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Why I Podcast
Why do I Podcast? Well, you opened it up so sit back and hear my purpose.
When I was 16 and unsure of my teenage self, I took both a Speech and Debate Class and I excelled in both. It was an awakening to me that I had a quality that I had never identified with and that was COMMUNICATION.
Two years later in 1968 (I have evolved), when I started college, I chose Communications as my degree path and somehow got into all my 300 and 400 level classes and aced them while struggling in the required science, math, and history. My parents were not happy when after my second year I announced I had earned my associate’s degree. In 1970 they felt as if I wasted two years of tuition because there truly were not women in Broadcasting which was my DREAM.
Fast forward in life to 2008 when my youngest son was graduating high school, and I was an Advisor at a For-Profit College. I saw my son advancing beyond my dreams as well as the students I was advising. I realized at that time how good I was at my job and how much better I would be if I completed my degree in Communications and advance beyond. Working full time, being mom and wife and volunteering in various organizations, in 2012, I graduated with honors and within 6 months lost my job at the college. Feeling lost and abandon by the system, I took my degree to the next level and established myself as a blogger, podcaster, and now a coach.
This is my purpose in life to share my story and those of others to help at least one person who is listening to take the steps to find and achieve their purpose on ‘their’ terms. Although we are all unique, we have similar needs, wants, and dreams and if we listen and allow ourselves to be mindful, we can take the steps to achievement.
I podcast because it is my purpose to learn and share and evolve into the best version of myself.
More Than a Blog- It’s 39 Years of Marriage
Yesterday, July 15, 2023
Richard and I celebrated 39 years of marriage, but we’ve been together 41 years – as they say “Oy Vay!” Rich and I are not much on celebrations. In fact, in the early years, just as we are now, we were both working to make ends meet. Sometimes we drive up to Detroit to see my family for a free dinner out, and other times it was my dear mother-in-law who always made sure we did something special. That meant not going to McDonalds, but maybe to Pizza Hut for an all you can eat buffet. (Do they still have that?)
Once Alex was born our celebration included him and we went out to entertain him more than ourselves.
This year was different. For the first time in 32 years, we were alone for our anniversary. Alex is working and living in Fort Worth and circumstances did not provide him with the opportunity to come home. Steve was just here for Mother’s Day and truly he should be on vacation (he works too hard.) However, last night we were joined for dinner with new friends Kristi & Rob (who are now our new family). I met Kristi a year ago through an online group and despite our age differences and backgrounds growing up I know we are kindred spirits. Dinner was fun as they got Rich to share stories on how we met (Thank you Iris, Lanny & Helene), how he proposed (a long story, anyone for a McDonald’s), and much more including his life before we met…
Kristi picked up on something I posted yesterday that it was our anniversary (not the original reason for going out), and gave us the sweetest loving card, but also had a piece of chocolate Oreo cake brought to the table with a candle. The dinner and evening were wonderful, and it was simple. (Kristi and Rob, we must do this again, before next year!!!)
I know for some birthdays and anniversaries are celebrated for days and I hear some celebrate the whole month. We have never been like that, nor do I think we ever will be. The reality is we love each other as well as like each other and spending our lives together is a celebration. This year I missed so many of the people who were part of our celebration on July 15, 2024, including our parents who became friends and family over the years. My in-laws and my mom and dad enjoyed the company of each other, and they would get together when they were both in Florida and when my parents came to visit us.
Sadly, in addition to our parents no longer being with us, we have experienced the loss of friends, and other relatives who made our day a true MITZVAH. On that day I never thought we would experience the losses we have in 39 years. Naïve as I was, I thought our parents would be with us year after year to continue to acknowledge the longevity of our marriage.
When we announced, we were getting married we had friends who swore we would never last. Well to those who thought it or said it out loud, “Looks like we made it” despite the Manilow lyrics – we did not leave each other to find another. In fact, our gift to each other was a renewal for yet another year. We are on to 40!
Left Alex in Texas – healing on his own
I’ve been home about 36 hours and I am trying to catch up. Leaving Alex yesterday was not easy, we both agreed the time I spent with him was needed, and not just for his recuperation from surgery. Although I am his mother, being in his home made me take a step back. I did help him get organized something he’s been trying to do since he moved in December, but with work, Christmas break, and returning after the holidays ill, he just never got his things in order.
I respected his need for privacy, and he respected my efforts to keep him comfortable and on the road to wellness. Knowing that he still has a few weeks before he will be feeling more normal, I had to return home and leave him to sail his ship.
Sometimes as parents we tend to jump in and do the work for our kids and then one day, they have a problem, and they don’t know how to handle it. However, Alex has been observing us all these years and he is navigating his ship, steering away from the ice burgs. As a mom observing her child who is a young adult live on his own and prosper is a warm feeling of well done!
I think my fatigue is catching up with me and a good night’s sleep is needed. Tonight, when I lay my head on my pillow I know my sweet dreams will include both of my sons and my husband who are very special to me.
Good night, Rich…
Good night, Steve
Good night, Alex
“you are my sunshine…”
Doctor Mom can fix everything
A week ago, last night my son, Alex, called me crying in pain. Just thirty minutes earlier he and I were kibitzing on the phone. Initially he was incoherent, and I had to just listen and soothingly ask him to slow down. He described his pain that suddenly hit him as the worst GAS pain he ever had. I tried using my coaching skills to help him through this. Unfortunately, he had nothing at home to take for GAS pain!
I suggested he call EMS. I may be “doctor-mom” at home, but I’m not a doctor. He suffered for 12 hours before he called EMS. Once in the ER they aggressively attempted to identify the pain source and quickly ruled out any heart issues despite the pain across his chest. However, the ultrasound pointed to his gallbladder, and yet they continued to run tests to confirm it was gallbladder, and they finally gave him morphine to mask the pain. The surgeon came in around 6 pm (21 hours after this pain started) and discussed removing his gallbladder.
My husband and I searched for airline tickets to take us from Cleveland to Dallas so we could be there with Alex. Leaving Cleveland at 7 am we got to Dallas by 10:30 and went directly to the hospital to find Alex waiting for surgery. They finally took him into surgery at 1:30 pm, and the plan was to do a robotic gall bladder removal that would be less invasive. However, the doctor found his gallbladder to be 2 to 3 times its size filled with stones, the gallbladder was ripe to burst and if it had it could have been fatal! So, a one-hour procedure turned into 3 hours.
Alex’s dad left for home on Tuesday morning, and I am here in Fort Worth until Sunday morning. Each day he shows signs of healing and taking less pain medication as well.
I’ve had this great opportunity to spend time with my son in his home which has limited furnishings which has tested my ability to get comfortable on an air bed and sitting on a patio type chair. But all is good, and I enjoy his company when he is not sleeping, tweeting, or playing a video game.
Today we took a UBER to his office so he could organize his arrangements to work from home for at least the next week. At his office today not one person, but everyone I met shared their love for Alex. Until today, the staff only knew he was sick but would be OK, his boss and HR knew the extent of it. So, as he shared his story of what has transpired in the last week, they were all so glad to know he really would be OK, and pleased to see that I was around to help him through this week.
When Alex left our home in December to drive the 1000 miles to Texas I cried like a baby, and thought my heart was broken forever. However, as any parent knows when your child leaves to follow their dreams, time will prove that your heart will heal. My heart began the healing process with each phone call hearing his voice and sharing his experiences.
However, the night of Wednesday, April 5th brought me the emotional pain Alex was suffering physically. Although I insisted, he call EMS he was choosing to suffer rather than go to the hospital and as he said, spend money… All I could 1000 miles away was attempt to comfort him as he asked me to stay on the phone with him, hoping the pain would subside. Tonight, I feel such relief that my son is healing and prospering. He is where he should be, creating his career path and living life on his own. Now I realize his father and I taught him well, and I am proud of the man he is, even without a gallbladder!
Today I Feel Successful
No I did not win a large contract or achieved a podcasting status to elevate my position on the charts – however, I successfully produced a new podcast this week while recording 5 shows and updating various client websites and I came across my writings for MYIMPOSSIBLEDREAM and The Davasha Series, and the links for those are now on this website at
If you haven’t listened yet but you heard about our newest podcast GRIEF BeLIEF please click and listen – we had some internet tech issues for the first show but we hope we resolved this for the future.
Join me: Karen the COACH ADVOCATE
Is it time to Make a Change? If so let me assist you in finding a COACH that will assist you! Take a few moments or more to listen to “AVOID the MAZE” as well as to “The Intentionality Gurus” The more I work with coaches and the more I learn has exponentially increased my happiness and zest for living my best life.
Become part of the family
Have you ever thought about being a podcast influencer? We all have a passion for something and my passion has always been about helping others. For most of my life, I put the needs of others first, thinking if I helped them, it would make me happy, and in return, I would not have someone who may be able to assist me in the future if I was in need. However, life is not always as simplistic as that.
When I was a senior admissions rep at a college, the average student told me that they wanted to be a nurse because they wanted to help others. Many of these students were not prepared for the educational requirements to earn their degree and often felt defeated if they were not accepted into the program or did not maintain the grade to graduate. I remember telling them that you don’t have to be a nurse or a doctor to help people. In fact, there is a huge world of opportunities where we can help each other as well as ourselves.
As a rep, I was helping each of my students develop a path that was right for them. It was my job to guide them and if nursing wasn’t the answer to follow the fork in the road and see what else may be hidden out of view.
As a podcaster, I am guiding individuals as we expand our presence and offer virtually unlimited opportunities. Each one of us has made mistakes along the way and often sharing those errors opens our eyes, ears, and hearts to positive change. Positive change is our theme and it cannot come about with sharing the missteps that have brought us here to contribute.
If you would like to join our network please email Karen at [email protected] welcomes JFTSOI – this is a joint website! has welcomed JFTSOI to join our website page. As you may know, is not just podcasting as we are not just Cleveland. We offer a multitude of services including building website designs for YOU at a minimal cost as well as provide maintenance and upkeep to provide awareness to your site. Websites can get Stahl unless they are updated and relevant. JFTSOI has been maintained by us and most recently to assist with expenses of website development and more we have chosen to share the site and now you will see some diversity to the site.
Here are a few of the other sites we have built and are maintaining. If you have any questions or would like a quote on our designs please contact Karen at [email protected]
Darcy Luoma _A Breath of Fresh Air
Please take a moment and check out
Darcy was a guest on Matt Jackson’s Podcast BE BOLD/ BE HEARD
Her words, her story, her journey is worth a listen..