August, 2019
now browsing by month
Every day is labor day and yet four days from today, Monday, September 2, 2019, is officially Labor Day. Since 1894 we have honored the first Monday in September dedicated to the social and economic achievements of Americans. For some, it will be just another day to work, well for others an excuse to party, picnic, drink, and grill out. However, there will be many who will be all alone, and that person may be a relative, a friend or a neighbor.
Do not take for granted that someone you know is not alone and lonely. When was the last time you invited someone to join you at your table? In Yiddish, we say it is a “mitzvah” for observing and caring for another. Maybe this weekend would be an excellent time to think of someone other than ourselves.
I used to be the one who welcomed others to our home, and yet no reciprocal invitations came back. I didn’t expect or need one in return. Over the years, it would have been nice to be on someone else’s guest list. Even when you have a spouse, significant other, or child in your home, sometimes it is just nice when someone else does the asking.
Take a moment and ask yourself how you would feel if you were not included in on the celebrations, whether for Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, or even Ground Hogs Day. It doesn’t take much to reach out and become the bigger person. Do it you might like it!
WEBSITE what a “F”ing mess!
For the last four days, I have been playing with the website, or attempting to and spending most of my time on the phone with GODADDY, who is helpful, but the situation has been annoying. The first REP tells me that I am accessing my website incorrectly. However, I have been accessing it in the same manner for almost three years and had no real problems until this weekend. Although he initially got me into my site, it stopped working.
Call #2 instructed me that WordPress had issues and that since I was not paying for a secure website I was encountering these errors and it would only get worse. They want on to explain viruses, etc., and scammers who debug and bug the media and if I had a secure website with them, they would be responsible for the fixes and if anyone got infected visiting my site. Another insurance policy needed, and $1000 plus spent that doesn’t have but we had to find it!
OOPS – Call #3 site still not working and now I am told the server we were on had problems, therefore, denying me access to my pages. I was kindly told they would inform me when the site was repaired. Did you get that email or phone call, I didn’t but it appears to be working. Also in the URL address, there is a lock for security so my money is going to good use – I hope! is now venturing out to add sponsors to our webpage. We will have their adds link to their websites and or Facebook page or phone # whatever works for them. It is important for us to continue to support individuals, like yourself, to have the strength to follow your journey through the challenges of life. We also hope to bring you more podcasting that will assist you to face your daily challenges.
If you or anyone you know would like to sponsor our website and or podcast with us, we would like to hear from you, WE ACCEPT PAYPAL.
What is wrong with this picture?
What is wrong with this picture? A friend of mine had a surgical procedure today, and before going to the hospital, she had to pay her deductible, if it had not been met. Most of us have high deductibles as we cannot afford the insurance with anything less. Additionally, as she was prepped for surgery, the hospital staff tried adding on tests that would have padded her bill to the tune of $7,000. Really, where is the average patient going to come up with this kind of money?
Just yesterday I heard, President Donald Trump, tell the media that our economy is the best it’s been in 50 years, and we have the lowest unemployment rate. However, that was not a truthful statement, since more people are working multiple jobs to make ends meet, and a majority of Americans are working various part-time assignments, that doesn’t bode well for Donald’s lack of knowledge. What he and his cronies do not understand employers do not have to offer benefits when you are not part of the full-time work core. Benefits not only include insurance, but paid time off for illness, personal, and need vacation/rejuvenation time. When so many of us are displaced workers earning less than our education and experience totals, the communities we live in begin to suffer. We wonder why customer service has been a lost art; that can easily be explained when individuals feel that they are not appreciated. Do You Feel Appreciated?
I have been asked why I am so anti-Donald Trump, and my answer begins with the above. How many times can anyone distort the truth and have so many people believe they are truthful when the reality is DECEIT? I refuse to be lead to slaughter. Since I began writing this blog, it has been noted in the news that our financial position here in the United States is not as good as (the wealthy) may have been thought. Additionally, the unemployment rate is not as low as announced it does not take in to affect all the individuals working part-time since companies have cutback to avoid paying benefits, like the ones I described above.
So what is the real truth? The real truth is America has been GREAT; however, it is faltering. It is up to us to learn from the mistakes that have occurred and turn things around. It begins with communication and collaboration of ideas and ideals. We can do it, and we must do it! Will you join me?
CAFE LENA lets do it AGAIN!
To my Saratoga and Capital Area Musicians;
It was just three months ago we honored the memory of Charlie Eble and raised money for the new internship program. Well, would like to suggest we do it again and start planning it now. Since that spectacular event in May, I have heard from many of you sharing the comment, you would like to do this again (and again). Charlie has provided us the opportunity to put you all together and share the universal language that kept his toes tapping.
So, I begin by asking Patricia Eble Urell, Joel Moss, Sarah Craig, Jim Mastrianni, and Meg Kelly, are you all in? If so let’s select a date and start planning. It seems like we may have missed out on some musicians that were either out of town or had commitments for the day. The sooner we select a date the easier it will be for the performers to schedule the day.
Some of the comments I have received included starting the event later in the day into the evening. Midday for many is a difficult time to attend, and we could see if it brings more people in. Also if we get it on the Café Lena Calendar early enough we might draw more people including the Concert Window.
I look forward to hearing from all of you, you make me smile!
I heard Donald Trump tell the press and all that would listen that our economy is the best it has ever been. He says we all have more money in our pockets now that he is president, and if we want to stay financially healthy, we have no other choice but to elect him again in 2020. EXCUSE me, I work and live in the real world, not the fake façade he is illustrating, and our economy is S H I T, and it is getting worse under his administration.
When I see consumers coming in the store to purchase electronics that their children need for school, whether it be public, private, or collegiate, they are struggling to obtain while credit is being denied. We are all struggling as it appears many of us, including my husband and I who must work multiple jobs despite our age. As we take on part-time work, there is no guarantee for hours, which results in more or less pay, often less. However, our bills do not fluctuate with our income. Sure, I could cut back on the electric bill by turning off the airconditioning; however, my medical bills would probably go up due to allergies and the excessive heat we have experienced. It’s like stealing from Peter to pay Paul.
I am not complaining about my life, what I am trying to express is that Donald Trump is lying to the public and putting fear in those that are struggling that he is the Messiah and the only one to fix something he has broken. Ask yourself this question; how can you trust anyone who uses Bankruptcy ever time he makes a financial mistake? It is also essential to ask why he is so afraid to show his TAX returns. I have to show mine every year to update my student loan status, and even some jobs are requiring submission for review. As a citizen of the United States of America, what makes The Donald a privileged?
With a year plus to go for the run for the White House let me say, I want the best person to represent me. Although I have been a Democrat by choice most of my voting life, I have crossed the party line when the candidate has similar values that meet my needs as well as the majority of the community; they will get my vote. Our representatives, as well as all our elected government officials, are elected to represent the majority.
Let’s get our shit together before it’s too late!
Monday Morning, Whatever
Monday, sometimes considered the other first day of the week, when Sunday is the first! So who changed the second day of the week to the first and why? As you ponder this question consider the following, why does it matter? At one time, when we were forming a more civilized group of humanity, it must have been necessary to identify each day. In fact, as a young child, I remember the following, “As the saying goes it is: Monday: Wash Day ~ Tuesday: Ironing Day ~ Wednesday: Sewing Day ~ Thursday: Market Day ~ Friday: Cleaning Day ~ Saturday: Baking Day ~ Sunday: Day of Rest.”
The reality is I wash daily, or as needed. I rarely iron, but when I do it most likely is not on Tuesday. As for sewing, I may mend some things now and again, but I am not committed to doing this on a Wednesday. The market day depends on how often we eat at home or go out, and cleaning day in my house is every day, I cannot stand a mess or a disorder of any type. Can you say, OCD? If baking was left for Saturdays, I might never have the opportunity as most of my adult life, Saturday has been a workday. A rest day on Sunday sounds remarkable dull as I don’t know how to take time out of living life to the fullest.
Originally I was scheduled to work double shifts this weekend, but due to a migraine that came out of the woodwork, Rich was kind enough to step in so I could just work my single shift. The pain and blinding effects started to subside on Friday night but this morning I woke up to a dull feeling on the right side of my head which is a typical indicator of what is yet to come. The Amivig has been working but I am getting a breakthrough this month so I will need to monitor things.
As my friend and life coach shares in her bi-weekly podcast, it is all about being intentional in our thoughts and actions that will help us identify the fork in the road we travel. Candace Pollock has taught me a lot through the Intentionality GURUS! now heard on many platforms including Spotify, iHeart, iTunes, Google, and more.
Being Intentional has brought awareness of the beauty of life that surrounds us. I hear my voice when I speak and if I don’t think it sounds kind, in the manner in which I would like others to speak to me, I adjust my tone and take a deviation in the path I was traveling.
Happy Birthday A L E X
17 August 1990 at 9:31 am Alex Edwin Hale was born!
Somebody said that it couldn’t be done, but Rich and I didn’t listen!
It took numerous visits to the infertility clinic and many disappointments, including a miscarriage and just days before the invitro, I was molested by a doctor! I almost did not go through the procedure, but with Richard’s support and love and our desire to have a child together, I am so glad I did! The sticky sperm separated enough to fertilize the egg that would develop into Alex, our son.
Today 29 years later, I could not be happier with the young man he is. He too has had his battles from infancy to today, but he continues to get stronger with the adversity of life and is a joy to all who get to know him. Alex continues to amaze me with the knowledge he possesses and the kind heart that is very vulnerable. His talents are remarkable, and yet he does not boast or think he is above or beyond others.
Alex is always the first as well as the last one to care for another, and he lives his life-giving to others, that is his true happiness.
To say I love him to the Moon and Back is not enough to express my mother’s love and respect for him. Join me in wishing Alex (the sports genius with the melodic voice) a H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y!
I’m just a girl who can’t say “NO” when it comes to helping people I like, love and appreciate. Learning that my brother’s website was not being supported by GODADDY (since it was designed in an old program) I offered to help him set up his new site using WordPress. Now, I use WordPress for this webpage and I have used it for various projects over the years and although it is somewhat user-friendly it is becoming less so as they add components without an explanation or example of what it will do. In fact, while trying to update his pages the circle of life continues to rotate, however, on mine, it is automatically updated! Can I say, WTF?
I am excited to help my big brother as I enjoy producing websites and designing a look that will get the attention it deserves. However, I am getting a migraine and I think I will be calling GODADDY as they combined his site to my WordPress account and I believe this is the issue for the lag in updates.
In addition to putting this together for Just 4 The Spell of It, I want to reach out to all of you that play Scrabble, Words with Friends, Boggle, as well as enjoy the challenges of Crossword Puzzles, and WordSwip. In reaching out I want to announce on August 24th my brother Gary will be bringing JFTSOI to a city near you as he heads out of Southern California driving North and East conducting WORD EVENTS. If you would like to host an event or know of a classroom that may enjoy having the word guru visit them, please feel free to contact:
Gary Moss
[email protected]
3367 Punta Alta Laguna Woods, CA 92637
Thank YOU Brian Melick
I have taken the liberty of copying this post from my dear friend Brian Melick
Wanted to share this information with everyone. On this past July, I had the absolute pleasure to meet and record for Nenad Bach, a Croatian- American musician, and rock star.
Nenad has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. We recorded a beautiful song entitled “I Love Ping Pong / If I Had Another Life” that Nenad wrote for the Anthem of the 1st Annual International Table Tennis Championship for people suffering from Parkinson’s Disease (PwP) under the auspices of the International Table Tennis Federation. Nenad and his organization are incredibly inspiring. I feel honored and blessed to have been lucky enough to meet and work with Nenad.
here is a link to Nenad’s Spotify Listing – please add it to your playlist
Please take a few minutes and read below and explore some of the links to learn what amazing findings the medical world has found out through the physical activity of Ping Pong and those diagnosed with Parkinson’s.
Please share this – It was sent to me from Nenad Bach
Thank you – Brian
2019 ITTF Parkinson’s World Table Tennis Championship, October 11th – 13th at the Westchester Table Tennis Center 175 Tompkins Ave, Pleasantville, New York
We are Ping Pong Parkinson, a 501c3 located at 175, Tompkins Avenue, Pleasantville, NY. Established on March 1, 2017, with the goal of halting the progression of Parkinson’s Disease by utilizing ping pong as a form of physical therapy. Our model is based on the concept of neuroplasticity – the brain’s capacity to make new neurons and connections through challenging physical exercise. Although medication remains the focus in the treatment for Parkinson’s, there is compelling evidence for the need for a regular exercise program in managing this disease. The original idea behind this commitment to help Parkinson patients (“Pongers”) attain an improved quality of life through exercise was inspired by two men: John Pepper, a South African who developed a system of lifestyle changes and physical training to reverse his Parkinson’s Disease, and Nenad Bach, a Croatian- American musician and rock star. Nenad had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and noticed that his motor symptoms and mood were improved by playing ping pong. This non-pharmacological approach to his treatment was encouraged by his neurologists who confirmed his improved status. Nenad subsequently recruited several volunteers from the club, including Will Shortz, the crossword editor of the New York Times and the owner of the Westchester Table Tennis Club; Dr. Art Dubow, who together with Nenad created the PPP program. The group meets every Wednesday at 7:30
Program Description
The first international table tennis championship for people suffering from Parkinson’s Disease (PwP) under the auspices of the International Table Tennis Federation will be held at a state-of-the-art facility, Westchester Table Tennis Center, in Pleasantville, New York on October 11-13, 2019. (The ITTF is the governing body for all national table tennis associations, of which 226 members represent practically every country and every continent of the world.) Ping Pong Parkinson (3P), our 501c group which meets weekly, is pleased and proud to be a co-sponsor of this tournament especially, since up to now, PwP’s have been chiefly bypassed and disqualified from entering para-table tennis events, including the Paralympic Games. The main reason for this unfortunate exclusion relates to the heterogeneous nature of the disease itself. It has been said that no two Parkinson patients are alike in their symptom presentation, and this has resulted in extreme difficulty in rating players in a fair and evenhanded manner. With the help of our board, club members and in association and thanks to the assistance of several neurologists, we feel we have resolved this conundrum. (Without going into great detail, we will be having 3 separate tournaments based on severity level) The PD tournament was conceived not only as a competitive contest but also as a means of drawing together people diagnosed with PD in a 3-day setting in order to promote Parkinson’s support, camaraderie and education
Official Website:
VIDEO- Ping Pong Parkinson promo Dave Steck ITTF Foundation
International Table Tennis Federation -official site:…/westchester-ready-entries-open-park…/
VIDEO by CBS New York:
VIDEO- The official anthem for the 2019 ITTF Parkinson’s World TT Championships
Nenad Bach interview Butterfly 1 in Japanese…/012985.html
Nenad Bach in German press…/medizin-tischtennis–ping-po…
VIDEO- Voice of America in Chinese
VIDEO- Press Conference during the World Tennis Championship (April 2019-Budapest, Hungary)
Dominick Gagliano
Mario F Panzarino Jr.