February, 2019
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Happy 24 3/4 Birthdays MOMMA
Another birthday without my mother, D’VASHA, is upon us as she is not here on earth to celebrate. Being a Leap Year Baby, my mother would be celebrating 24 ¾ years-old or in reality 99! My mother had a dream to live to be 100 years-old as she wanted to be recognized by the POTUS; although she would not want it to be our current President (and I use that term lightly.)
My mother was the first generation born in the United States after her parents immigrated from the hell hole of the POGROM life in Russia. As the story goes my Baube and Zayde, and various family members ran and hid on several occasions when the Cossacks barged into their Sheitels killing whoever was not fast enough or strong enough to get out of their path. My mother’s father, my Zayde Friedman, came to the United States by ship riding steerage among hundreds of other looking for a better life. In the early 1900’s you had to be sponsored to come to America, and he was through cousins who came here before him. When Zayde came to America, he left behind my Baube Ida and their first born, my Aunt Jean. He first settled in Boston, Massachusetts and after a short time moved on to Detroit, Michigan where additional relatives helped him establish a life and a career as a tailor. Once he had enough money saved up, he traveled back to Russia to bring his family home to America. What he found upon his return was a deserted village, and in time he reunited with his wife Ida and daughter Jean, and a second daughter Ann. Zayde did not know his beloved Ida was with child when he came to America to prepare a home, can you say surprise? (Within years they became citizens of the United States.)
It would be many years later on February 29, 1920, that my mother was born she was one of seven children of which only five lived into adulthood, my mother the last one of her family living until October 11, 2016.
I was born on March 4, 1950, and although I would not be a Leap Year Baby, my momma was determined that our birthdays would be shared. For the majority of my life, we shared one birthday cake, and I became a year older several days before my official birth date. In recent years I would manage to get up to Detroit to spend our birthday together whether it was a party for her special day, on her 75th, 90th, and 95th imparticular. At her 95th birthday, my mom gave a little speech, and she reminded us, her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren as well as nieces and nephews that she was in charge because she had earned the right at 95-years-old! It was on that day she proclaimed she would live to be 100 so she could receive a proclamation from the sitting president, who would have thought?
My mother was in excellent health, who would have thought she wouldn’t live to be 100 years old? And who would have thought that our government would be in such dismal shape as we approach the year, 2020? My mother was a work of art; she was a kind caring individual; she would think about others before herself, and yet she was not perfect. If my mother liked you (loved you), you would know it, and she liked most people. However, if she didn’t like you because you scorned her or her family, she was unforgiving. She truly was a Grizzly Bear when she felt it was necessary.
My mother and I had a very tough but loving relationship. Most of my life I felt like a disappointment to her, and because of that I often misread her words and actions. However, I was lucky to learn that I was liked and loved by my momma, we shared her last weeks together expressing our thoughts while the elephant sat in the room and we never mentioned the words that identified death and dying. For me, there was no need because I knew that my mother would live on in me, my brothers, my children and theirs. We hold the DNA that provides me the opportunity to hear her voice, see her smile, and even her look of dismay that makes me sit up straight and think, how would momma like me to be today?
So today she would be 99 and a year from now that milestone 100. This morning before Alex left for work he said; we need to celebrate her life next year. She was our matriarch. She nursed my dad through years of ill health bouts and never once complained or uttered a disparaging word even when it meant turning their life upside down. My mother was empowered (and she may not have known it) but it is her strength that has provided me with the capacity to seek life and commemorate the lives of others.
Just a side note, I have learned that our current POTUS does not indulge in sending out the 100-year birthday proclamations. I guess he is too busy trying to build a wall.
House Concert March 10 6 pm
House Concert – this is your opportunity to be up close and personal with a professional musician, hosted in the comfort of a home setting with snacks to enrich your appetite. Newclevelandradio.net is hosting the first of what we hope will be many concerts. However, there is a cost, the performer must be paid!
On March 10th at 6 pm, newclevelandradio.net is hosting Jon Mosey however unless we sell 10 more seats, we will have to cancel the performance. Please do not miss out as Jon is a local professional musician bringing his talent and compassion of music to our home.
Inbox me (Karen Hale) to purchase tickets payment via Paypal or Check.
Happiness IS

Believe in happiness. Life is a gift and what we do with each second is our choice. We must remember that in order to live in a cohesive environment we must respect others as well as ourselves. There is no complete solitude in the cosmos; we are uniquely engaging with life forms of various geniuses that we must be aware of and accommodate for the differences that can only make us stronger in our achievement of happiness.
Happiness is not just a mood with a smiling face, emoji. It is a state of mind that we allow ourselves to experience and share. It cannot be described as perfect or not; it is more like a choice to achieve satisfaction even on a grey and gloomy day. It is important to understand that we cannot depend on anyone or anything to provide joyfulness. We are the bearers of our own choices, and the results are defined by the path we take.
There is no right or wrong when we choose to live and achieve the best for ourselves while lighting the way for others to observe and follow if they wish. However, our path is not the only one that will lead forward; there are many forks in the road.
Which one will you travel?
Monday, February 25, 2019 today begins the end of the shortest month of the year with the promise of spring around the corner. In less than two weeks we will be back on Daylight Savings time, and the daylight will extend into the early hours of the evening. Although SAD is one of my struggles this winter, I was able to control the blue and grey mood swings that come over me. I credit that to my family and friends as well as to myself. Six years ago when the seasonal affects (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder) took me down a spiraling abyss, I confronted this disorder. I acknowledged my depression and sought help. It was due to an accumulation of events that 2013 was both my worst mental health year and my best!
When we face our demons, and we all have them, it becomes an opportunity to accept the challenges and obstacles that lay before and to use the intelligence (the thought processes) to cut through the heavy, dense fog that is pulling us down, down, down!
In the winter of 2013, I had no idea that I was empowering myself to become the person I always thought I was. Instead, when I reflected on who I wanted to be and who I was, I knew it was time for a change, and that it is never too late. Although change can be terrifying and often we (I) have used excuses such as I can’t change because I’m too old, or I don’t have the resources the answer was I couldn’t I was not ready. Taking the fork in the road in February 2013 has allowed me to be me.
Here are lyrics of I Got to Be Me, sung by Sammy Davis, Jr.
Whether I’m right or whether I’m wrong
Whether I find a place in this world or never belong
I gotta be me; I’ve gotta be me
What else can I be but what I am
I Could Blame Charlie Wiener
I could blame Charlie Wiener for the fact that I am wide awake at 4:33 a.m., on a Sunday morning. However, it is because of Charlie that I am filled with the enthusiasm that life provides. I am cherishing his writings in, American Stories, just as I did in the sequel, Carrie Come to Me Smiling.
Like the character Kim, we all have lived a life that too often we look back on and say; it’s not enough; my existence means nothing. We may think that everyone is succeeding while we are barely capable to tread water. Our accomplishments whether little or big have been buried in the crevices of our brain and we do not acknowledge them. Instead for many of us, myself include, spelled in all CAPITAL LETTERS, wake up one day and ask is this LIFE?
Sadly for some, they run away from all that they have created, accomplished, and achieved, and try to start anew. The truth is we cannot run away from ourselves, but we can learn from the past and remold ourselves. We, you and I are the designers of this moment in time. Nothing will change for the better or worse unless we mold the clay, pick up a paintbrush and add some color to the landscape or sketch out the inner feelings that may be holding us back from appreciating the beauty of life.
Some people wait until an event in their life rings a bell and allows the freedom to choose. The bell may be a lottery winning or a diagnosis of what we may refer to as “ill”-fate. The reality is a lottery winning may cause other ill-fated issues, whereas a diagnosis of dying is something we all live with from the moment we are born. For some the end comes sooner than for others, but, it is up to each of us to make the most of each day and to not squander it away.
Our world is filled with books that tell stories some are fictional others are based on facts, research, and emotional concepts. Reading can provide us with inspiration and a road map. The road map is not going to be a straight line; it will have curves and ups and downs and detours as well as roadblocks. However, it is up to us as the intelligent life form to find our way, not allowing the walls to close in on us.
Kim, the character in American Stories is on a path collecting stories, and although the strangers she meets are as different from her as night is to day, there is a commonality. The commonality is that we are all trying to find, the comfort of peace within ourselves so we may enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. This is what empowers me to share my journey with you and to create a platform where we come together as different individuals finding our sameness. Charlie has captured my soul in his writing; I feel as if he is writing about me as well as you!
Empower yourself to live. It is Sunday, February 24th, 2019, do not waste another minute. My dear friend, Norman Tischler lived life to the fullest. The riches he recently left behind are the people whom he touched, whether with his music, his words, a bear hug, or just a look that said, “I love you!” I now belong to a world of strangers who are friends by association and the enthusiasm of being part of the story!
supporting, training, and guiding
It’s Saturday – changing hats for a few hours. Some of us wear many from daughter to wife and mother, friend, employee, self-employed, while following the pathways that create our stories. Today I am an Intel Rep – supporting, training, and guiding. Sounds just like me!
American Stories = Life
As I read American Stories, by K. Adrian Zonneville, aka Charlie Weiner, I now know that these books were written for a much deeper purpose than Charlie will ever understand, nor will I. You see, when I chose to really live my life, not just go through the motions, I became interested in helping others in a manner in which my future would be enriched. Enrichment is not in the form of financial gain, although a little extra in the pocket and bank might provide a little less of a burden, the love and friendships I am adding into my experiences here on earth are much more valuable.
As a young child, from the age of 9 or 10 years old, I struggled with making friends and being accepted. Just prior to puberty I became gawky and unsure of myself. I wanted so much to be part of the IN GROUP I literally pushed myself out of the inner circles. However, looking back with hindsight, I was not totally on the fringe, I was somewhere between the core and edge, and if I had known what empowerment was, I may be a different person today.
My desire to be part of the click ate at my soul and caused me many embittered thoughts that I carried on my back that weighed me down. I allowed my pre-pubescent years to hold me in a place that was not safe. I did creep out of that maze of feelings throughout my life, but I kept getting pulled back like I was tethered to that time. However, within the last five years I cut the teether and have begun running through the maze of life with hands up over my head, and every once in a while you may actually hear my shouts of ‘Glee.’
Reading American Stories, I understand that my mission in life is to experience and guide and be guided. I am no longer living with clouded eyes and heart, I am open to awareness, and that is what empowers me. I have no guarantees as to what tomorrow will bring, but I have the control to make each moment my best. I must continue to breathe in the life that guides me!
Difficult Roads – Beautiful Destinations
I have just begun reading, American Stories, by one of my newest favorite authors, Charlie Weiner, aka, K. Adrain Zonnerville. It always takes me a chapter plus to get mesmerized by his storytelling and descriptions of life as seen and approached by his characters. This morning, waking early, as usual, I picked up the book and began my day reading. I stopped at the point when the main character identifies that she is a collector of sorts. She collects stories! I realized at that moment in time why this book as well as the sequel that I read first, speak to me. I too am a collector, not of stories, but of people.
Don’t get nervous; I am not collecting people and keeping them bound up. I am collecting people, like you, and me and encouraging them to live free, sing, dance, and express themselves in the medium that provides them joy. I am not a Pollyanna and do not expect that happiness means never feeling sad, angry, unappreciated, or any negativity. What I do expect at least from myself is to face each obstacle with as much positive energy to move around it or through it when the Wonder Woman in me pushes onward.
I have spent the better part of my almost 69 years trying to be like you, and I now know, I want to be me. I once believed in the lyrics sung by Frank Sinatra, “All of me Come on get all of me Can’t you see I’m just a mess without you…” Spending one’s life trying to fit in when you feel like the square peg in the round hole, is not living. However, lessons can be learned, and one day you may wake up and become a collector of sorts. As I gather new friends and revive relationships with old friends, I appreciate how precious life is. It is a gift to follow our journey and share our experiences. We are all guides in this amazing universe.
Although Carrie, the main character in American Stories may be dying, in reality, she is alive. She teaches us that death does not have to destroy; it can be a lesson that teaches us how to fulfill dreams and appreciate each other. By taking one step in front of another, we can create a path that provides us joy as we journey forward.
Join me here at newclevelandradio.net as we continue to podcast and provide you with opportunities. Let us become empowered to appreciate our strengths!
A New Day – A New Look
A new day and a new refreshing look for the website. Life is a journey as we travel down the road and possibly take a swerve to the right or left the landscape changes. Sometimes the changes are obvious and cause us to step back and ask why other times they are not. I have chosen to make a change to the website layout to attract additional viewers as well as spice things up for those that return to newclevelandradio.net to find out what is happening! A LOT IS!
As you may have noticed, “After Further Review” has been on hiatus along with, Senior Moments and Cherished Companions. Alex and Pat are in the process of revamping “After Further Review,” I am not able to share their new visions, but as soon as we can we will make the announcement. Senior Moments should be returning in the early to late Spring months. Bradley and Heather Greene have been extremely busy as they have moved and are in the process of renovating their new home. Talk about re-inventing one’s self; this couple is amazing not just as Elder Care Professionals, but as visionaries. In April, Care Notes will be returning and Doug Wilbur, Cherished Companions, will bring together professionals providing home care when the need is required.
We are working on a new show on Cigars and Booze. Jaison Roberts is organizing his concept, cigars and booze are one of his many passions.
In addition to the current line-up and returning shows, the Empowerment Series, led by women across Northeast Ohio will be sharing their journeys while offering their hands in friendship, awareness, and acceptance. Our next meet and greet will be held on Wednesday, March 20th at 6 pm and hosted by Vista Springs, Greenbriar, in Parma, Ohio. Watch for postings on our Facebook page.
Where’s Norman? Celebrating the Life of Norman Tischler
Yesterday, February 17th, 2019 I shared in a LOVE FEST. I was celebrating the life of Norman Tischler. For some of you reading this you may not know who Norman was, and in reality, I barely knew him, but I loved him, and I cherish all that continue to love him, his partner Lynn, his grandchildren, and numerous assorted relatives, but mostly friends and fans! Last night at the Music Box Supper Club in downtown Cleveland, Ohio many of his musicians’ colleagues paid tribute to him, his music, corny jokes, and his compassion for life! If Norman Tischler said hello to you, you were/are his friend for eternity.
The music that played through the Supper Club both upstairs and down was contagiously filling the halls with such sincere gratitude that the hundreds or more of us became one as we swayed, danced, and sung to the music. The talent that graced the stage, all local, were as good if not better than what we normally refer to as the professionals. These men and women are truly honed crafted with the gift of sharing life through music, while voices sang or played a variety of songs that brought us all joy, even when we all shouted out, “Where’s Norman?”
Norman left the body of the earth four weeks ago and yet his life accomplishments live on. Although not a wealthy man in the sense of financial riches, this New York transplant to Cleveland, Ohio was rich with compassion and love. His love for music brought a sense of community to all he met. From a Vista volunteer to a Saxophonist who jammed with anyone and everyone, jumping (or walking) up on stage with his trusty Sax. As was shared last night, Norman never asked if he would be paid, fed, or thanked for his performance, he lived to give, not to get!
We all need to take a step back and like, Norman Tischler, live our lives with join and sharing that with everyone we meet. Shake hands, fist bump, hi-5, hug, and or kiss and make a valuable connection with another human being. Put your mobile device down and have a conversation, listen, learn, and “love on another, right now.”