March, 2019
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Could a, Would a, Should a – Follow the Path 2 Day!
Good morning world, it is Saturday, March 30th, just two days before April 1st, also known as April Fools Day! Well, I don’t plan to fool you or anyone else, what I am planning to do is to fully continue living my life and appreciate each sunrise and sunset even if it is Cloudy & Grey. As I look at the various messages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram I am reminded that we only have one life to live and that is now in the present. We can think of the could a’s, should a’s and would a’s but that would mean something else would have transpired and we cannot guarantee that is the result we would want. However today we can choose the path and take the journey of life and see where it leads.
Remember every path as curves, turns, ups and downs, the obstacles are what gives us the strength to sort through these challenges.
Coffee and Cars with Katie the Carlady 3_28_19
Thank you, Mike Brickman, for joining Coffee and Cars with Katie the Carlady, tonight, Thursday, March 28th. You are an inspiration of a man who provides integrity in business. salutes you and we welcome our listeners and followers to check out your amazing services.
Mike has been wrenching on cars and growing a successful business for years and years. He provided. informational tips and more in tonight’s podcast.
Check out his business at
17309 S. Miles Rd, Cleveland Ohio 44128 Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri: 8:30am – 6pm Wednesday: 8:30am – 8pm Sat – Sun: Closed Phone 216-662-2102, Fax: 216-662-1911
Email: [email protected]
Health Issue Update – I AM ME!
I am so Empowered to . Earlier today I shared a health issue, and I took control, some in my life wanted to feel sorry for themselves if this health issue were to disturb theirs. I refused to let them control something that was not theirs. Not that I wanted to be ill, but if I were, it was for me to own, not them.
I pushed myself to find answers and hold my medical team hostage to explain how my medical file states one thing, an aortic embolism, while a previous conversation with this team advised me I was “OK.” I needed to know for myself what “OK” meant and means. I now have an answer.
Yes, I have an embolism which is so very small in size. In fact, I was informed if I had not gone for a complete cardio work-up last year it would never have been noticed. When having this conversation today, I was advised many people live with tiny embolism that never change in size or cause difficulty. In fact, most do not even know they have them unless a CT Scan catches it.
I was advised, to and enjoy life while keeping my blood pressure low, to avoid smoking (not an issue here) and to maintain a healthy diet and exercise moderately. The doctor’s nurse explained to me my February/March work up is excellent, and my cholesterol levels are ideal. She apologized for the confusion in the report, but she said the aorta has a tiny bulge and medically for follow up it is identified as an embolism, not to scare me which it did, but because it is what it is. Not all embolisms enlarge however yearly follow up is advised.
So today I am ME and I look forward to spending more time with U.
Empower Your Heart
Modern technology can be an asset as well as a traumatic hinderance in our lives. Many of you may have opted to view your medical records that include results of blood work, x-rays, CAT Scans, and other medical tests. Too often these results are viewable prior to any communication with your physician. So what do we do, we Google the information to become knowledgeable. However, sometimes that knowledge is frightening and misinterpreted by either your cognitive abilities resulting in an over-anxious thought process.
Well, this all happened to me this week. Let me explain! When I was 13 or 14 years old, I was diagnosed with a heart murmur. Initially, it was a reason for concern (my parent’s). However, my medical team finally confirmed it was a normal heart murmur, whatever that means. Within a year I was be
ing seen by a specialist at the University of Minnesota, C. Walton Lillehei, he was one of Dr. Christian Barnard’s teachers. Dr. Lillehei had me scheduled for a heart cath and minutes before I was wheeled into surgery, he canceled the procedure. He told my parents to take me home, and live a normal life. He suggested weight and stress reduction, although I was not overweight at the time. We will not talk about stress.
As the years passed, I experienced twinges of pain always to be diagnosed as something unrelated such as migraine, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, and a variety of maladies that could contribute to heart issues but most likely were benign. Approximately twenty years ago I was rediagnosed with mitral valve prolapse but was once again to note it and ignore it. (What the hell do I do with that information?)
Last year, my current cardiologist informed me that I do have an enlarged heart but tests again were benign, and he suggested a retest this year. I had the Scan in February and weeks after I got a call that I had no change and it was advised to scan again in one year. Yesterday, MY UH Health Chart popped up with a message…” Dr. wanted us to let you know that your aortic aneurysm is Stable. He would like to repeat CT of the chest in one year.”
AORTIC ANEURYSM, what the Hell? No one ever mentioned this in the past. When, How, Why and What Now. Well, I hope to know more tomorrow, my proactive mind and body told me to make an appointment with my doctor and discuss treatments and prevention from stable to unstable. My maternal grandmother died from a stroke and my mother died from complications from a stroke, and my paternal grandmother, aunt, uncle, and my dad all had cardiac issues.
Life is full of surprises however, we must make every attempt to reduce the medical issues we can control. I am once again am reviewing the dietary plan that I allowed to go haywire over the winter and increase my exercise program although it should not be strenuous. I plan on living life to the fullest in the healthiest way I can! I AM EMPOWERED! B U B ME.
Supporting Each Other in Harmony
Well, it has been a whirlwind around here both in the house of the HALE family as well as March is birthday month for both my husband and me, and I am exactly three weeks older than him almost to the minute. Richard (my husband of thirty-five years,) is my best friend. When you spend 35 years with someone as intimately as we have there are days when you hate (ok, dislike) the person you love. We both have had our share of those days, but love in our case does conquer all!
In addition to birthday’s many of you know I have been battling the migraine issues again, and I am awaiting an appointment with a neurologist in April. Not that I have wanted to wish March away but leaving the winter behind and finally getting the opportunity to find some answers for my headaches I will be glad to say good-bye to March (Madness.)
April looks exciting to me as the Cleveland Indians return on April 1st, for another fun season. Although I am hoping for a winning one, I just enjoy the boys of summer, and I will not get into the politics of the game and players! So let’s play ball! Peanuts anyone?
In addition to baseball, will be introducing a new show with local musician, comedian, and writer, Charlie Wiener. Charlies is my favorite writer, and I am excited to say we will be discussing his books, his characters, who they truly are or are not and ask you our followers to read, listen and participate.
Also in the month to come, CARE NOTES with Doug Wilber from Cherished Companions returns. New episodes on home care for the elderly, special needs, or even good old everyday assistance. We have touched on this message in the past with so many of us living a fair distance from our loved ones, or unable to assist, businesses like Cherished Companions are a necessity, but they tend to do it as an award-winning organization.
Senior Moments will be returning as well, no official date has been set, but I understand Bradley and Heather Greene have a lot of new topics to cover as well as hear what is important to you.
My life is a blessing despite my migraines. I am working with a variety of very interesting people, and every show delivers a message of hope with smiles, hugs, and friendship. If we cannot provide a hand in person, we hope we are doing so virtually.
Our podcasts are now available on Spotify if you search the name of the podcast it will pop up for you or go to the page of the show to follow the link.
Happy Spring and let’s continue to support each other in harmony!
I Give You Permission
I am experiencing intense migraines again. I am scheduled to meet with a neurologist in late April; it is not easy to find a neurologist in the Cleveland area, despite the fine medical centers we have in this city. Neurology seems to be a practice that few medical students enter into and therefore finding someone who treats migraines is not easy. My original neurologist, Dr. Michael Devereaux was one of the best; he understood my history and worked to control my attacks. However, he is no longer in private practice.
I have been somewhat lucky to have had medication such as Imitrex to help control these vicious episodes. However, either my body is now immune to the medication or the chemistry of the drug(s) have been changed. I try not to give in to the pain and the symptoms that come with this malady. However, sometimes I just have to lay down and let the world pass me by while I breathe in and out and allow the pain to subside to a manageable 8 out of 10 or a 7 out of 10 if I am lucky.
I am good at giving advice and suggesting that others take the time to care for themselves. However, I am not good at following the same path. So, I give all of you permission to remind me to take the time I need to remain well and to live life!
Good Morning WORLD!
After ten days of battling with a migraine, two visits to the ER for IV medication (#2 was last night,) I slept through the night and awoke this morning I am feeling my normal. For forty plus years I have chronic headache pain identified as migraine. The gnawing ache is always present, but I have learned to accept it and adjust to it. I have tried almost every medication, as well as dietary changes, modalities, etc., but not one medical practitioner has been able to provide me with a pain-free head. I have had MRI’s and CT Scans, including a CT Scan last night (negative!). So, I begin today as my normal and I refuse to think about a rebound or the next one that gets me down. Just an FYI the last time I went to the ER before this week for migraine is almost 20 years. Imitrex has been my pal, and I have been prescribed it as needed. Getting an appointment with a neurologist in Northeast Ohio is near to impossible. There are too few who practice this specialty, and it can take months to get a first appointment or a follow-up. On the bright side, I have one scheduled for the end of April.
I want to thank everyone who has reached out and share their remedies of choice, and I will try those that make sense to me such as dietary changes once again and returning to the gym as early as next week. I already take vitamins such as Magenisum and B12 as well as Riboflavin. What I must return to for my own sanity is taking the moments to breathe. I must also stop and smell the roses, as well as, the other fragrances of life.
Obstacles are just another fork in the road we run into daily, and we must choose which path to follow.
Well, today I am making the choice to take a step forward, join me.
Remembering Baube Ida and Mr. Ed
60 years ago my Baube, Ida Olshansky Friedman, passed away, I was just nine years old. Just days before I was in the car, my mom was taking Baube and Zayde on errands, and when we dropped them off at their apartment at Blackstone Manor, Baube promised they would see me for my birthday on March 4th. However, I never saw Baube again. She suffered a massive stroke the day before my 9th birthday and passed on March 9th, 1959. Tonight according to Jewish tradition is her Yarzheit, I will light a memorial candle that will shine for 24 hours to remember her. (The Yarzheit date is based on the Jewish date of passing.)
March 9th has another solemn significance as well, my father-in-law very much a father to me, passed away in 1987. Edwin Peter Hale hung on through my birthday barely able to wish me a Happy Day, but in his humorous way congratulated me on my 39th year, two years early. I will be 39 forever, thank you, dear Mr. Ed.
The loss may stay with us forever. However, it is time that allows us to look back and appreciate the love and special moments we were able to spend with one another. As a young child, I spent many days with my Baube and Zayde. I use to call them my old fashion grandparents as they never learned how to drive a car, and they share stories of the old country, Russia. My zayde read the Yiddish paper (in Yiddish) and sprinkled Yiddish into his English conversations. My Baube always appeared more American at least in my company she spoke only English. She was a short, plump lady who could give you that soft loving hug even from across the room (or in your memories.) She was a cook, a baker, but not a candlestick maker. I loved her (and still do) despite our short time together.
My father-in-law was only in my life for a short time. He also taught me love and share big bear hugs along with words of wisdom that he learned in the school of hard knocks. Edwin was a gentle giant, and I am so blessed to call him father!
So today I remember life as it was 60 years ago and also 32 years ago and I hold their memories close to my heart and share with you that they were two special people who guided me on my path to today.
Time does heal sadness and loss; it doesn’t take it away it provides us a way to hold it near and dear with fewer tears and more smiles as we see the shadows that provide us strength.
Join the House Concert with Jon Mosey
Have you ever attended a House Concert? House Concerts are very popular in the northeast region of the USA. Often it is an intimate setting in a home (often much larger than our condo) where you the host/hostess invite a talented performer into your home to entertain. As the hosting home, you may provide simple refreshments well charging a reasonable ticket price to attend your event; the performer must be paid. Your guests can be part of this wonderful unique performance, up close and comfortable. is working to bring this entertainment format to you, and this Sunday Night we are hosting a small House Concert, and we still have tickets available. We are featuring local musician Jon Mosey (just Google his name and a list of sites will provide you not only information but YouTube videos to experience his talent.)
Tickets are $10 a single and $17 for two. If interested, please email [email protected], and we will provide a PayPal link or additional options to make payment- as well as provide you with the home address.
The concert is scheduled for 6 pm this Sunday, March 10th, 2019. For those of you who remember to spring forward, I can guarantee the tunes of Jon Mosey will put a SPRING in your STEP!
Please join us and consider hosting a musician in your home!
Thank you Charlie for being K-Adrian-Zonneville
American Stories, a great novel set in real life situations and reminding us to take the time to live. Too many of us, myself included, are in such a hurry to get something done and move on to the next something that we don’t notice our thoughts. Our thoughts drive us to action even when that action is standing still in time. Although we may stand still time doesn’t and that is our excuse that immerses us in technology and the social media that we often mistake as life.
Charlie Wiener, thank you for being the proficient storyteller, gathering up the thoughts that run through our minds that we too often ignore
or maybe are too intimidated to express. If we speak of pain, dying, or emotional distress it is not uncommon for the ears to hear something other than the clear words we are attempting to express. However, Kim, your character in American Stories not only hears but speaks in volumes as an observer and patron of life. It may have taken her most of her life and a terminal diagnosis to become INTENTIONAL in each step forward she took until the moment of her demise.
Everyone will die, and that is a terminal diagnosis we all receive from the moment of conception. Some of us learn to live with intention leaving our spirit behind for others to experience.
Must Reads
and the newest: