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I am frustrated, angry and getting myself worked up into a state of depression. I do not understand how humans can become evil barbaric animals. Why is it necessary to become satanic and demand that if you do not fit a certain mold you are not worthy to live? Why is there so much hate against Israel! Even though it was named as a Jewish state in 1948, the Jewish population had not denied non- Jews to live within the borders. The Jews/Israeli’s did not start the fighting, and in fact if you ask many Jews living or visiting in Israel that the population is welcoming to all. It is the extremist that cause the wars and killing, destruction and my question is WHY. As children we learn to share and be polite and yet somewhere along the way the EXTREMISTS world wide start pulling innocent individuals into their circle or they kill them! In every religion isn’t killing for the sake of killing a sin of some format!
I have never had the honor of making Aliyah to Israel. The one time I had hoped and planned to go to Israel was in my senior year of high school, 1968, not the safest time, and yet when is the safe time to go, with those who hate just because of someone’s religion, traditions, and heritage.
In a conversation I had with my son the other day we were talking about our various friends we have and not once did we identify them as Black, Negro, African American, Asian, German, Christian, Moslem, Jewish, or LGBTQ+. Through work, in our neighborhoods, in the groups we have joined for social justice we know a variety of people and we do not select our friends based on their looks or their differences. I just learned one of my best friends is on the opposite of the political spectrum than I am and yet we are friends and we share so many other things in common and she is nice, why would I throw a friendship away. I will listen her side and she will listen to my side if we choose to share or we will leave those topics for our own personal use.
I do not tell my friends, business colleagues, or family members what to believe or not to believe. I do not want them to tell me either, however; I believe we all should be in relationships where we can voice our opinions without judgement from self or others. Changing from hate to love is not going to happen over night but we each can take one step to stop the hate and peace will be the winner. Are you willing to stop your hate?
Join me: Karen the COACH ADVOCATE
Is it time to Make a Change? If so let me assist you in finding a COACH that will assist you! Take a few moments or more to listen to “AVOID the MAZE” https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSdL23sBfgglvxEjZXu-qhyXPYzGo0Exw as well as to “The Intentionality Gurus” https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSdL23sBfggmjrQLY_iaPtsrK-ls19Bh6. The more I work with coaches and the more I learn has exponentially increased my happiness and zest for living my best life.
It is 5782
6 September 2021 The Jewish new year is not celebrated, it is observed. Depending on what sect of Judaism you practice you may observe for one day or maybe two. “Since the time of the destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem in 70 CE and the time of Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai, normative Jewish law appears to be that Rosh Hashanah is to be celebrated for two days, because of the difficulty of determining the date of the new moon.” The Jewish practice is the day/holiday that begins at sunset and ends at sunset, Reform Jews typically observe for one day – that would mean beginning tonight at Sundown until tomorrow night at Sundown.
Many of us, especially those of us living in the U.S., are more cultural in our heritage than religious. I was raised in a conservative home – “Conservative Judaism, religious movement that seeks to conserve essential elements of traditional Judaism but allows for the modernization of religious practices in a less radical sense than that espoused by Reform Judaism.” My parents were not religiously observant however when it came to the High Holidays they were a bit more pious.
I have chosen Reform Judaism because it has enabled the Jewish people to introduce innovation while preserving tradition while embracing diversity. The Reform movement offers me a hint of the tradition I grew up with and yet allows me to live my life and observe in a manner that has meaning to me. Tomorrow morning I will be attending Rosh Hashannah services virtually. I have chosen to remain at home and observe in this manner as I am still not comfortable being in a large gathering, so I will offer up my prayers in front of a computer screen.
Religion, as well as traditional acts, are not important to everyone and I accept that we can choose to believe and pray to whomever. I share my love and kindness with all of you and ask that you find it in your hearts to accept others whether they believe in the same things you do. We need not clone ourselves – but we must be ourselves – authentic.
Three weeks and one day is the last day you can make a difference and VOTE Blue! I am asking you if you have not voted yet, and if you haven’t requested an absentee ballot to consider early voting, call your local board of elections and get the information you need to make a change.
We have lived with Trump for 4 years and he made promises and he could have followed through on them but he spent so much time talking about his PLAN but never offered US the American people what that entailed. He gave us a tax break and took it back the following year when we paid our taxes, yet he has not paid his taxes!
Talk does not take care of the American People, you and me. Talk, discussion, weighing options, and listening to what the average Joe needs is what our President and the House of Representatives and the Senate should be responding to. Trump created such commotion in building a wall that is now crumbling and falling! What a waste of money that could have been on Health Care and or Job Creation.
Trump walked into the Oval Office with a strong economy, he made the economy worse for the average Joe but kept his cronies gaining wealth that was not shared! JOBs, let me tell you that the JOB market even before the Pandemic was meek. If you or someone you know what looking to garner a job (not even career) to put food on the table and roof over your head it was not easy, why do you think so many of us are working multiple jobs with no benefits, including sick days.
If Trump didn’t make the promised changes he eluded to over the last four years why do you think the next four years will be any better. Get a grip Trump and his cronies do not care about US. If Trump cared about you, and your well being he would, he would have listened to the scientists.doctors and would have shared REAL Information with us from the get-go. He has not taken the precautions that he needed to take and he continues to go out in public without a mask and not socially distancing, well making ‘fun’ of those of us who are trying to reduce this Pandemic!
I won’t even discuss his need to outbalance the Supreme Court and yet says he must do this because the Dems will do it if they win. The American People 52% to 44% believe the Supreme Court decision should not be made until after the Election. Why is he in such a hurry, have you caught on to his garbage yet?
Check this out and see the Republicans backing Biden https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/18/politics/republicans-supporting-biden/index.html
Also – “The last living former Republican president, George W. Bush, has said he won’t back Trump. Nor will his brother Jeb Bush, the former governor of Florida who was mercilessly ridiculed by Trump when they fought for the GOP nomination in 2016.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2020/09/27/all-the-republicans-who-have-endorsed-joe-biden-for-president/#3bc762557340
Consider the facts, Trump wants to cut or eliminate SS – if you are a senior or if you are approaching age 65 or know someone – do they have enough money to survive even one year on SS? What if they were to have less or none? Are you going to support mom and dad, your grandparents, or your neighbor next door?
Biden and Harris have a plan https://www.forbes.com/sites/johngoodman/2020/09/28/the-bidenharris-economic-plan/#28cb2dcc73ce
Yes, Biden will raise taxes for those that can afford it- if they earn 400,000.00 dollars or more a year. If you earn less like many of us – guess what our taxes will NOT INCREASE. Taxes are necessary without them infrastructure cannot be maintained or improved.
Make a plan now – VOTE Blue – If you have an absentee ballot if possible take it directly to your board of elections, I am taking mine to Summit County here in Ohio today. My son, husband, and I have completed our absentee ballots and I will take them all sealed to the DropBox, and I will track them to ensure they were received and ready for counting. If you cannot deliver them personally mail them and track them. If you can get someone to drive you to your Board of Elections – not your precinct, accept the ride to place it in the dropbox!
Please note – if you do not want Trump – a vote for anyone but Biden supports TRUMP – help bring the United States back in line with the needs of the Average Citizen – do not be bullied!
For more information, contact:
Tina Boyes, Executive Director
Kenmore Neighborhood Alliance
Kenmore First Friday to ring in the fall season by getting to Akron’s roots
Parking lot show to feature canal songs of Hey Mavis, Madison Cummins, and The Stirs
Sept. 28, 2020 (AKRON, OH) – On Friday, Oct. 2, Laura & Eddie from Americana favorites Hey Mavis will headline a night of Appalachian music from 6 to 9 p.m. in Kenmore Boulevard’s South Alley parking lots, which are accessible via 13th and 15th St.
The duo’s Kenmore First Friday Drive-In Concert appearance comes on the heels of the Knight Foundation’s $4 million grant to convert where the Ohio & Erie Canal enters Akron’s Summit Lake into a 35-acre public park connecting the Kenmore and Summit Lake neighborhoods. Hey Mavis’s most recent album, “Silver Ribbon Dream – Songs & Stories of the Ohio & Erie Canal,” gives listeners a lens into those who lived and worked in the area during the canal’s earliest days.
“This part of Ohio owes much of its early development to the canal,” said Laurie Carner, Hey Mavis’s lead singer and songwriter. “The conditions for canal workers were rough and difficult, but song, music, and camaraderie helped them get through.”
Tina Boyes, executive director of the Kenmore Neighborhood Alliance, said she hopes the concert does the same for her community. “These are lean times, particularly for our local small business owners, and it can be easy to get discouraged,” she explained, “but the music and camaraderie of shows like these give our little music district hope for the future.”
The Hey Mavis duo will be joined by Americana trio The Stirs and Madison Cummins, whose latest release “Antidote” is included in 91.3 FM The Summit’s rotation. Carhop food service will be provided by ThaiSoul Fusion, which recently relocated to Kenmore Boulevard from Romig Road.
A suggested donation of $5 per car will support the ongoing revitalization efforts of Kenmore Neighborhood Alliance. In addition, attendees will get a link to a free download of Hey Mavis’s newest song, “Yes, the Gypsy Music.”
Cars will be parked at least six feet apart, and attendees are welcome to place lawn chairs in their parking spots. In accordance with the Ohio Department of Health guidelines, face coverings are recommended.
Kenmore First Fridays are presented by Kenmore Neighborhood Alliance, the Kenmore Chamber of Commerce, and a variety of generous sponsors. The Oct. 2 event is funded in part by the Friends of Chestnut Ridge Park and Akron Community Foundation. For full event details, visit www.facebook.com/betterkenmore.
#AGE Magnificently (AGEMARCH.ORG)- Barbara Rose Brooker
As I borrow the tag line from AGEMARCH.org and the founder, Barbara Rose Brooker, #AgeMagnificently, I challenge you to become the best YOU. By becoming the best versions of ourselves we allow ourselves to be open to the opinions of others and dialogue rather than argue or fight! We are all products of our environment, we bring to the table not only cultural differences but the interpretations of the culture we have (and are) experiencing.
My Jewish upbringing as a Conservative Jew is not necessarily the same as another who may identify as the same. Growing up my parent’s kept a Kosher home, however, on Pizza nights we all sat around eating Pepperoni Pizza off Paper Plates because my parents created their personal interpretation of the Kosher Laws. However, my Baube and Zayde would have said we were creating a ‘SHANDAH’ or a SCANDAL!
Whether my parents were right or wrong in the eyes of my maternal grandparents, they chose to create their version of keeping kosher.
Today we are living in a global society full of tags – we all need a tag line to be identified and often the tag lines do not give us enough information. They are often like sound bites that do not give us the whole story. However, #AgeMagnificently provides us a picture that with AGE comes Magnificent if we choose it.
To be magnificent means to be “admirable in action; displaying great power or opulence, especially in building, way of living, and munificence. Magnificent(adj) grand in appearance; exhibiting grandeur or splendor; splendid’ pompous.” However, leaving out pompous, we can be admirable in our actions if we accept that all people are created with goodness, some may need a little more guidance than others. Opulence does not necessarily reflect wealth but the rich and kindness of one’s personality. We can all build a world of fairness that will lead to the growth of FAIRNESS! We can walk straight and tall with our heads held high without stick our noses in the air, avoiding the truth. Facing the truth is not easy but no one said that change was easy!
If we age magnificently from birth we will no longer be judged by a number, a color, gender, sexual preference, or no preference. Our religion will be accepted and our traditions will not be frowned upon. We will be the BEST of OUR BEST while lending a hand to someone who may appear to be different. It is time to accept differences and come together.
It is time to make a Change – Do it!
Sharon Allen DeMakes thanks for this POEM
First they came for the communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me
And there was no one left to speak for me.
– Pastor Martin Niemoeller
An Amazing Start for Sherapy
Today was an amazing day, the first of many Sherapy: Therapy with Sherry Amatenstein. Sherry is an NYC-based psychotherapist and author. Her podcast is a little unconventional for some. Still, it is becoming more traditional, especially to Millennials, as well as working professionals who want to participate in therapy but are limited on time and travel. Each episode of Sherapy is a 50-minute therapy session. The aim is to demystify and destigmatize psychotherapy. Too many people in distress still suffer silently. None of the participants are her private patients. On Sherapy, a person can receive complimentary therapy and remain anonymous. If interested, please contact Sherry at sherrymsw@earthlink.net
I am so excited to have Sherry Amatenstein on our podcast show real she may be heard by clicking on https://newclevelandradio.net/sherapy-real-therapy-with-sherry-amatenstein-3/real-therapy-with-sherry-amatenstein_podcasts/ – choose a streaming service to listen to this podcast.
Sherry Amatenstein (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) is the author of The Complete Marriage Counselor: Relationship Saving Advice from America’s Top 50+ Couples Therapists; Love Lessons from Bad Breakups; and Q&A Dating Book.
She writes advice columns for www.womansday.com, www.thirdage.com andwww.brides.com, and is frequently called upon to give relationship advice on many national radio and TV programs, including The Today Show, Early Show, Inside Edition, GMA Live, CBS News, and HuffPost Live.
I hope you will enjoy the show and learn more about yourself by listening to others share their journeys.
HIV – Is it Still REAL?
Amy Ferris, thank you for sharing your words. In Memory of beloved cousin, Stuart Freedman Colby, you were loved by many and recognized for the kind and wonderful individual you were. I think Stuart often and my heart hurts that he had to hide and live without the support of his parents. We all should live our lives to enrich the community we are all part of.
World AIDS Day- Amy Ferris
A day we remember those we loved & lost; friends and family, neighbors and co-workers, lovers and partners.
A day we stand up for and with – alongside – those we love & cherish who are living with HIV/AIDS.
A day we honor all the activists & all the warriors & all the human rights champions – all the extraordinary humans – all the men & women – who fight every single day of their lives against discrimination and the stigma; who showed us and taught us that silence is not golden – to be loud and noisy and to make a fucking ruckus.
Heroes and SHEroes all.
I raise my voice & my coffee cup in your honor.
A Podcast Legacy_Share in the Memories
What is a podcast? Why Should I list? Why would I want to create one?
A podcast is a digital recording. Here at newclevelandradio.net, we have several podcast hosts who record with us and place their recordings on our site that where it is distributed to various listening platforms such as iHeart, Spotify, Google, Spreaker, etc. Each podcast has a host, and I (Karen Hale) produce, engineer, and develop social media for each program.
Check out https://newclevelandradio.net/podcasting-line-up/
Gary Moss (https://newclevelandradio.net/jftsoi-taking-you-on-a-journey/) suggested to me that this would be an ideal platform for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends to share their legacy/life journey.
When Gary began podcasting with us, he had just started his 77 Sunset Trip, driving cross-country to play Scrabble™, meeting up with friends and family from the past as well as finding new and exciting individuals along the way. One such individual was a mechanic who fixed Gary’s car during his travels for under $5 (who would have thunk?)
This is when our proverbial wheels started to turn. We all have so much to share (not the FAKE NEWS,) but the journeys we have taken in life and our experiences that have helped influence us and others. So with the assistance of Gary in Southern California, and specifically in his Senior Citizen community, we are offering this service to YOU!
What a great holiday gift this is for your family as well as for others.
Too often, we forget that our elders have the wisdom to share by leading us down the path they have traveled. The stories they will bestow will enlighten as they explore their past. The history recorded will allow them to leave behind their thoughts and wishes. A podcast will provide them the venue to remember and share their memories guiding us all through our tomorrows.
Contact newclevelandradio@gmail.com for more information or jftsoi.moss@gmail.com