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Help NewClevelandRadio.net Grow
Help us make newclevelandradio.net your source for Podcasting.
In May 2022, we will be starting our 6th year as newclevelandradio.net. Prior to 2017 both my son, Alex and I podcasted both independently as well as through other small podcasts groups in the Cleveland area. However, a small financial inheritance from Alex’s Baube (grandmother), my mother, provided us with some capital to create newclevelandradio.net. The concept was to bring Sports and Story Telling to a new level. We chose not to be a cookie-cutter venue, we still claim we are bringing our authentic selves to the platform.
Within months of starting up, newclevelandradio.net Alex took a position with one of his favorite Sports Teams in Ohio, slowly removed himself from podcasting with us, and handed over the reins to me. I began with a number of grassroots podcasters and have continued to grow the brand in and outside of Cleveland, Ohio – #WERNOTJUSTCLEVELAND.
We are streaming on just about every service available as well as on Youtube for those that want an up-close and personal look at. We offer what the listener wants to hear and our theme for 2022 is HOPE.
Sherapy with Sherry Amatenstein
I am so proud and excited to be introducing you to a new podcaster who will begin with us in January 2020. Her name is Sherry Amatenstein, LCSW, who is an NYC-based psychotherapist and author. Sherry will be creating SHERAPY, and you can read all about this right here on the website.
In keeping with the theme of awareness and finding the path to travel or detour in life, this nationally known psychotherapist will be sharing your stories with our listeners. Sometimes it is easier to be anonymous (faceless, nameless) when you begin to open up. I agree with Sherry; we must not be afraid of what we think our frailties are; instead, we must strengthen our inner selves to love life to the fullest.
If you have a story or want to share issues, please contact us here at newclevelandradio.net, and your information will be sent on to Sherry Amatenstein. You need not reveal any information to us other than a name and email so Sherry may connect with you.

Sherry portraits
2020 is going to be a big year for all of us at newclevelandradio.net, and you don’t need to be in Cleveland, Ohio, to become part of the big picture, your PORTRAIT!
Who Said Life IS FAIR?
2 June 2019
So you say life isn’t fair, it’s difficult to find a job, create a successful relationship, and find true happiness. However, if I have learned one thing in life, nothing comes easy that is worthwhile keeping. I too have felt these same pangs believing I was the only one struggling in a career, with family, friends, and most of all, self-acceptance. Acceptance does not mean not trying to improve or look for self-satisfaction, it means finding something about yourself to believe in.
This past week has been a rollercoaster of emotions. It began with not knowing if my husband had/has a job or not. Although the situation is not resolved after the initial shock that he may need to make some changes that will affect us both, we both had to grieve, take a deep breath, and keep taking steps in a forward and lateral direction, backward was not/is not a choice.
Change is not easy, even if it’s a choice we make. Any change can be scary and can make for a lot of discomforts. Before looking in the mirror and making any alterations, we must appreciate what we have on a daily basis — find one thing, and it will multiply to two, three, or more. “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” So when a curve ball is thrown, we either catch it or hit it out of the park. Catching it may throw us off balance or even sting a bit, hitting it out of the park, however, empowers us to make a choice to change!
Empowerment is a choice and prepares us for the rollercoaster of life. Preparation allows us to be more aware of our surroundings and the fork in the road that lays up ahead.
Intentionally Making Changes
I am beginning today’s post to thank one of my newest friends. Candace Pollock has been podcasting with newclevelandradio.net for a little over a year. Candace is a certified personal coach, and mentor, as well as a practicing attorney. I have been producing her show, The Intentionality Gurus, since March 2018, https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-intentionality-gurus-candace-2018-19. Working with Candace has opened my eyes to intentionally investigate myself and assertively help me resolve some of the issues that have held me back in life. Candace does not judge or even advise me on what I may need to change, enhance or leave untouched. What this podcast does is provide a window for not only me, but others to take whatever steps they may need to a more satisfying experience.
I shared with Candy yesterday that I have spent a majority of my life wanting to be you, or someone else, well still being me but in a “better package.” However, wishing and hoping, as well as wanting, is not the same as making the attempt to change. Candace will repeatedly ask me in these podcasts why, and how will that make you feel, and what does that feel like. This is the intentionality piece where I am the only one who can answer, and my answers are important for me, they are based on my past, present, and what I perceive of the future. Tomorrow is a new day, and the responses to those same questions may change. Life continues to evolve and therefore go our thoughts and any needs associated with them.
For me sitting back is no longer an option. If I want to lose weight, I must adjust my diet. The loss of weight should be for me, although it may bring benefits to others. (i.e., maybe I won’t feel so unattractive and therefore increase more endorphins. The endorphins are the Happy Hormones.) Maybe the changes I would like are less obvious but will provide me more energy and engagement in opportunities that please me. We have all heard, “When momma is happy, everyone is happy,” well whether you are a momma, poppa, are just you, your smile and happiness is contagious!
For the last five years, I have been on a journey of change and exploration that is providing me with a brighter outlook on life. However, these podcasts are what I need to be the best I can be even as I stumble and fall along the way. I no longer look at mistakes as embarrassing and stupid. They are learning tools that only open more doors and windows that allow me to expand my wings and be me.
The empowerment of B-U, B-Me is real!
The Empowerment Journey
If you leave in Cleveland, Ohio or any other Midwest or Northern state having a snowstorm is not unusual this time of year. It’s funny, growing up in Detroit, Michigan, we had a lot of snow in the winter. much more than what we have today, and yet we never stopped. But many of us here are hunkered down. My Beetle will not make it out of the garage the snow is so deep, and my condo sub-division has no idea when we will get plowed. Alex’s car is under siege by the snow, and there is a layer of ice under the snow. I guess back in the day we had warmer clothing, studs on our tires and a STUDDLY BURLY guy in our home or down the block who was always available and able to shovel someone out. I’m not complaining but sharing how soft so many of us have become, myself included.
Four years ago I fell on the ice during the winter and broke my femur requiring surgery and two weeks in rehab. I refuse to put myself in that same position. Therefore I am willing to be soft! But with softness comes empowerment and my theme for today is empowering myself to accept what is! When we empowered we give ourselves the opportunity to become stronger and more confident in our choices. For me, I am making choices that make me happy without contributing to someone else’s unhappiness.
A special thanks to Candace Pollock of the Intentionality Gurus, Candace has guided me through her bi-weekly podcast with newclevelandradio.net to listen to my overactive brain and allow my heart and soul to respond, if necessary. The words, “if necessary” is my personal mantra, not everything is necessary just because my thoughts dictate it at the moment.[i]
Katie the Carlady soon to be podcasting with newclevelandradio.net. Katie will be bringing coffee and cars to our venue. Katie’s backstory has been a journey that has led her to be an influential individual for many, and many of those individuals may never have met her. She is full of energy and brings out the best in others. I have only known Katie for a year, and yet I am mesmerized by her. For the first time in my life I am not wishing to be her, but to capture her dynamism and light my drive.
CANCER SUCKS, and I hope I will never have to experience the cobblestone path Melinda has traveled. However, she brightens my smile and my approach to health and wellness. Melinda posts Facebook Live moments regarding the “Heart Mojo,” the spirit and words she will share in her upcoming podcasts in February! Melinda as well as Katie, and Candace will be joining me in a new venture that kicks off this Wednesday night.
Please join us, Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019, at Vista Springs, Greenbriar, in Parma, Ohio. We will be hosting a Meet & Greet for women and men that have a story (personal journey) to share that will enlighten the lives of others. It’s time for each one of us to shed the angst from the fall out around us and seek a path that will allow us to live with heart. We must let our heart and soul fill our brain with the peace and lightness we all deserve. Please feel free to join us at 6 pm – 8:30 pm where Vista Springs will host the event, bringing us together for the “Empowerment Journey.”
The “Empowerment Journey,” this is your chance to share, learn, and be the person you want to be.
[i] (https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-intentionality-gurus-with-candace-2018) & (https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-intentionality-gurus-candace-2019)