, https://parks.ny.gov/parks/142/ where we had planned to view and photograph one, two or more of the 19 Waterfalls. Sadly, the directions a local provided us were incorrect, and all we saw was a beautiful countryside with numerous Wineries. However, we did see ButterMilk Falls outside of Utica where we stayed and got some nice photos there! All in all, we laughed during our adventure and get away!
Saratoga Springs and Annie’s Washington Inn (Joe) did not disappoint us at all. It is always a lovely stay at this Bed and Breakfast that also hosts weddings and parties and receptions of all types. The setting is not only beautiful, but the Inn is immaculate. Joe is the treasure at the helm!
The musicians and talented individuals of this area are always friendly, welcoming, and exciting to spend time with. This very special area has few if any EGOS flying high. On Sunday, a diverse group of musicians participated, providing their talent to honor Charlie Eble, who had a heart of gold and provided for this region. In his memory, the city of Saratoga Springs, Mayor Meg Kelly, Café Lena, led by Sara Craig and her team (many volunteers), my brother Joel Moss producer and music engineer, joined newclevelandradio.net, to bring musicians together in song and harmony.
A special thanks to all:
Charlie Eble A/V Internship feel free to donate at http://www.caffelena.org/
Alex Hale, Garland Nelson, Vinnie Leddick, Patty Urell, Jonathan Greene, Sergei Nirenburg, Brian Melick, Bob Warren and Mark Griffin, Judy Wyle, Ralph Pascucci, Jeff Halstead, Michael Jerling, Will Severin, Joe Bruchac, Chris Baker. Ria Curley and Chuck Lamb, John Nazarenko, Tim Wechgaelar, and Chris Carey. Marcus Ruggiero, Peter Davis, Steve Candlen, Rick and Sharon Bolton, Jeff Brisbin & Joseph Deuel.
Now that we are home, it is time to start planning next year’s event for the Charlie Eble A/V Internship Concert Connection. Do not let the grass grow under your feet – spread the word as you continue to bring the language of music to all that hear you perform.
We would like to continue our podcasts with you and begin with sharing your thoughts, your memories, and your passion for all that you do! [email protected]
It’s Almost that TIME
Rich and I will be arriving tomorrow afternoon sometime – we are staying at Anne’s Washington Inn. If any of you are playing around town tomorrow night please post it to me on Facebook as we may try to make the rounds, Marcus, Jeff, Steve, etc., …
Also, anyone who has not done a podcast with us and still has an interest please contact me and let me know, we will continue to do stories after May 19th…
In the meantime, I plan to be at Uncommon Grounds Saturday morning around 10 am if you or anyone you know wants to stop by. I am anxious to see Terri-Lynn’s photography.
Sunday is going to be an exciting and full-packed day – I cannot wait to see everyone, hear you all perform and for you to meet my inspiration, my son Alex, who has been inspired by Charlie Eble, https://www.spreaker.com/user/10697139/alex-hale-talks-charlie-ebe-4-28-19
If you haven’t listened to these tributes take a few minutes/ or more to listen https://www.spreaker.com/show/charlie-eble-day-may-19-2019-cafe-lena
“Don’t Forget to Laugh”
Last night I had the pleasure of being part of a great event, “Don’t Forget to Laugh” organized by Melinda Smith of Heart Mojo, https://www.spreaker.com/show/heart-mojo-with-melinda-smith. The entertainment consisted of four amazing comics all with heart and soul; Bill Benden, Tim Folger (no relation to the coffee), Mike Conley, and Michael Gershe. This talented group of individuals donated their time, energy and passion for an evening to support the Alzheimer’s Association.
Melinda Smith has a walk team to support the important message that only money for continued research will help eliminate, cure, or reduce the incidents of this mind altering disease. It is not just the individual that experiences the loss of memories that suffers but all that engage with them. Although this disease is not life-threatening, it destroys the nerves that connect in the brain that makes it difficult or impossible to do common every day things like, dressing, eating, and worst of all living in a fog of confusion. Like many of us, Linda had the experience of watching her grandmother live out her life with this disease. In fact, not only did her mother become a caregiver but Linda did as well, out of love and need for a family member.
Last night’s event is just one of several Melinda Smith will be coordinating to raise awareness and financial support for Alzheimer’s and Dementia which is kin to this disease. “Don’t forget to Laugh,” was held at the Funny Stop in Cuyahoga Falls. Owner Pete Barakat of the club graciously provided the space for this comedy event. Watch for more information on “Don’t forget to Laugh” coming to Cleveland, and other areas where we can come together to support ourselves and others to help in finding a cure.
On a side note, I want to share that studies show that laughter and music help heal parts of the brain. So keep laughing, do not lock it away.
Laugh to Keep From Crying Madonna
I can’t lock my door
Oh, I don’t have no privacy
The only thing that’s mine
Is what’s inside of me
When I’ve had enough
A little voice inside
It says you’ve got to be tough
You’ve got to take it in stride
Sometimes I am foolish
I let it get the best of me
At least I know that my mistakes
Are my responsibility
I just have to laugh to keep from crying
I just have to laugh to keep from crying
I don’t have a dime
Oh, to buy those pretty things
But I hear all the evidence
You know it all sounds the same
But I’m still waiting
I’ve got my hands open wide
You know my dream isn’t fading
I keep it hidden inside
I just have to laugh to keep from crying
I keep on trying
My friends don’t understand
Oh, they think I’ve lost my mind
And I’m choking back the tears
I’ve got to swallow my pride
I just have to laugh, ah
La, ah
Lo, oh
La, ah
Laugh to Keep From Crying lyrics © WB Music Corp., Webo Girl Publishing Inc., Momma Hattie’S Muse, COPYRIGHT CONTROL (NON-HFA), WEBO GIRL PUBLISHING, INC., WB MUSIC CORP. O/B/O WEBO GIRL PUBLISHING, INC.
Supporting Each Other in Harmony
Well, it has been a whirlwind around here both in the house of the HALE family as well as newclevelandradio.net. March is birthday month for both my husband and me, and I am exactly three weeks older than him almost to the minute. Richard (my husband of thirty-five years,) is my best friend. When you spend 35 years with someone as intimately as we have there are days when you hate (ok, dislike) the person you love. We both have had our share of those days, but love in our case does conquer all!
In addition to birthday’s many of you know I have been battling the migraine issues again, and I am awaiting an appointment with a neurologist in April. Not that I have wanted to wish March away but leaving the winter behind and finally getting the opportunity to find some answers for my headaches I will be glad to say good-bye to March (Madness.)
April looks exciting to me as the Cleveland Indians return on April 1st, for another fun season. Although I am hoping for a winning one, I just enjoy the boys of summer, and I will not get into the politics of the game and players! So let’s play ball! Peanuts anyone?
In addition to baseball, newclevelandradio.net will be introducing a new show with local musician, comedian, and writer, Charlie Wiener. Charlies is my favorite writer, and I am excited to say we will be discussing his books, his characters, who they truly are or are not and ask you our followers to read, listen and participate.
Also in the month to come, CARE NOTES with Doug Wilber from Cherished Companions returns. New episodes on home care for the elderly, special needs, or even good old everyday assistance. We have touched on this message in the past with so many of us living a fair distance from our loved ones, or unable to assist, businesses like Cherished Companions are a necessity, but they tend to do it as an award-winning organization.
Senior Moments will be returning as well, no official date has been set, but I understand Bradley and Heather Greene have a lot of new topics to cover as well as hear what is important to you.
My life is a blessing despite my migraines. I am working with a variety of very interesting people, and every show delivers a message of hope with smiles, hugs, and friendship. If we cannot provide a hand in person, we hope we are doing so virtually.
Our podcasts are now available on Spotify if you search the name of the podcast it will pop up for you or go to the page of the show to follow the link. https://newclevelandradio.net/podcast-replays/
Happy Spring and let’s continue to support each other in harmony!
It is Sunday, for many considered a day of rest that may consist of sleeping late into the late morning or early afternoon hours. Years ago, Sunday was my lazy day, waking up to a new week, brunching or lunching with my husband, running errands in joyous harmony to GOLD CIRCLE™, prior to the TARGET™, days. We always found a bargain or two while picking up the essentials like toilet paper, napkins, laundry soap as well other fine household items we didn’t need. As we sauntered through the aisles we knew at the end of this weekly journey we would take our stash home and realize we forgot the most important item of the week, but we never identified what that item was!
Remember Yesterday – Live for Today
Those were the days when we first bought the Sunday newspaper, The Plain Dealer™, and cut out the coupons and checked out what was on sale before we stepped inside the doors of our Sunday retreat. The newspaper was more golden than the GOLD CIRCLE™. The Sunday edition was packed full of fun stuff like the comics in living color, and Parade Magazine™ that was sure to have a story of fun-filled information for reading, not scanning. That paper went to breakfast with us, and we staled out our time as did many weeding through the paper from the front page headlines to the comics, magazines, ads, and flyers. Great articles appeared in The Plain Dealer™, Jane Scott, Michael Heaton, Connie Schultz, Terry Pluto, and my friend Chuck Yarborough, just to name a few.
“Sunday, Sunday here again in tidy attire
You read the color supplement, the TV guide”
Today, Sunday is just another day, working; as most of us have more than one job in today’s economic debacle. I feel blessed as I am about to reach the big 69 tomorrow that I am able and capable to be on my feet supporting sales and earning a few extra dollars. I do this because I have learned through my upbringing that we must continue to venture through life and not only adapt to changes but to change for the betterment without bitterness. I may have been raised in the 50s and 60s with the voice of encouragement telling me that if I worked hard, I too would have a suburban home, two cars in the garage and much more than just a chicken in the pot. However, to maintain all that I was encouraged to work hard for comes with a price.
Appreciating Yourself so Others will Too!
I could complain that as I reach this pinnacle in life that I am still scratching and clawing to build a better lifestyle (not necessarily all financial), that will allow me to live fully. That lifestyle includes working on Saturday and Sunday and meeting new people and supporting their wants and needs providing guidance. My weekend gig is much like my weekday life with newclevelandradio.net, I work with various individuals, and I am their guide and support in sharing their message, compassion, and life providing us all options on which fork in the road will lead us to Sunday, the first day of the week.

Treat Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
As the Days to Love Yourself and Wish Yourself
A Happy Birthday
March 4th
Proud to Announce on this Day 1 January 2019
I am so proud to share that my oldest son, Steve Rogovin, he is now a part owner in a new restaurant in Chicago. “Brothers and Sisters.” https://www.chicagotribune.com/dining/ct-food-brothers-and-sisters-opening-soon-20181018-story.html
Steve is also a practicing attorney with the law firm, MPSLaw in Chicago.
If you find yourself in the Chicago area, please check out, “Brothers and Sisters.” Brothers and Sisters, 2119 W. Chicago Ave., www.brothersandsisters.fun
Changes for 2019 Join Me!
It will soon be 2019; it seems like it was just 1999 and the year 2000 was a potential fearful new beginning. However, despite all the hype 1999 rolled into 2000 without a hitch, the World continued to orbit although there have been days I have wanted to scream: “Stop the World, I want to get off![1]” However, life does not work that way, and the rotation continues.
I have experienced many life changes in the past 20 years, and as we head into 2019, I have plans for additional events that will not only allow me to grow but will include many of you. So here is how you can join me on a journey of friendship and love.
- If you like music and enjoy having company, contact me care of [email protected]. Newclevelandradio, LLC., we will plan a house concert for you to host in your home. A house concert is just what you think it is, a concert at your home. You provide us with the type of music you would like to have presented. Guarantee a minimum of $200 (which you can collect through ticket sales.) We will help you do the rest through social media. This is an opportunity to meet performers and host a private event that will enrich your life as well as your guests.
- Do you have a dream? “If you will it, it is no dream.”[2] Join us for a monthly series: “It’s My Life, I Can’t Do It Alone.” A special thank you to Sheila James [3], Sheila is my inspiration for starting this series. I have dreamt about who I want to be, and for the last five years I have been taking baby steps in that direction, well now I am taking a giant step, and it’s not just about me, but you too. We will share dreams once a month in a forum where you will get to know me and the people who inspire me.
- Adding new shows on newclevelandradio.net. We will be encouraging the inspirational people who you will be meeting to continue their stories and share information to help us all follow the path that is best for us.
- Beginning an Entertainment Series at Vista Springs. This is not just local school or church performers although I look forward to bringing them into Vista Springs to become part of the community, however, in 2019 I will be introducing the community members, staffers, the families as well as all of you to join us for monthly live music/comedy performances at Vista Springs.
Music is a universal language and comedy brings out the endorphins for physical and emotional healing. We cannot do it alone, and neither can you! We will create a venue that will provide us with sunshine even on a cloudy, gloomy day here in northeast Ohio.
- This is the year of positive living; we will touch on topics like healthcare and self-care. Self-care is not always a solo journey, as the name of this series indicates, “It’s My Life, I Can’t Do It Alone,” we will discuss the concept of asking for help and aiding another.
My journey is not unlike the one you may be traveling, however, let me guide you, and please feel free to guide me as well. Let’s live in our lives in harmony.
One of my very special guest speakers will be Candace Pollock from the Intentionality Gurus[4]. Candace and I have been hosting a podcast. Candace is a certified Personal Coach[5], she and I have been working together since March 2018, and I have learned so much about myself and the decisions I make, I have chosen if and what I want to change in my life. Never once did Ms. Pollock suggest or recommend that change was needed. As an intentional guru, I have learned to listen with my head and my gut!
Although he may not know it yet, Gary Wenner is another role model that I would like to include in this series. Gary may look like an ordinary man, but Gary has a heart of gold, and common sense to take himself from a depressive state to rekindling love and friendship when most would cower under.
Others that will be invited to share with me and you included: Melinda Smith, Katie O’Toole Smith, Katie Kramer, Jenny Bruce[6], Dorsena Drakeford[7], Denise Zarella[8], and another person who not only touched my life but changed it, Lorna Barrett[9]. I have a long list of individuals who will add to this series and maybe one of them includes you.
I look forward to hearing from you and have you join me as I continue
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_the_World_%E2%80%93_I_Want_to_Get_Off
[2] Theodor Herzl
[3] http://www.vistaspringsliving.com/vista-springs-greenbriar
[4] https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-intentionality-gurus-with-candace-po
[5] Coaching can be described as a relationship between a Life Coach and client where the coach uses specific skills to help the client achieve agreed upon results.
[7] https://www.wkyc.com/article/about-us/team-bios/dorsena-drakeford-wkyc-reporter/95-528061529
Changes of the Good Kind
When newclevelandradio.net first launched, the concept was that the format would be sports, with a sprinkle of opportunity talk shows and entertainment interviews. In the last 14 plus months, there have been various changes of the good kind. We have added many new shows while saying goodbye to others that chose to re-invent themselves or let someone else step in with a new format. We are in the process of evolving and we are excited to inform all of our advertisers and prospective advertisers we now can calculate our listeners not only for a live record show but for all podcasts. I am still creating this format and as of today, we have the following show’s setup.
Care Notes – Homecare assistance – The Elderly and Senior Citizens (Cherished Companions, Doug Wilber)
Just B Cuz with cousins Jeff & Steve sharing family stories, sports, business, as well as featured guests
Lyft Diaries – Stories of a Lyft & Uber Driver with Morgan
What in the World with Paul Seaburn – Real stories, not fake new, weird and humorous