Alex Bevan _The Lion Sleeps Tonight! Wake-Up We All Love You!
Alex Bevan writes 12/18/19
It’s only about 600 yards to the lake from our driveway at the end of the street… I can hear the lake rumbling and churning from here… i imagine the wind at the shore will be brutal… but I’m putting on my heavy coat and wrapping up and shooting for a walk to the little park at the end of the lane.. …. but I think I hear the voice of the Lion from the Wizard of Oz saying, ‘Somebody talk me out of it!!!”,….. lol…. good morning… y’all be safe!
Thinking 2 Day
On June 21, 1941, despite a World War going on, my mother and father who met at a mutual cousin’s wedding in 1940, said their “I do’s!” My parents were married for sixty-three years until the passing of my Pops in 2004. If mom and dad were here to celebrate us today, Pops would be 102 and my mother 99, and this would be a spectacular 78th Wedding Anniversary. However, Mom and Dad are up in the heavens together and so through some magical force, the love and compassion I hold in my heart for them, I am making my connection in the only way I know, how, sharing them with you.
Sixty-three years is an amazing tribute for their love. Although my parents were dubbed, The Bickersons, despite their loud (not screaming) conversations became a running family gag that they were there own sitcom. The stories my parent’s shared about their meeting at a wedding was kismet, even though my mother played hard to get; she was not sure Jay Harmon Moss was her Prince Charming. My father continued to pursue Dorothy Friedman since his own mother thought she was a damn good catch.
My parents didn’t have the easiest life, but they managed to make it through the perils of Ups and Downs. They taught my brothers, Gary and Joel, as well as myself, to keep reaching for the stars. Now that I look back over the years, we may not be the richest family, but we are wealthy in memories. Our memories are what propel each of us forward. The world may not look beautiful right now with political storms and with mother nature’s in rage, but we are survivors as we learned our lessons well.
On this June 21st, 2019, the first official day of Summer, I am thinking of my loving parents with a heart full of joy. If I could thank them for giving me life and the opportunity to share the sunrise and sunset with others, I would do so with much love and gratitude.
Happy Anniversary D’vasha & Hunkle!
#AmyRant #893:
#AmyRant #893:
Our children are not being murdered, Jewish people are not being massacred, Muslims are not being killed, Blacks are not being slaughtered, Police Officers are not being bludgeoned and LGBTQ folks are not shooting ranges: all of these humans – each & every single one – are being assassinated.
That is the word.
By definition that word means to murder in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons; to murder premeditatedly and treacherously; to target and stake out and deliberately kill.
There is a theory – a belief – that only prominent important people are assassinated and that ‘common folk’ are murdered.
I am of the absolute belief that that theory is wholly & deeply & royally flawed and fucked because all of the humans who have been gunned down in this country – over 37 thousand humans to date since 2013 – while doing their daily school work, their daily life, their daily prayers, their daily shopping, their daily business were all important & prominent – none of them – not one was common and all of them – each and every one of them – were invaluable worthy humans.
Every single fucking day innocent worthy invaluable important humans are assassinated in our towns, in our cities, in our communities, in our schools, in our movie theaters, in our malls, in our supermarkets, in our temples, in our churches, in our mosques, in our grocery stores; on our streets.
In our Country, on our land – every single fucking day right here.
Alex Bevan and the Cast Iron Frying Pan
I was in a Goodwill Store a couple of days ago and purchased a cast iron skillet… i was toying with the idea of getting a carabiner* and clipping it to my belt… not exactly concealed carry… but… I figure if Wonder Woman can use her bracelets to deflect bullets … with a cast iron pan i can bounce those SOB”s right back at the shooter…. it takes a good guy with a pan to stop a bad guy with a gun… so keep in mind.. when you see me I will be packing enough heat to not only cook breakfast, but return lethal fire to any desperadoes foolish enough to fuck with “EL SKINNATO TERRIBLE”… …. … even though I am not paid as much as the reigning NRA leadership pukes… I am smart enough to be prepared when the spit hits the fan… … … (this post was inspired by the Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions proposed in Virginia recently)
Editors note: A Carabiner is a metal loop, which can be opened on one side. This side is called gate. … Carabiners are often used for rock climbing, sailing and canoeing. They also are used for construction of high buildings or window cleaning. The word comes from the German word “Karabinerhaken”, which means “hook for a carbine”.
Thank you Amy -for listening to my DREAMS IMPOSSIBLE – I’M POSSIBLE
“Mark Twain said: “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
When you are seeking to bring big plans to fruition, it is important with whom you regularly associate.
The moment you tell your dream to small-minded people, they would discourage you, belittle it, steal the idea or become your competitor. Your dream is not to be shared with everybody, especially with small-minded people, who would make you see several reasons why the dream cannot work, but blinded to the reasons why it would work.”
From me:
Years ago she – an older woman I deeply admired & respected – told me to become a secretary, that I’d never make it as a writer, I looked her in the eyes – both eyes – and I told her that I would show her what I was fucking made of and that I would prove to her the mighty fierce power of my determination to be a writer, a woman of her words.
Let’s all encourage & inspire and root on and cheer on and support and champion all our friends & folks with dreams and hopes and off-the-fucking wall wild ass mind-blowing ideas and projects that need to be born, brought to fruition!
Check out Elise Lieberth
Please check out BEAUTIFUL as amazing as Elise Lieberth herself
Check out GROWING in 2020
We have some news to report, and much we are excited to be offering here at
*Beginning next week, we will be rolling out SHERAPY with Sherry Amatenstein, LCSW is an NYC-based psychotherapist and author of The Q&A Dating Book, Love Lessons From Bad Breakups, and The Complete Marriage Counselor ( She edited the anthology, How Does That Make You Feel: True Confessions From Both Sides of the Therapy Couch. Before becoming a therapist, she spent two years volunteering at a suicide hotline. She was also an interviewer for Steven Spielberg’s USC Shoah, a foundation dedicated to taking audio-visual testimony from Holocaust survivors. She is a former editor at Hearst and, and longtime journalist who has written for, among other publications, The Cut, Hemispheres, Brides, Good Housekeeping, The Week,, and Washington Post. She runs workshops on defanging your trauma and tapping into your inner strength and has offered advice on Today, CBS, and NPR. When pressed, she admits to having conducted a pre-marriage counseling session on an episode of CMT’s My Big Redneck Wedding.
*In January, Amy Ferris will begin podcasting with us as well, and her first series will be on REDEMPTION with her co-host Teresa Stack.
In getting to know Amy, she is more than an author, editor, screenwriter, and playwright. She is an amazing sister to many as she tells it like it is with words some may choose not to want to hear, but it is time to listen. Amy Ferris understands the human spirit; she has and continues to live it and share it. You will fall in love with this new podcast series as it exemplifies the mission of Our mission is to encourage living in a manner that provides you with happiness while not infringing upon the life of another.
Additionally, Teresa was the President of The Nation and continues to write and advocate for what is right and just. This series should be a dynamic conversation and help enlighten and encourage pure awareness and forgiveness for us to heal emotionally and become a fair and robust community.
*Also in January, Michael Gershe, Speaker, author, comedian, advocate against impaired driving. Landscape photography is his passion, as well. As the Founder and Executive director at The Magic of Life Foundation, Michael will share his stories and bring on guests who will discuss what impaired driving means. As the new James Bond trailer states, “No Time to Die,” this should be our time to live!
*2020 is going to be our year as Melinda Smith will be expanding her Heart Mojo Series and adding, “Are You Ready for the Future?” This is not just about estate planning; it is so much more. Let’ s begin planning for where we want to be as we walk/run through this journey of life. Not everyone has a partner, children, or relatives that are part of their inner circle, and it will be up to us, the community to come together to lend a helping hand if needed. Senior life should be the next stage and experience everyone can cherish, but we must prepare for ourselves, our parents, and grandparents. Are you Ready?
*We are in negotiation with Comedy Mike Conley for a bi-weekly comedy show, including helpful hints, tricks and coaching of the trade. Mike and I will encourage other comics, and Open Mic Want to BE’s to join in on the discussion.
*Have you heard of Saul Paul? If not, you need to check him out – He is a musician with a message but more than that he has transformed himself to be the person he wants to be and the person you and I can admire. He has seen tough times and good times, and he is not afraid to speak of them and help guide us. Also, check out his book, “Be the Change: A Story of Transformation.” I admire this man so much. I need to know more, and so will you! We hope to have him join us this coming year.
*Sheila Weller is impressive, and if we are lucky, she will join us as well, bringing us information, discussions, and interviews with and about Iconic Women. Sheila Weller is the best-selling author of a ton of books, most recently: Carrie Fisher, Life On The Edge (a stunning book!), and her very exquisite book: Girls Like Us – which is the definitive book on women in rock n’ roll – Joni Mitchell, Carly Simon, Carole King.
- We will continue to bring you a new version of Care Notes – Doug Wilber and his staff at Cherished Companions have been winners in the Home Health Care Field. We are living in a time when this a vital need for many. Care Notes took a mini hiatus, but we look forward to their return in the new year.
- What in the World with Paul Seaburn and John DiNallo will continue their weekly gig, this is the only show we currently record on location at Joe Maxx Coffee Company in Brecksville, Ohio. Joe Maxx is the current sponsor of this REAL and STRANGE COMEDY NEWS Show that also includes SPORTS, unlike the way you may have heard sports before.
- Lyft Diaries with Morgan is a monthly series on the life of a Lyft and Uber Driver. Morgan shares her experiences as well as inviting other drivers to join in her humorous manner of retelling the incidents that may happen in a Lyft or Uber. Dental Works is now sponsoring this show.
- Katie the CarLady with Coffee is a bi-weekly series on cars (and coffee). Katie has been in the car business for 20+ years, and she is not your average Car Salesperson. The Car Lady treats you like she would want to be treated. She ensures you are educated and engaged in the car purchase, Lease, or maintenance program you may need. If you want to understand how to buy or lease a car, this is the podcast for you. If you want to know how to find the best mechanic to care for your vehicle (remember this is an investment), she will lead you. If you’re going to become more versed in the process and language of car sales well, tune in.
- The Intentionality Gurus with Candace Pollock continues, and we welcome you to join in. Candace is a personal coach. Each session, she walks me through an exercise, and I have the opportunity to explore what works for me, what doesn’t, and delve into the reason WHY. This podcast is gaining great success; it is not a therapy session; it is about becoming YOU as you understand the dynamics in life and how you choose to view them and respond.
We expand on many of our music interview shows as well, including:
- Café Lena Meet the Performers & More
- Conversations with Comics with NO COFFEE (Hilarities)
- Entertainment Talk with EMPKT
- JFTSOI with Gary Moss _ SCRABBLE more than a Game, a Way of life
- The Universal Language of Music
- Original Music with the Approval 2 Play
Amy Ferris is the Kindest!
We have no cable or wifi, power is iffy, so I’m gonna make this short & sweet and hope to fuck this posts. And please forgive all typos!
Today is giving Tuesday, please give. Give to the causes that move your soul & your heart, give to organizations that need support and dough to continue doing good work in the world, but mostly… give kindness & love and goodness and be generous because love & kindness & goodness and generosity never go out of style. You can accessorize all of that with whatever you’re wearing.
Give unconditionally because no one needs conditional love or kindness. Give a word of encouragement, give a hug to someone who needs to know that they matter, give a hand up to a human whose life needs to be lifted, give warmth to folks who are shivering from being unwanted, give a good look at folks who feel unseen, give a good listen – pay attention – to anyone who feels unheard. Pay a compliment to someone who feels invisible, unnoticed.
Please, don’t hoard generosity – the world is aching from cruelty. And if you got some extra love & kindness & goodness left over, give that away to someone who only knows what it’s like to be shun, turned away from.
Ken & I are giving to these org’s today:
Women’s eNews (The Ovary Office) because Lori Sokol makes this world better & more beautiful and she lifts me every single day.
Peters Valley School of Craft because Art Saves Lives & I am grateful to be on the board and be apart of that glorious community & because Kristin Muller makes the world shinier & more creative.
The SERO Project because Sean Strub a true champion of all that’s good & kind & glorious in this world and because no one lifts & inspires young people like Cindy Stine – she is a magnificent glorious SHEro!
Planned Parenthood, ACLU, and yes, the Humane Society because pets love us even when we don’t love us.
I love you all.
Give today so tomorrow feels kinder.
HIV – Is it Still REAL?
Amy Ferris, thank you for sharing your words. In Memory of beloved cousin, Stuart Freedman Colby, you were loved by many and recognized for the kind and wonderful individual you were. I think Stuart often and my heart hurts that he had to hide and live without the support of his parents. We all should live our lives to enrich the community we are all part of.
World AIDS Day- Amy Ferris
A day we remember those we loved & lost; friends and family, neighbors and co-workers, lovers and partners.
A day we stand up for and with – alongside – those we love & cherish who are living with HIV/AIDS.
A day we honor all the activists & all the warriors & all the human rights champions – all the extraordinary humans – all the men & women – who fight every single day of their lives against discrimination and the stigma; who showed us and taught us that silence is not golden – to be loud and noisy and to make a fucking ruckus.
Heroes and SHEroes all.
I raise my voice & my coffee cup in your honor.
A Podcast Legacy_Share in the Memories
What is a podcast? Why Should I list? Why would I want to create one?
A podcast is a digital recording. Here at, we have several podcast hosts who record with us and place their recordings on our site that where it is distributed to various listening platforms such as iHeart, Spotify, Google, Spreaker, etc. Each podcast has a host, and I (Karen Hale) produce, engineer, and develop social media for each program.
Check out
Gary Moss ( suggested to me that this would be an ideal platform for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends to share their legacy/life journey.
When Gary began podcasting with us, he had just started his 77 Sunset Trip, driving cross-country to play Scrabble™, meeting up with friends and family from the past as well as finding new and exciting individuals along the way. One such individual was a mechanic who fixed Gary’s car during his travels for under $5 (who would have thunk?)
This is when our proverbial wheels started to turn. We all have so much to share (not the FAKE NEWS,) but the journeys we have taken in life and our experiences that have helped influence us and others. So with the assistance of Gary in Southern California, and specifically in his Senior Citizen community, we are offering this service to YOU!
What a great holiday gift this is for your family as well as for others.
Too often, we forget that our elders have the wisdom to share by leading us down the path they have traveled. The stories they will bestow will enlighten as they explore their past. The history recorded will allow them to leave behind their thoughts and wishes. A podcast will provide them the venue to remember and share their memories guiding us all through our tomorrows.
Contact for more information or