August, 2021
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From My Brother Gary via the Pen of Gene Wilder, ru in shlum (Rest in Peace)
A Yiddish Poem – by Gene Wilder
L’Shana Tova
We all have something to brag about or complain about. I usually find when I am bragging someone always one-ups me and when I am complaining their problem(s) take precedent.
I have shared that I suffer from a condition called, Lichen Planus – Lichen planus is a common disease that causes inflammation (swelling and irritation) on your skin or inside your mouth. Inside your mouth, it may cause burning or soreness. YEAP, that is, what I have and I was diagnosed over 10 years ago when it appeared on my feet, hands, and mouth. My hands and feet responded to treatment however my mouth has continued to get inflamed and never goes away. It may simmer down, so to speak, but it is always there, lurking for a flare-up which I am currently experiencing.
Lichen planus (LP) is thought to be an autoimmune disorder in patients with a genetic predisposition but may be caused by drugs or be associated with disorders such as hepatitis C, and I had HEP C which developed from contaminated blood when I had my thyroid surgery in 1974. However, the first sign of this disease in my body was detected in 2010/11. The research shows that the typical LP disorder lasts 6 – 18 months and mine is going on 132 months! If left untreated Oral lichen planus increases the risk of oral cancer. Left untreated, lichen planus of the ear canal may lead to hearing loss. This may be linked to the hearing loss I experienced around the same time as this onset and the ear canal surgery that I had not once but twice.
I am sharing this again with you for a couple of reasons:
- No, I do not have COVID and I am taking all the precautions I need to stay healthy including wearing a mask to keep you and others healthy!
- As soon as I can get the COVID booster I will as I do not want to compromise my health.
- I do not have the FLU and I will once again get my FLU shot to minimize any chance of getting this year’s variant.
- I will not die from Lichen Planus unless it goes untreated and turns into oral cancer.
- I will find it difficult to eat certain foods, so if I refuse something please understand there may be a valid reason that needs no explanation.
- My mouth will feel dry and you may notice I have to keep my mouth moist and I do this with gum and drinking a lot of water that keeps me running to the Loo. (I like saying Loo over the bathroom.)
- The pain can be exhausting and some nights it keeps me up even when I slather my mouth with ointment that eventually dries out.
- Swallowing is difficult as well and I have this sensation that something is stuck in my throat, and the sounds I might make as to attempt to clear it are wretching!
No, I do not have a debilitating disease but I have a medical condition that is difficult to treat and therefore like my migraines, that I have suffered with since I was 18 – I cope the best I can – sometimes that means not answering the phone or ignoring others around me.
The truth is – I don’t wish this on anyone!
A memory and A thought
I may wake up feeling BLAH – and I may not understand why – BUT even the BLAHS are an opportunity for me to make my FUTURE the best – starting now!
Always looking for new podcasters and or guests!
In July 2018 I had the opportunity to interview the Kingston Trio. Growing up in the 50s, 60s and being a young adult in the 70s their music genre was one I appreciated and the songs they wrote and performed were songs by many of us sang at school, summer camp, and around the bond fires when someone took out their guitar and led us through them. As a younger person, I never thought I would ever have the ability to meet them, let alone talk to them about their music, but now I will for the second time.
For me, success is not counted in money – but the opportunities that I have to connect with special people.

THE BELL TELEPHONE HOUR — Episode 1 — Aired 10/09/1959 — Pictured: The Kingston Trio: (l-r) Dave Guard, Bob Shane, Nick Reynolds (Photo by NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via Getty Images via Getty Images)
The original Trio consisted of Dave Guard, Bob Shane, and Nick Reynolds.
Today’s Trio:
Mike Marvin – Taken in as part of the Nick Reynolds family as a teenager, Mike learned his music ropes at the foot of Nick Reynolds, his late “adopted father.”
Tim Gorelangton – was born in Hawaii, just like Bob Shane and Dave Guard. His father was an Air Force pilot and the family lived all over the United States. “Tim’s main goal is to ensure that the group’s music remains true to its original intentions. He’s the Trio’s Chief Musical Director, arranger, and cat wrangler.”
Don Marovich is from Gary, Indiana has had a very successful career in music and notes he was discovered by The Limeliters and was hired to be their tenor, and now is the tenor in the TRIO that makes me smile as the good old days are still here when they perform! welcomes JFTSOI – this is a joint website! has welcomed JFTSOI to join our website page. As you may know, is not just podcasting as we are not just Cleveland. We offer a multitude of services including building website designs for YOU at a minimal cost as well as provide maintenance and upkeep to provide awareness to your site. Websites can get Stahl unless they are updated and relevant. JFTSOI has been maintained by us and most recently to assist with expenses of website development and more we have chosen to share the site and now you will see some diversity to the site.
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