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A memory and A thought

I may wake up feeling BLAH – and I may not understand why – BUT even the BLAHS are an opportunity for me to make my FUTURE the best – starting now!

Always looking for new podcasters and or guests!

In July 2018 I had the opportunity to interview the Kingston Trio.  Growing up in the 50s, 60s and being a young adult in the 70s their music genre was one I appreciated and the songs they wrote and performed were songs by many of us sang at school, summer camp, and around the bond fires when someone took out their guitar and led us through them.  As a younger person, I never thought I would ever have the ability to meet them, let alone talk to them about their music, but now I will for the second time.

For me, success is not counted in money – but the opportunities that I have to connect with special people.






THE BELL TELEPHONE HOUR — Episode 1 — Aired 10/09/1959 — Pictured: The Kingston Trio: (l-r) Dave Guard, Bob Shane, Nick Reynolds (Photo by NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via Getty Images via Getty Images)

The original Trio consisted of Dave Guard, Bob Shane, and Nick Reynolds.










Today’s Trio:

Mike Marvin – Taken in as part of the Nick Reynolds family as a teenager, Mike learned his music ropes at the foot of Nick Reynolds, his late “adopted father.”

Tim Gorelangton –  was born in Hawaii, just like Bob Shane and Dave Guard. His father was an Air Force pilot and the family lived all over the United States.  “Tim’s main goal is to ensure that the group’s music remains true to its original intentions. He’s the Trio’s Chief Musical Director, arranger, and cat wrangler.”

Don Marovich is from Gary, Indiana has had a very successful career in music and notes he was discovered by The Limeliters and was hired to be their tenor, and now is the tenor in the TRIO that makes me smile as the good old days are still here when they perform! welcomes JFTSOI – this is a joint website! has welcomed JFTSOI to join our website page.  As you may know, is not just podcasting as we are not just Cleveland.  We offer a multitude of services including building website designs for YOU at a minimal cost as well as provide maintenance and upkeep to provide awareness to your site.  Websites can get Stahl unless they are updated and relevant.  JFTSOI has been maintained by us and most recently to assist with expenses of website development and more we have chosen to share the site and now you will see some diversity to the site.

Here are a few of the other sites we have built and are maintaining.  If you have any questions or would like a quote on our designs please contact Karen at [email protected]

Retired Podcasts- Check Them Out

The Messages are Timeless

Darcy Luoma _A Breath of Fresh Air

Please take a moment and check out

Darcy was a guest on Matt Jackson’s Podcast BE BOLD/ BE HEARD

Her words, her story, her journey is worth a listen..


Podcast with

10 May 2021

Ok Ladies and Gentlemen it is time to share your story, your journey, or your mission in life.  We are not promised tomorrow, but we have today, we are in the present, and on behalf of, I want to invite you to become part of our podcasting family.

Have you thought about starting a podcast but didn’t know where to begin?  Are you motivated enough to invest in the right equipment, software programs, and editing tools to make your podcast stand out?  Sure you can podcast on your Smart Phone and you may have a zillion and one friends but will you reach all of them when you post your link?

I have been podcasting now for over 5 years and recording for another 5 years before that and I am still learning the tricks of the trade.  I have taken over from my son Alex and I have grown the podcasts and listeners exponentially.  When you team with other podcasters you are privy to their friends and contacts and they are privy to yours and together we can be successful.

Our mission is to produce only positive messaging shows.  The majority of us are not experts in our field but we know enough about life experiences to share them and learn from them.  If we touch just one listener we have created a decisive moment for them.  Wouldn’t you like to help someone just by sharing what makes YOU FEEL GOOD?

We are not here to sell products but to share products, ideas, concerns, strategies, and a lot of smiles and laughter along the way.  So it’s your turn and you are welcome to be part of something bigger than any one of us alone…  TRY IT, YOU MIGHT LIKE IT!  (Mikey tried and he liked it – the 70’s Life Cereal Kid!)

Email karen at [email protected]

Check out the Art Work of Barbara Rose Brooker

It Couldn’t Be Done (THAT IS NOT TRUE!)

Edgar Guest – 1881-1959

My father used to recite this poem to us – he believed the words of Edgar Guest, and so do I.  Just look at the accomplishments of Barbara Rose Brooker, she is a published author, as well as a magnificent painter, and at 84 she hopes to be a movie star someday.  She rejoices each year as she adds another candle to her cake, proving that IT CAN BE DONE!

Somebody said that it couldn’t be done,
     But he with a chuckle replied
That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one
     Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
     On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
     That couldn’t be done, and he did it.

Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that;
     At least no one ever has done it”;
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
     And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
     Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
     That couldn’t be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
     There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you one by one,
     The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
     Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing
     That “cannot be done,” and you’ll do it.

A Message from Caffe’ Lena where the Music NEVER Dies

Our Stages Have Been Saved
Greetings – The American Rescue Plan just signed into law includes funds to rescue and restart performing arts. As we all know, these things don’t just happen. You’ve seen the #SaveOurStages hashtag in the bottom left corner of our livestream screen for months now. That hashtag has been the rallying cry of the myriad entities that make up the live music industry. If you wrote a letter or made a call to get #SaveOurStages funds included in the rescue package, please know that yours was one of well over one million messages delivered.

We are proud to say that our congresswoman, Elise Stefanik, as well as our senators, Chuck Schumer and Kirstin Gillibrand, were all advocates for the arts bailout. However, Senator Schumer deserves an extra thank you. At the last minute, he removed a significant barrier in the bill so that qualifying venues can have a much better chance of securing meaningful assistance.

This money will preserve the diverse ecosystem of performing arts venues, and will therefore have a lasting impact on the music we will hear for many years to come.


LAWRENCE S. KATZ- Author- And So Much More!

I am pleased to introduce you to my guest on Lessons Learned this Friday, February 12, 2021, when my friend Lawrence S. Katz talks BASEBALL

Lawrence S. Katz has written numerous articles about baseball for publications including Sports Collectors Digest, The Baseball Research Journal, and Primo Magazine. He contributed a chapter entitled “When Immortals Returned to the Minors” for The Perfect Game, an anthology published by the Taylor Publishing Company in 1993 and by Barnes & Noble in 1995.

This work is a revised edition of his book Baseball in 1939: The Watershed Season of the National Pastime, published by McFarland and Company in 1995 and 2012.  The book, and his abstract titled “Baseball & Cultural Change in the Late 1930s,” are included in the Baseball Hall of Fame Library collection.

Katz has spoken on a variety of baseball subjects, including Depression Era baseball at the Baseball in Literature and Culture Symposium at Indiana State University, the recent return of minor league baseball to the Detroit area,  and the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League – featured in the movie A League of their Own – at a dinner honoring former player Rose Gacioch.

He realized his dream of appearing on a major league pitching mound before a packed house when he sang the National Anthem with a choral group at Tiger Stadium in Detroit in 1988.

He has been a member of The Society for American Baseball Research since 1983.

Katz received his J.D. from Wayne State University Law School in 1972. He lives in Michigan with his wife, author Karen Tintori Katz.

Contact: [email protected]

17 years ago today was not just another day –

I am not sure what this is all about

I woke and share a quick breakfast with my husband who had to attend a 3-day conference in Pittsburgh (for work)

The day and the date to celebrate our 1st of two wedding anniversaries on that day was postponed for another time

A 20th anniversary is a milestone but not for us at least on February 3rd.

He traveled to Pittsburgh and I went to work

The day felt as normal as a day could be – in the back of my mind I knew my father was experiencing his last days with us – but each night he would have my mom or his hospice nurse call to say, he would be around yet another day – no goodbyes!

Early in the evening after working and playing single mom, I spoke with mom and dad’s hospice nurse held the phone near my dad’s ear, and helped him talk to me (this would be the last time.)

Before they hung up his nurse (I have since forgotten her name), his guiding angel prepared me that his end was near.

My father had come close to the end of his journey numerous times in my life and bounced back – would this be the same scenario?

I don’t remember the exact time but sometime around 11 or midnight, I got the call …

My mother calmly told me that dad had passed and as I became emotional she told me there was no need, dad was now at peace…

My stoic mom stood tall (even at 4 Ft- 9 Inches high), she organized the events of the next few days getting all of her chickens (three of us) to Detroit and we came from East, West, and South!

After my mother’s phone call I remember looking at the clock and noting my POPs died on my 20th Wedding Anniversary

If he (or GOD) chose this day it could not be more perfect – because I know my father loved me with his whole heart

I was not a perfect daughter but I was his and along with my two brothers and my mom, his D’Vasha, he was the happiest richest man in the world.

I speak of him regularly and I speak to him through my heart –

A little aside – on February 4, 2004, all his children were gathered together sleeping in his apartment palace.

Mom and Dad Forever

Although not enough beds and private rooms for us we took up spaces on air mattresses, chairs, and found some personal real estate to lay down to sleep.  When all the lights turned off my brother Joel yelled out good-night John Boy, and we all responded, calling out each other names giggling through it all.

On the first night of Shiva, just as we were gathered for evening prayers, the lights went out for a second or two and then flickered back on.  A calm, as well as a giddiness, swept over all who stood in my mother’s small livingroom – we knew Jay Harmon Moss was shedding his light down on us.

Today – it is 17 years without him on earth and what I would give to have another bear hug and a sloppy kiss from my father – I will soak in all the wonderful memories and know someday I will see him again!